Annual Report
AT the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, held at the Mansion House, by the kind permission of the Eight Honourable The LORD MAYOR of London, on Monday, the 8th clay of April, 1872, CAPTAIN His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, K.G., E.N., in the Chair, the following Report of the Committee -was read by the Secretary:— ANNUAL REPORT, THE Committee of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, in presenting their animal statement to its supporters and ; to the public, on this, its forty-eighth | anniversary, desire to express their grateful thanks to all those who have afforded ; it their generous aid. At the last Annual Meeting they had to regret a falling off in the contributions of the previous year, arising mainly from the large subscriptions raised throughout the country for the relief of the sick and wounded, and other victims of the fearful war which raged in France.
Happily, however, with the return of peace the stream of charity has also re- turned to its wonted channels, and the receipts of the Institution, during the past year, have accordingly been considerably in excess of those of the year 1870.
In the year 1867 the Institution was honoured by the Presidency, at its Annual Meeting, of His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES.
The Committee have now to congratu- late the supporters of the Society on the circumstance of CAPTAIN THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, R.N., having kindly con- sented to preside over the present meet- ing, and they beg now to tender to his Royal Highness their warm thanks for the great honour he has thus conferred on the Institution.
The year's transactions may be sum- marized as follows: Life-loats. — Since the last Report eighteen new Life-boats have been placed on the coast; some of them at new sta- tions, and others to replace worn-out or inferior boats. They are stationed at the following places:— ENGLAND.
Flamborongh (2 Boats).
KENT Bridlington.
milestone (Dun- GLAMORGANSHIRE . .
. Porthcawl.
. Pembrey.
. Rhoscolyn.
North Berwick.
Co. LOUTH Drogheda.
DUBLIN .... Howth.
WEXFORD .... Wexford.
WATERFORD . . . Dungarvan.
New transporting-carriages and boat- houses have likewise been provided for several of the above boats.
The Institution has now two hundred and thirty-three Life-boats on the coasts of the United Kingdom, and in the Chan- nel Islands.
During the past year these boats saved the lives of six hundred and fifty-eight persons; nearly the whole of them being under circumstances of peril that would have precluded any ordinary boats from proceeding to their aid.
Shipwrecks.—The storms of the past year, in the seas of the British Isles, have fortunately not been characterized by any fearful shipwrecks, attended with great loss of life.
Towards the latter end of the year the gales on our coasts became unusually fre- quent and violent. Between the 6th and the 22nd December the crews of the Life- boats of the Institution distinguished them- selves much in saving 146 lives from various Shipwrecks.
The total number of Shipwrecks on the coast of the United Kingdom in 1871 was 1,574, accompanied by the loss of 626 lives.
The Committee deeply regret to have to report, on the authority of the Board of Trade Returns, the loss of so many valuable men, a very large proportion of whom were engaged in the Mercantile Marine of the United Kingdom. Still, every friend of the Life-boat cause will rejoice to learn that the Institution contributed during the same period to the rescue of 882 lives.
Of these, 658 owe their lives immediately to the services of the Life-boats; and for saving the remainder the Institution granted rewards to the Crews of Shore- boats and other persons, in acknowledg- ment of their laudable exertions.
It should be mentioned that, in addition to these services, no fewer than 31 ships were saved by the Life-boats, and that in other cases the boats were repeatedly signalled off by distressed vessels, and afterwards contributed largely to their preservation by encouraging the crews to remain by their ships, and, occasionally, by taking them ashore, in their alarm, and in putting them on board again when the storm had lulled. Even in such instances the hardships and risks occasionally en- dured by the Life-boat crews are very great It is indeed gratifying to know that the Life-boat services of the year have been characterised by their usual gal- lantry, and without the loss of a single life amongst their brave crews; which circumstance instinctively excites our gratitude to Him whom the winds and seas obey.
A detailed list of the great services rendered by the boats of the Institution, during the past year, is annexed.
The efforts of the Board of Trade con- tinue unceasing in the maintenance and extension of the Rocket Apparatus on the Coasts of the United Kingdom, which con- tributes every year, under the zealous management of the officers and men of the Coastguard service, to the rescue of hundreds of persons from Shipwreck at places where, from their rocky nature, Life-boats could not be made use of.
