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A Boat

The Life- boat Henry, stationed at this place, per- formed her first errand of mercy on the 28th June. It appears that a boat for the use of the packet agent there had been brought over in tow of the Ilfra- combe steamer, and was cast off, as wished, abreast of Lynmouth, in charge of a man named WILLIAM GKOVES. It was low- water at the time, and the sea had risen so much that the boat could not make the shore then, and she therefore' came to an anchor, and rode safely until the wind and sea rose with so much rapidity that the boat dragged her anchor, and it was evident the man on board was in great peril. As no ordinary boat could go to his aid, 'the wind then blowing quite a gale and the sea running very high, the Life-boat was got out, and although fewer people were about than usual, she was taken to the beach, manned, and launched in a quarter of an hour. She behaved admirably in -the surf, and was soon, instrumental in saving the man, who had given up all hope of his life, for he did not see the Life-boat coming to his aid I until she was quite near him..