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A large vessel was observed on the outer end of St. Patrick's Causeway, about twelve miles from the shore on the 19th November, and two boats from her were seen to be making for the land. It was blowing fresh from the north-west at the time.

The Barmouth life-boat Ellen was promptly taken out to meet the boats, and fortu- nately succeeded in getting outside the broken water before they had arrived at the bar, on which a heavy sea was break- ing, which they could hardly have passed through in safety. Some of the 17 men in the two boats were then taken into the life-boat, part of whose crew went into the boats and steered them ashore, all landing in safety. The vessel was the barque Medoc, of Bordeaux, 604 tons, Eoux, master, bound from Havannah to Liverpool, with a cargo of sugar. She had gone on the Causeway at two o'clock in the morning. Afterwards she floated off nearly full of water, drifted to the southward, and ultimately sank off Aber- dovey..