The number of lives saved during the forty-eight years from the establishment of the Institution in -1824, to the end of the year 1871, either by its Life-boats or by special exertions for which it has granted rewards, is as follows:— IntheYear 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 124 218 175 163 301 463 372 287 310 449 214 364 IntheYear 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 No. of Lives Saved.
225 272 45S 279 353 128 •276 236 193 235 134 157 In lie Year 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 No. of Lives Saved.
123 209 470 230 773 678 355 406 473 374 427 499 In the Year 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 No. of Lives Saved.
455 424 574 714 698 714 921 1,086 862 1,231 784 882 Total . . 20,746 The Life-boats ot tie Institution were instrumental in 1871 in rescuing the crews of the following Wrecked Vessels :— 1871.
Hopeman and Skye fishing-boats... 11 Howth—dredging barge 4 /dun, barque, of Bergen 16 India, barque, ol Shields 16 Intrepid, schooner, of Liverpool— rendered assistance, Isabella Heron, brigantine, of Blytb —Saved vessel and crew 6 Jane, brigantine, of Barmouth 5 Jane KUgour, barque, of London .. 13 Jeune CoZomoe.-brig, of St. Malo... 7 Jubilee, schooner, of Preston 4 Kingsbridge Packet, steamer—ren- dered assistance.
Lady Hunttey, brigantine,ofMaiyport 4 Lark, smack, of Wexford 2 Launceston. barque, of Shields 14 Lucie .Antoinette, schooner, of Nantes 5 Lynmouth Packet-boat 3 Margaret, brigantine, of ] ancaster . 25 Major, schooner, of Lynn 4 Maria, ship, of Dunedin 19 Martha, barque, of Arendal 15 Mary, schooner, of Shields 4 Atersey, schooner, of Liverpool 4 Mexican, barque, of St. John's, N.B.
—Rendered assistance.
Morning Star, brig, of Dublin 6 Musselburgh, dandy, of Lowestoft.. 11 Newbiggin fishing cobles—assisted to save seven boats.
Nigretta, brigantine, of New York . 7 Xorval, brigantine, of Seaham- as- sisted to save vessel and crew ... 7 Orb, of Whltby—saved brig 7 Osborne, brig, of Hartlepool 8 Oxalis, schooner, of Macduff 4 Paquita, barque, of Santander—As- sisted to save vessel and crew ... 16 Pausilippo, schooner, of Ramsey... 3 Pierre Desiree, schooner, of St.
Valerie—saved vessel and crew.. 4 Pomona, brigantine, of Dundalk— saved vessel and crew 5 Queen, brigantine, of Yougnal 6 H. B., schooner, of Bayonne 7 Rapid, schooner, of Preston—saved vessel and crew 2 Regina, brig, of London 7 Richard and Harriet, barque 1 River tfith, ship, of Liverpool— Rendered assistance.
Robina, barque, of North Shields... 17 Koscius, brigintine, of Belfast—saved Rose, schooner, of Ipswich—saved vessel and crew 4 Samuel and Ann, schr., Yarmouth . 4 Sarah., brig, of SvmdcrlaTid 6 Scarborough fishing cobles—assisted four boats.
Sea, barque, of Montrose—assisted to save vessel.
Sort, Austrian brig—assisted to save Adelaide, schooner, of Malahlde.... 5 Albert, barque, of Bremen 21 Albion, barque, of Rostock 10 -Albion, schooner, of Beanmaris— saved vessel and crew 3 Alexandra, screw stcamer,ofLondon 23 Angora, schooner, of Bangor—as- sisted to save vessel and crew ... 7 Ann, schooner, of Inverness Ann Mitchell, schooner, of Newquay 5 St. Fergus, schooner, of Aberystwith —remained by vessel.
St. Thomas's Packet, of Blyth—as- sisted to save vessel and crew.... 6 Storm, barque, of Cardiff—remained by vessel.
Stranger, schr., of Newfoundland.. 3 Temperance Star, Margaret, and 6 S"s, cobles—assisted vessels.
Teviotdale, barque, of North Shields —remained by vessel.
Thessalia, brig, of Whitby 9 Three Sisters, barque, of Genoa .... 6 Times, barque, of Liverpool 17 Trafalgar, sloop, of Cley—saved vessel and crew 2 Trioner, brig, of Arendal, Norway . 9 Typhon, brig, of Tvedestrand, Nor- way—saved vessel and crew..... 8 Vale of Convmy, smack, of Beau- maris 3 Valiant, brig, of Jersey 7 Venus, schooner, of Preston—re- mained alongside.
