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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 6th Oct., 1870: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Head and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

 Read and approved the Report of Captain J. R. WARD, R.N., the Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to Harrogate, Seaham, Sunderland, West Hartlepool, Whitby, Staithes, Kinsgate, Broadstairs, Ramsgate, Mar- gate, Deal, Walmer, Kingsdowne, Dover, Winchel-sea, Rye, Dungeness, Hastings, Eastbourne, and Newhaven.

Also the Report of Captain DAVID ROBERTSON, R.N., the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to Youghal, Ballycotton, Ardmore, Dungarvan, Tramore, Duncannon, Carnsore, Wexford, Rosslare, Cahore, Courtown, Arklow, Wicklow, Kingstown, Howth, Liverpool, Palling, Yarmouth, Aldborough, Thonpe, and Portloe.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions in aid of the funds of the Institution since .the last Meeting:— £. s. d.

Trustees of the late THOMAS BOYS, Esq., per G. H. WHITE, Esq., additional . 200 0 0 British Workman Life-boat Fund, per T. B. SMITHIES, Esq., additional . 170 0 0 Bristol Histrionic Club, annual subscription in aid of the support of its Life-boat at Lossiemouth, per Messrs.

J. W. THORNE and E. AUSTIN . . 40 0 0 Collected in the Bristol Marine Office, per Capt. THOMAS SMITH, additional 1400 ' T. H. N., Thanksgiving for a safe voyage' 10 0 0 — To be severally thanked.

Read letter from GEORGE MATHIESON, Esq., Treasurer of the Edinburgh and Leith Branch of the Society, of the 7th Sept., forwarding a cheque for 500?., being the amount of the legacy bequeathed to the Institution by the late Miss MARY WALKER, of Coates, N.B., in aid of the support of the life-boats on the Scotch coast.

Decided that the executors be thanked.

Produced extracts from the following wills containing legacies to the Society:— The late Mrs. CATHERINE ANN JEREMY, of Ax- minster, reversionary, 1,000?.; the late S. S.

ALLEN, Esq., of Finsbury, 501. (free of duty); the late Mrs. AMELIA CASWELL, of Aulaby, York- shire, 20?.

Reported the transmission to its station of the British Workman Life-boat for Palling, Norfolk.

A successful launch of the boat had taken place on the 27th Sept., under the superintendence of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats. The EARL OF SHAFTESBURY, K.G., and T. B. SMITHIES, Esq., the Editor of the British Workman, had roost kindly proceeded specially from London to Palling to assist at the inauguration of the life- boat. — To be thanked.

Also the transmission to its station of the Seaham life-boat. The boat was exhibited in the Harrogate Chalybeate Grounds on the 26th and 27th Aug.; and it was publicly launched at Seaham on the 1st Sept., under the superintendence of the Inspector of Life-boats, the COUNTESS VASE naming the boat the Sisters Carter, of Harrogate.

Reported that THOMAS BRADBURY, Esq., of Bishopsgate Street, who had previously been a liberal donor to the Institution, had presented to it 300?. Great Northern Railway Stock, bearing interest at 6 per cent, per annum.— To be thanked.

The Secretary of the Institution reported that he had recently visited some of its life-boats on the coasts of Devon and Cornwall. He found all in excellent order ; and the crews everywhere continued to express their high appreciation of the qualities of the life-boats.

Ordered that a life-boat house be erected at Morte, North Devon, at a cost of 185?. 10s.

Decided that the thanks of the Institution be presented to Mr. EDWARD WHITFIELD and to Mr. JAMES BARNES, in acknowledgment of their valuable co-operation, extending over many years, as the Honorary Secretaries respectively of the Hauxley and the Silloth Branches of the Society.

Paid 2,966Z. 5s. 5d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, and 1Z. to Mr JOHN CUMMINGS, coxswain of the Arklow life-boat, and 161.,7s. to the crew, for their gallant services in going off, on the 2nd Sept., during a strong gale from S.S.W. and in a very heavy sea, to the schooner Dove, of Barrow, which had sunk on the Arklow Bank. The life- boat was quickly manned on the occasion, and launched through a fearfully high sea; and, after much difficulty and two hours' exertion, the crew succeeded in getting the shipwrecked persons on board the life-boat by means of ropes, with which they pulled-them through the surf, and ultimately brought them safely to shore, though in a very exhausted condition.

Also 9Z. 4s. to pay the expenses of the Greencastle life-boat, in putting off, during a westerly gale, on the 9th Sept., and saving the crew of 4 men belonging to the distressed schooner Caroline Martin of Glasgow, which was seen near the Tun Bank with both her masts cut away.

