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Sea of Montrose & the Amerecan Ship Joseph Fish

Several services have been j performed this year by the valuable Life- boat on this station, the Bradford, in conjunction with her handy and ever- ready consort, tho harbour steam-tug Vulcan. Tho first was that rendered on the 7th January. During a fresh wind from tho W.S.W. on that morning, signal guns and rockets were fired from | the Gull Light Ship, and wero answered by a rocket from the East Pier, signifying that, as visual, the Life-boat and steamer wero at once comingTout to the Sands in response to the signals of distress. On reaching tho Light Vessel it was found that a largo light, like a burning tar barrel, had been seen in a south-easterly direction, and on proceeding towards the spot the barque Sea, of Montrose, was found on the south end of the Goodwin Sands.There was not sufficient depth of water for the steamer to cross them, so the Life-boat was slipped to windward, and the steamer proceeded round the Head to the eastward of the Sands, and steering as closely as prudent to their edge, and keeping the lead going, they were ulti- mately enabled, on arriving opposite the vessel, to back in towards her, when the master at once requested their assistance to got his vessel off, as a heavy ground swell was running at the time. With some difficulty the tug's hawser was got on board the vessel just as the Life-boat reached the spot, and, after towing for some considerable time, as the tide flowed the vessel was successfully got off, she striking heavily as she floated, and was taken by the steamer to a safe anchorage in the Downs.

Meanwhile, the Life-boat, on being slipped from the steamer, had proceeded under sail towards another largo light, which was found to be shown from the American ship Joseph Fish, having a valuable cargo of wheat and flour, and on reaching her the pilot took the as- sistance of 5 of the Life-boat men, who wore put on board, and the boat, as already mentioned, proceeded to the scene of the stranding of tho other ship, but on find- ing that tho steamer was able to render her all necessary aid, she returned to the Joseph Fish, and at tho request of tho pilot 3 more men went on board her, as she was making a great deal of water.

Two steamers also came to tho assistance of the vessel and took a tow rope from either side of her bow, and ultimately she was got off and proceeded in tow of the steamers to the Thames, tho 8 Life-boat men remaining in the vessel to assist, and the Life-boat making for tho Downs., whence she was towed into harbour by the steam-tug Vulcan, after an absence of seven hours..