Wanderer, brig, of Maryport 10 Whltby fishing-cobles ] 8 William, brigantine, of Londonderry 5 Wittiam, schooner, of Liverpool— saved vessel and crew 3 Windsor, brig, of Lynn 6 Zoe, brigantine, of Dundalk—re- mained by vessel.
-j __ Total Lives saved by Life-boats, in 1871, in addition to 31 vessels .. 658 During the same period the Insti- tution granted rewards forsaving Lives by fishing and other boats. 224 Total of Lives saved) Ror, in Twelve Months.. |_B8Z Arctic Hero, barque, of Goole 1 Azela, brig, of Blyth—assisted to save vessel and crew 8 Benjamin Whitworth, s.s., of Middles- borough—remained by vessel.
British Queen, brig, of London .... 7 Calamidas, Greek brig 11 Carnsew, schooner,' of Hayle 4 Cassandra, barque, of Liverpool... 21 Champion, brig, of Shoreham—saved vessel and crew Charles Philip, smack—assisted to save vessel and crew 3 Confidence, schooner, of Aberystwith 2 Corntiill, brigantine, of Dungarvan. 3 Courier, schooner, of Lerwick—ren- dered assistance.
Cynthia, schooner, of Montrose 2 Cyrus, brigantine, of Eye Dania, Danish Schooner 5 Demitian Lais, smack, of Skye .... 4 Dispatch, schooner, of Whltby 3 Echo, brigantine, of Maldon 6 Echo, of Lowestoft—saved lugger.
Eleanor, schooner, of Newquay— assisted to save vessel and crew .. 4 Eliza, schooner of Pwllheli—ren- dered assistance.
Elizabeth** Cicely, brig, of Guernsey 8 Eguestrian, ketch, of Port Gordon- Saved vessel and crew 4 Excel, schooner, of Goole—rendered assistance.
Fleetwood, man overtaken by tide.. I Flora, brig, of Poole 6 Francis, schooner, of Cardigan— Saved vessel and crew 4 Friend's Increase, barge, of London 4 Friendship, galliot, of Goole 3 HalsweU, of Bridgwater.and J. W. A., of Newquay, schooners 10 Handy, schooner, of Wexford 5 Hot/tie, yacht, of Cromer 3 .Pope, brig, of Portsmouth—remained by vessel.
Number of Lives resoled by Life-boats, in addition to 31 vessels saved by them. ...
Number of Lives saved by Shore-boats, &c 2,332 511 Amount of Pecuniary Rewards for Saving Life during the Year Honorary Rewards: Silver Medals 7 Votes of Thanks on Vellum 12 Total 19 882 £2,302 511 O 2 Words fail adequately to delineate the blessings that have flowed to countless numbers of families—apart from those actually saved—by the preservation of upwards of 20,000 persons from Ship- wreck, as is here shown. Happily the Life-boat work is now an established fact —and it is certain to be undertaken, with the highest probability of success, on every occasion of storm and danger.
Rewards.—In the Appendix a summary is given of the cases in which honorary and other rewards have been voted. During the past year 7 Silver Medals, 12 Votes of Thanks inscribed on vellum, and 2,302L have been granted for saving the lives of 882 persons by Life-boats, shore and fishing-boats, and other means, on the coasts and outlying banks of the United Kingdom.
The granting of these Rewards con- tinues to occupy the careful consideration of the Committee. Each case is minutely inquired into beforehand, through the co-operation of the Officers of Coastguard and Customs, the local Honorary Secre- taries of the several Branches of the In- stitution, or other responsible persons; and afterwards they are thoroughly scru- tinised by the preparatory Committee, previous to their being sanctioned by the General Committee at their monthly meet- ings.
The Committee have continued to re- ceive the prompt and cordial co-operation of the Lords Commissioners of the Admi- ralty, of Captain G. 0. WILLES, E.N., C.B., and of the Officers and men of the Coast- guard Service, to whom the best thanks of the Institution are now again cordially rendered.
Since the formation of the Society, it has expended on Life-boat establishments, and other means for saving life from Ship- wreck, 292,5002., and voted 91 Gold and 828 Silver Medals for saving life, besides pecuniary rewards to the amount of 37,320Z.
Local Committees.—The Committee de- sire once more to tender their best thanks for the valuable co-operation afforded them by the Local Branch Committees, which constitute so important a portion of the machinery of the Institution for the super- vision of its several Life-boat establish- ments, and they acknowledge also the valuable and gratuitous services of the ! zealous Honorary Secretaries of those ! Committees.