Also voted 861. 12s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the life-boats at Holyhead, Palling, Hasborough, Courtown, Whitehaven, Vhitburn, Dundalk, Campbeltown, Hewhaven, Caister, Southport, New Brighton, and Teignmouth, in either assembling the crews, or in putting off, in reply to signals of distress, to different vessels which subsequently got out of their dangerous positions without the aid of the life-boats.

Also 11. to the crew of a shore-boat at Blakeney, for going off, on the 8th Sept., during a very heavy W.N.W. wind, to the barque Vigilant, of Shields, which had stranded on the "West Sands, and rescuing her crew of 12 men.

Also 6/. to six men for putting off, in a skiff, from the farm of Balefuil, Isle of Tyree, and saving the lives of 4 men belonging to the schooner Favorite, of Douglas, which had struck on the rocks off Balefuil during a N. V. wind, on the lilth July last.

Also 51. to the crew of a Cullen fishing-boat, for saving the lives of 4 men from a boat named the Leader, of Port Gordon, which had been swamped two and a half miles east of Cairnbulg, during a severe gale from the north, on the 9th Sept.

Also 5Z. to 10 men for going off, in a small boat, from Newhaven, and rescuing 2 men from the French lugger Conciliator, of Nantes, which had stranded about 100 yards to the eastward of New- haven Pier, during a hard S.W. wind, on the 13th Sept.

Thursday, 3rd Nov.: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., F.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Read and approved the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats to the Society, on his recent visits to Aldborough, Thorpe, Southwold, Kessingland, Pakefield, and Lowestoft.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions in aid of the funds of the Institution since the last meeting

21 £.

s. d.

0 0 Bolton Branch, per Tuos. H. WINDER, Esq., for the Kessingland Life-boat. 509 Collected by LADY VIVIAN, in aid of the cost of a Life-boat . . . . 1-15 0 0 LADY B., further in aid of the cost of the Chapel Life-boat Station . . . 100 0 0 Collected on board the Royal Mail Steamer Briton, per Lieut. VYVYAN, R.N.R., additional 300 Officers and Crew of the ship May Queen, of Alloa, per Mr. J. Ross . 256 — To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of 3997. 17s. 3d., being the amount of the bequest left to the Institution by the late DUDLEY COSTELLO, Esq., of St. John's Wood.— The Executors to be than/led.

Reported the transmission to their stations of the new life-boats for Aldborough, Suffolk, and Portloe, Cornwall. Successful demonstrations had taken place with both boats. The first life- boat had been towed free from London to its station by the screw collier Dispatch, belonging to Messrs. FENWICK ; the Bristol and Exeter, and South Devon and Cornwall Railway Companies had granted a free conveyance over their lines to the latter boat between Bristol and Grampound Road.— To be thanked.

Read letter from His Worship the Mayor of Falmouth, and his two immediate predecessors in office, of the 8th Oct., stating that it had afforded them much satisfaction to be present on the occasion of the inauguration of the Portloe Life- boat Station, the cost of which life-boat had been defrayed by the legacy left to the Institution by the late JACOB GOKFENKLE, Esq., of Brownlow Hill, near Liverpool.

Ordered that a new life-boat be built for Buckie; and that it be named the James Sturm, after a gentleman of that name who had left a legacy to the Institution for the purpose of placing a new life-boat on the Scotch coast. ] Also that the St. Ives life-boat be appropriated  to the Covent Garden Life-boat Fund, which had ! realized 313/., through the kind exertions of | Messrs. J. WEBBER, H. BOCKING, and other friends.

Also that a small surf life-boat be placed at Pakefield, near Lowestoft, in addition to the present boat, the latter being intended for service on the outlying sandbanks, and being found too large for inshore work.

Also that a 33-feet 10-oared life-boat be placed at Greencastle, near Londonderry, the "present boat being found too small for the requirements of the station. j It was also decided to replace the iron life-boat at Buddon Ness, near Dundee, by a wooden boat 33 feet in length.

Read letter from Capt. A. TINKLAH, R.N., of Lower Norwood, of the 6th Oct., stating that the racing crew of H.M.S. Ocean had pleasure in pre- senting to the Institution their cutter, which was then lying at Portsmouth.— To be thanked.

Decided that the thanks of the Society be presented to JAMES RAMSDEN, Esq., and to Mr.

JAMES BARRY, in acknowledgment of their valu-able co-operation as honorary secretaries respec- tively of the Piel and the Newquay (Cardigan) branches of the Institution.

