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William, of Liverpool

On the 5th February a very gallant service, which challenged and secured the admiration of the town, was performed by the same valuable Life-boat. It was blowing a fresh gale from the S.S.E., when a vessel which entered the harbour reported a schooner in distress four miles to the west of the Point of Ayre.

The crew of the Life-boat with much alacrity assembled, and the boat pro- ceeded in the direction indicated through a heavy sea, when the schooner William, of Liverpool, was discovered in a leaky state, riding at anchor in a most dan- gerous situation. Some of the crew of the Life-boat went on board and assisted the 2 men and a boy who formed the crew of the little vessel, and an effort was made to navigate her into Peel; but this failed. Eventually, however, the wind having shifted to the W., the Life-boat arrived in Eamsey Harbour with the schooner and those on board, after the boat had been absent for about twenty- three hours..