Finances.—The total amount of receipts during the year 1871 has been 28,1407.
4s. 3d.', and of this sum 5,872?. 14s. 6d.
were special gifts, to defray the cost of the following nine Life-boats:— £. s. d.
Banff—John E. Lightfoot, Esq., in memory of the late Mrs. Lightfoot. 450 0 0 Dungeness—Mrs. Jane Hatton, in memory of the late Dr. Hatton . 700 0 0 Flamborough, No. 2 (South Side)— " S. Michael's, Paddington," Life- boat Fund 640 0 0 Howth—A Friend, per Miss Clara Baker 680 0 0 North Berwick—Freemasons of Eng- land, per Lodge of Faith, No. 141 . 42214 6 Selsey—The Misses Hallam and Mrs.
Margaret Birt 500 0 0 Sunderland, No. 4—Mrs. Eliza Foul- ston 680 0 0 Walmer—A Friend 1,000 0 0 Wexford, No. 1—J. M. S 800 0 0 The Committee acknowledge the receipt, since the last Report, of the following special contributions: — £. ». d.
Birkbeck, E., Esq., V.P., annual dm. 52 10 0 Boys, Mrs. Elizabeth, additional . . 100 0 0 Bristol Mercantile Marine Office, ad- ditional collections 82 19 11 C. T., a sailor's daughter, produce of sale of needlework, additional . . 10 0 0 Collected in pence by Miss Landale and fourteen friends 21 0 0 " Customs " Life-boat Fund, per Wil- liam Wybrow, Esq., and Howard Payn, Esq • . . 163 8 6 Fore Street Elocutionary Society, proceeds of Entertainmen6 at St.
George's Hall 35 11 6 Greenock, proceeds of a Concert by the Ship-riggers and Sailors of, per Mr. Thos. Blair 30 1 0 Hetherington, J. M., Esq., of Man- chester 115 10 0 H. R 25 0 0 Italy, the Government of .... 20 0 0 Kurrachee, proceeds of an entertain- ment at the Frere Hall, per Capt.
Giles. Master Attendant.
15 9 4 10 0 0 Lancashire Kifle Volunteers, 3rd Ad- ministrative Battalion, collected after a sermon preached in the camp at Accrington, on 3rd July, per Lieut.-Colonel Hargreaves and J. Ediuondson, Esq., additional M. M. M., in Memory of, annual .
1 13 0 Malvern, No. 4, College Grounds, col- lected by the Boys at 10 0 0 Myrmidon, H.M.S., Proceeds of En- tertainment given by the Amateur Theatrical Company of that ship, per Lieut. H. N. Alleyne, K.N.
15 H 7 Natal, Royal Mail Steamer, collected on board the, per Mr. S. K. P.
Caines 64 18 11 Newport (Mou.) Histrionic Club, pro- ceeds of an entertainment by the Members of the 10 0 0 718 105 0 0 50 0 0 Ocean, H.M S., Proceeds of Sale of Kacing Cutter presented to the In- stitution by racing crew of this ship, first commission under Capt. Stan- hope, R.N., per Capt. A. Tinklar, K.N., and C. H. S. Leicester, Esq..
Oxford Gas Company's Workmen, per Charles Henwood, Esq. .
Pertwee, Joseph, Esq., additional Plumer, Mrs. C. M., " In Memory of a beloved Sister " 41 0 6 50 0 0 Roman, Cape Royal Mail Steam Ship, collected on board the, per Lieut. Vyvyan, R.N.K Vansittart, A. A., Esq., additional .
Weston-super-Mare, collected at, per Capt. G. Buubury, R.N 21 2 6 LIFE-BOAT GIFTS IN 1872.
Forteath, Mrs. Harriott, for WMtby No. 2 Life-boat 680 0 0 Grove, Miss J. E. Chafyn, for Porth- cawl new Life-boat 680 0 0 Lingham, Mrs., for Rhosneigir new Life-boat 680 0 0 A friend, further on account of Walmer new Life-boat . . . 300 0 0 LEGACIES IN 1871-2.