Decided that another l,00i)7. of the funded capital of the Institution be sold, to meet its heavy current expenses.

Paid 2,6697. Os. 4 2. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 97.14s. to pay the.expenses of the Ramsey life-boat in putting off on the 8th Oct., during a fresh gale from the east, to the schooner Gipsy, of Glasgow, which had stranded a short distance north of the harbour. The crew, 10 in number, were taken on board the life-boat and safely landed.

Also 107. 12s. Gd. to pay the expenses of the Kingsdowne life-boat in going off on the llth Oct., during a W.N.W. wind, to the Norwegian barque Hony Sverne, which had gone ashore on the Goodwin Sands. On the life-boat arriving at the wreck, they found that the crew had been taken out by a Deal boat, with the exception of the captain and mate, who had resolved to stay by the vessel. On the tide making, however, she was found to have broken her back, and they were then, though with great difficulty, taken on board the life-boat and brought safely ashore.

Also 157. 4s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the St. Andrew's life-boat in putting off and saving the crew of 6 persons from the schooner Let, of Fredericksund, which had stranded off St. An- drew's, during a gale from E.S.E., on the 12th October.

Also 257. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Lowes- toft life-boat in putting off, on the 12th October, in a W.S.W. wind, to the wrecked smack Olive, of Harwich, and rescuing 12 of her crew.

Also a further sum of 257. 10s. to the same life- boat for going off, on the night of the 18th Oc- tober, in a S.W. wind, and saving the lives of 8 men and a dog from the brig Glenora, which had struck on Corton Spit.

Also 207. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Corton life-boat in putting off, on the 12th October, to the smack Olive, of Harwich, and rescuing the re- maining 3 men, the others of the crew having been saved by the Lowestof't life-boat.

Also 87. 9s. 3d. to defray the expenses of the St. David's life-boat in going off, on the 12th October, during a fearful gale, and rescuing the crew of 2 men from the smack Transit, of Cardi- gan, which was wrecked in Ramsey Sound.

Also 87. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Porth- dinllaen life-boat, which assisted the distressed smack Hopewell, of Barmouth,, into harbour, during a N.N.W. gale, on the 13th October. The same life-boat afterwards rendered considerable assistance to the distressed ship Alliambra, of Liverpool.

Also 97. for the expenses of the Hayling Island life-boat, which went off, during a severe gale, on the 13th October, to the distressed brig Lisbon, of Glasgow. They took a pilot with them, whom they left on board the vessel, which was then taken to a place of safety.

Also 67. 67. to pay the expenses of the Ayr life- boat in putting off, on the 17th October, during a heavy gale from the N.W., to the stranded barque Orange Grove, of Glasgow, whose crew, however, refused to leave her. Towards evening, the weather got worse, and the life-boat again went to their assistance, when they were all taken on board and safely landed.

Also 77. 5s. to pay the expenses of the Port Isaac life-boat in saving the lives of 3 men from the Italian brig Stephana Grosso, of Genoa, which became a total wreck near Port Isaac, during a heavy N.W. gale, on the 24th October. The remainder of the crew were saved by the rocket apparatus.

Also 67. 13s. to pay the expenses of the Lland- dwy n life-boat in putting off, on the 24th October, during a severe gale from the N.W., and in a very rough sea, to the brigantine Meteor Flag, of Londonderry, and rescuing her crew of 5 men.

Also 87. to pay the expenses of the Clovelly life-boat in assisting to save the life of a fisher- man whose boat had foundered on the 28th October, during a heavy sea and in a N.N.W. wind.

Also 51. to 5 men who put off in an open boat during a heavy S. S.E. gale, on the 12th October, and, at some risk, saved the crew of 3 men from the smack Spread Eagle, of Aberayron, which had gone ashore off Newquay, Wales.

A reward of l. was also voted to the owner of the boat used by the salvors on the occasion.

Also 51. to 10 men for saving the lives of 2 men from the schooner Annie B. Smith, of Ardrossan, and 3 from the schooner Janet Hunter, of Greenock.

Both of these vessels had been run ashore near the Pollin Strand during a whole gale from the W.S.W., on the 9th September.

Also 21., to 6 men for wading into the surf and saving a man from the sloop Watsons, of Wick, which was wrecked at Caplie, near Anstruther, N.B., during a severe gale from the S. S.E., on the 10th October.

Voted also the thanks of the Institution to Mr. N. A. KNOX and Mr. EDWARD CARR, together with l. 10s. to 6 others, for manning two shore- boats and saving 2 men from a Portrush fishing- boat which*had capsized in a heavy gale from the S.W. in the Skerries Road, on the 9th September.

