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Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society

THE Thirty-second Annual Meeting of this philanthropic Institution, which is supported entirely by voluntary contributions to assist destitute persons cast away upon our coasts, was held on the 26th May last at the Mansion House, the Right Hon. the LORD MAYOR of London in the Chair.

Amongst those present were—Admirals, Hon.

J. DONCOMBE and Sir W. H. HALL, K.C.B.; Captains Royal Navy, Hon. FRANCIS MAUDE, V.P., .HENRY McC. ALEXANDER and W. H.

SYMOSS (Second Secretary); Revs. HUGH ALLEN, D.D., and A. S. HERRING ; Capts. MORRIS, CARE, and DASHWOOD ; Esquires G. A. BIIOG RAVE, V. P., WM. STUART, V.P., G. J. ABBOTT, and A. BAKER, together with many ladies, amongst whom were the LADY MAYORESS with her daughters.

The LORD MAYOR, after having at some length dwelt on the great value of the Society, which had peculiar claims on the merchants and shipowners of London and other ports, called on FRANCIS LEAN, Esq., R.N., the Secretary, to read the Annual Report, in which reference was made to the fearful war which had been raging on the Continent. Allusion was also made to the heavy gales which had ravaged our coasts during the past year, spreading, as they had done, destruction anlongst our shipping, accompanied with appalling loss of life. These disasters were especially nu- merous on the N. E. coast of England, and had been brought home by the Public Press to every heart. However, it was gratifying to know that, on such melancholy occasions, the value of this great and national Society was prominently brought forward. Its mission then commenced in succouring the distressed sailor, in clothing him, and in sending him home to his family.

Thus the Society had relieved shipwrecked per- sons, natives and 'foreigners of twelve different nations, and 3,937 widows and orphans of fisher- men and mariners, making a total, since the formation of the Society in 1839, of 203,787. There were now 48,258 mariners voluntarily subscribing 3s. each per annum to the Society, and its income during the past year had amounted altogether to 22,661/., in connection with which certain large donors were mentioned, viz.:—HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN, 251. (annual); "H. D. Y.," 1,0001.; A Friend (per the Secretary) 25/.; Mrs. HENRY CARR, 251.; R. L.

CHANCE, Esq., 217.; Governors and Directors of the London Assurance Corporation, 251.; Miss ADELAIDE WILLIAMSON (from sale of work), 29/. 10s.; Proceeds of Basket, per Mrs. MAYNARD (Liverpool), 251. ; LADY LAWLEY, 501. • Mrs. C. SMITH, 20J.; Trustees of the late WM. THORNC ATE, Esq. (per HENRY COMPIEGNE, Esq.), 201., Mrs.

HENRY KEMBLE, 25/.; Mrs. CHOLMLEY, 257.; Dowager Marchioness of WESTMINSTER, 201.; Capt. A. A. G. DASHWOOD, 301.; Committee of the Odd Fellows and Foresters' Fete, Ipswich), 20/.; and THOMAS SHADBERRY, ESQ., 300/. Great Northern Railway Stock.

Several legacies to the Society had also been announced during the past year.

In the Report the Committee referred to the efforts of the Society in granting rewards for saving life on the high seas and on the coasts of the British Colonies, and drew attention to the Royal Alfred Aged Merchant Seamen's Institution, established through the medium of the Society at Belvedere-on-Thames. It was satisfactory to know that 80 poor men were now happily lodged within its walls, and that a large number of other seamen were receiving small out-pensions to keep them in their declining years.

The Report also drew attention to the little quarterly periodical of the Society called The Slap-wrecked Mariner, and concluded by stating that 9,675 persons suffering from the perils of the deep during the past year, through the bless- ing of God and the benevolence of the supporters of the Society, had their sufferings materially alleviated.

Various resolutions having been moved and seconded, the Meeting separated after the usual vote of thanks to the Chairman.