Atton, Robert, Esq., Taunton . . 800 0 0 Baker, Miss Elizab.. Stutton, Suffolk 100 0 0 Baker, Miss Harriet, Stutton, Suffolk 100 0 0 Black, Mr. Matthew, Elie, N.B. . 10 0 0 Burd, Mrs., Wantage 1,500 0 0 Campbell, Mr. William, Hustings 10 0 0 £. *. d.
Childers, Miss Maria, Doneaster . 10 0 0 Chorley, Henry Fothergill, Esq., Eaton Place West 600 0 0 Clark, Miss Mary, Ramsgate . . 1000 Cosens, William, Esq., Langdon, Dawlish 200 0 0 Croyden, Mrs. Lucy, Portswood . 69 10 8 Davidson, Mrs. Isabella, Conway . 100 0 0 Dean, W. H., Esq., Stratford . . 100 0 0 Fitch, Mrs. Frances, Bath . . . 500 0 0 Forbes, James Stewart, Esq., Yv'im- bledon (reversionary) . . . . 5,000 0 0 Cover, Miss Eleanor, Pimlico . . 100 0 0 Graham, John, Esq., Ide Hill, Sevenoaks 1,000 0 0 Griffiths, James, Esq., R.N., Wick- ham Market 50 0 0 Eowell, J., Esq., Cadogan Place . 200 0 0 Hussey, P. L., Esq., Brighton (re- versionary) 50 0 0 Hutchinsoii, Mrs. Laura Catherine, Lancaster (reversionary) . . . 1,000 0 0 Jones, Wm. Henry, Esq., Brixtou . 10 10 0 Knight, Miss Maria, Hathern . . 100 0 0 Leeves, Edward, Esq., Venice . . 100 0 0 Lewis, Mr. Jno., Bath (reversionary) 20 0 0 Lyon, Mrs. Jane, Knightsbridge . 500 0 0 McKinnel or Hannay, Mrs. Mary, Kirkcudbright, N.B 100 0 0 Neale, Miss Eliza, to- wards the building of a " Pendock Neale " Life-boat .... 246 16 7 Also donation from Miss J. E. Herring, New- port, I.W., in aid of bame Life-boat, in me- mory of departed friends 100 0 0 346 16 7 Pearson, Robert, Esq., Newcastle- upon-Tyne (reversionary share of residue) Repper, Mrs. Mary Ann, Camborne 1018 Russell, Lady Frankland, Thirkleby 100 0 0 Shipstone, Thomas, Esq., Bevcrley 45 0 0 Speight, William, Esq., Ossett, York 20 0 0 Stanton, W., Esq., Bramley Wharf, Dividends on 500 0 0 Stone, Richard, Esq., Ulceby . . 100 0 0 Tancred, J. J., Esq., Pearville, Co.
Dublin 1,000 0 0 Tredwell, Wm., Esq., Handsworth, Staffordshire ]05 0 0 Walmesley, Mrs. C. E., Connaught Square 300 0 0 Watson, Mrs. Eliza, Loughton. . 10 J 0 0 Willement, Thomas, Esq., Daving- ton Priory, Faversham. ... 5) 0 0 Windsor, J., Esq., Ipswich (rever- sionary) 10 0 0 During the past year 11,125Z. Os. 5d.
were expended on additional Life-boats, transporting-carriages, boat-houses, and necessary gear; 8,048Z. 14s. 8d. on the ex- penses of repairs, painting, refitting, &c.; and 5,898Z. 14s. 5d. in rewards for services to shipwrecked crews, coxswains' salaries, and quarterly practice of the Life-boats' crews ; making altogether, including liabi- lities amounting to l,885i. 5s. on Life-boat Stations now in course of formation, and other expenses, a total of 29,42B. Is. %d.
The items of receipt and expenditure are detailed in the financial statement annexed to this Report, audited by Mr. LOVELOCK, public accountant.
It is a source of considerable satis- faction to the Committee to report so favourable and encouraging a state of the : Finances of the Society. Still, looking not i only to the vicissitudes of the future, but ! to the certain annual expenditure required for the maintenance of every Life-boat it possesses, it is manifest that the Com- mittee must not, for one moment, relax their ! efforts to enlist the continued co-operation : and pecuniary assistance of the British ! Public; as that alone, under God, can I secure the permanent efficiency of the important work which they have under- taken to carry out and to superintend on the Coasts of the British Isles. Thus i animated and impressed, they feel no hesitation in appealing, with renewed con- fidence, to all classes of their countrymen for their continued sympathy and support, : on behalf of this great and peculiarly National Institution.