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Lady Huntley, of Maryport

During a south- easterly gale the brigantine Lady Huntley, of Maryport, parted from both her an- chors and went ashore in Ramsey Bay before daybreak on the morning of the 16th January. As the tide made the vessel was gradually covered, until at high tide only her topsailyard was above water. She had come ashore a consider- able distance from the harbour, and not being able to burn any light, and the night being very dark, nothing was known of the wreck until daybreak, when the crew of 4 men were observed clinging to the rigging, from which perilous po- sition they were soon rescued by the Two Sisters Life-boat.

About three years since this Life-boat was placed at Kamsey through the aid of the Manchester Branch of the Institution, and she has since then been of inestimable benefit to the crews of distressed vessels..