Also II. 15s., to the crew of a Broadstairs boat for saving the lives of a lady and gentleman who had been overtaken by the tide near Ramsgate, on the 28th August.

Also l. to 2 Clovelly fishermen who proceeded to the aid of 2 other men, whose boat had cap- sized, and one of whom they assisted in saving.

Also II. 10s. to 3 men who put off in a Teign- njouth Coastguard-boat and saved 2 others from a pleasure-boat that was in danger of going on Teignmouth Bar in a heavy sea, on the 2nd October.

Also 51. to 20 Kingsdowne men, who, by means of lines, saved 9 men from the schooner Humility, of Whitstable, which had gone ashore during a S.E. gale at Kingsdowne, on the 12th October last.

Also 21. 10». to 5 Coastguard-men for assisting 3 Fishguard fishermen who were in distress off that place, during a fresh gale, on the 15th.

Also voted 10/. to 10 men who put off in a boat and saved 4 of the crew of the brigantine Caroline, of Liverpool, which was driven ashore to the north of Castle Port, Co. Donegal, during the hurricane of the 9th September.

Unfortunately, one man was lost before the life- boat could get to the spot.

Reported the services of the Arbroath life-boat in putting off, on the 12th October, during a strong S.S.E. gale, and saving five fishing cobles of that port, which were observed to be in distress.

Also the services of the Penmon life-boat in putting off, on the 13th October, during a gale, and assisting to save the schooner Seven Sisters, of Lancaster, which was aground near the Dutch- man's Bank in a heavy sea.

Also the services of the Rhyl life-boat in going off, on the morning of the 13th October, to the flat Flora, of Runcorn, which was perceived to be dragging her anchors in a strong gale blowing from N.N.W. to N. The life-boat was towed out by the "tug Superb, and, by following the cox- swain's directions, the vessel and crew safely arrived in the harbour.

Also the services of the life-boat stationed at Filey, which was the means of saving, on the 16th October, during a strong gale from the east and in a very heavy sea, the lugger Refuge, of Filey, from drifting on to Filey Brigg Rock.

Also the services of the Wexford life-boat, on the 16th October, in rendering assistance to the barque Saltee, of Wexford, during a gale from N.N.W. The vessel was ultimately saved.

Also the services of the Fraserburgh life-boat to the schooner Charles Whiteway, of Runcorn, and her crew of 5 men, during a severe N.W. gale, on the 17th October. Fortunately the vessel succeeded, with the aid of the life-boat crew, in clearing the adjacent rocks, and pro- ceeded to Peterhead in safety.

Also the services of the Llanddwyn life-boat in rendering assistance to the distressed schooner Pacific, of Belfast, during a fresh wind, on the 21st October. On perceiving her signals, the life- boat was at once launched, and found she had her tiller broken. Two pilots were left on board, and the life-boat crew returned to shore and despatched a message for a steamer to go to the ship's aid, which towed her into port that evening.

Thursday, 1st December: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.K.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to Kessing- land, Lowestoft, Gorton, and Pakefield.

Also 3091. 10s. to pay the expenses of the life- boats stationed at Greencastle, Hornsea, New Brighton, Howth, Lytham, New Quay (Cardigan), Holyhead, Padstow, Abersoch,Portmadoc, Castle- town, Barmonth, Llanddwyn, Swansea, Broad- stairs, North Deal, Cahore, Porthdinllaen, Kings- ilowne, Whitburn, Lowestoft, Pakefield, Tenby, Brighstone Grange, and Great Yarmouth, in : putting off, in reply to signals of distress from ', various vessels, which, however, fortunately suc- ceeded in getting out of danger, or received as- sistance from other life-boats.

Many of these services occurred in the night time, and the crews, after many hours of hard exertion, were completely exhausted when they returned to their stations.

Voted the thanks of the Institution to Capt. u*uu, uuncatuu,, wium, »mi *. oncuciu.

J. D. CURTIS, R.N., Inspecting Commander, and Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Mr. MATTHEW SHEA, Chief Officer, of H.M. Coast j Life-boats, on his recent visits to Penarth, Perth- Guard at Moville, Co. Donegal, for going out in cawl, Swansea, Pembrey, Llanelly, Ferryside, the Greencastle lite-boat on the occasion of her ! Tenby, Milford, Solva, St. David's, Fishguard, saving, under arduous circumstances, the crew of j Cardigan, Newquay, Aberystwith, Aberdovey, the wrecked schooner Caroline Martin, on the ! Barmouth, Portmadoc, Abersoch, and Porth- 9th September last. I dinllaen.


Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on I Reported the receipt of the following special vellum, to Mr. W. B. LIDDELL, for saving, at the I contributions in aid of the funds of the Institu- risk of his life, the captain of the smack Ruby, tion since the last meeting :— of Glasgow, which was wrecked during a strong 1 £. «.

His Grace The DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH, per Colonel FiTzRov CLAYTON, annual subscription 10 10 Newcastle, Tynemouth, and Cullercoats Branch, per HUGH TAYLOR, Esq. ad- ditional 100 0 wind at Ardbeg Point, on the 9th September.

Also 51. to 6 men for going off in a boat on the same day and rescuing the crew of 4 men from the brigantine Meteor, of Belfast, which had been run ashore on Arranmore Ibland, Co.


23 £. s. d.

Trustees of the late WM. THORNGATE, Esq., per HENRY COMPIGNE, Esq. . 80 0 0 Collected at Oxford University in aid of the support of the Isis Life-boat at Hayle, per Rev. HY. HANSELL . 63 2 6 Leicester Branch, per W. GHEES, Esq , additional 50 0 0 Settle Branch, per C. BROWN, Esq., additional 20 0 0 Contents of Contribution Box at the Sailors' Home, Well Street, per Capt.

V. U. WEBB, R.N 13 18 0 Collected on board the steamer Ifum- boldt, per Capt. J. A. PERRY, in- cluding his own annual subscription of U. Is 500 — To be severally thanked.

Reported that the late Mrs. ELEANOR ANSTICE, of Tynemouth, the donor of the North. Sanderland Life-boat, had left a legacy to the Institution to defray the cost—after the decease of her sister, Mrs. MARY BECKWITH—of another Life-boat.

That lady, however, was desirous to carry out immediately the benevolent intentions of her sister, and accordingly forwarded TOO/, to the Society to pay the expense of the second Life- boat at Blyth, Northumberland, the boat being named the Thomas Can.— Mrs. Beckwilh to be thanked.

Reported that the following legacy had been left to the Institution:—The late R. J. GARDEN, Esq., for the maintenance of his Budehaven and Wicklow life-boat establishments, 2,0001.

Colonel FitzRoY CLAYTON was personally thanked by the Committee for his continued valu- able co-operation on behalf of the life-boat cause.

Decided that the thanks of the Institution be presented to HUGH TAYLOR, Esq., Treasurer of the Newcastle, Tynemouth, and Cullercoats Branch of the Institution, in acknowledgment of his con- tinued very valuable services.

Also to BEVERLEY R. MORRIS, Esq., M.D., for his past valuable co-operation as the Honorary Secretary of the Burnham Branch of the Insti- tution.

Reported the transmission to its station of the new life-boat for Kessingland. The boat had been successfully launched on the 17th Nov., under the superintendence of the Inspector of Life-boats; a deputation from Bolton, the inhabit- ants of which town had presented the life-boat to the Society, being present on the occasion.

Read letters from Mr. E. B. FRANK, of the Royal Thames Yacht Club, of the 23rd Nov., forwarding a sketch of a life-boat which had been invented by Capt. AMEZAGE, a French officer; and from Mr. DAVID WHITTY, of Manchester, of the 19t,h Nov., calling attention to his plan of life-boat.— To be acknowledged.

Ordered that various works be carried out at the Pakefleld, Milford, St. David's, and Buckle Life-boat Stations, at an expense of 103/. 7s.

Ordered that another 3,000/. of the funded capital of the Institution be sold out to assist in meeting its current heavy expenses.

Paid 3,337?. 12s. 9d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 15/. 5s. to defray the expenses of the Whitburn life-boat in putting off to the brig Elizabeth, of N. Shields, and bringing ashore her crew of 8 men. The vessel had stranded on the Whitburn Steel during a light W.S.W. wind, on the 18th Nov.

Also 16/. 12s. to meet the expenses of the Montrose life-boat in saving the crew of the schooner Sarah, of Montrose, which had stranded on the Annat Sand-bank during a strong S.S. W.

wind and in a heavy sea, on the 19th Nov.

Also 71. 18s. 6d. to defray the expenses of the St. David's life-boat, which went off on the 23rd Nov. during a heavy hurricane from the West, and saved the lives of 2 men from the flat Chester, of Chester, discovered in a disabled state in Ramsey Sound.

The same life-boat afterwards rescued 5 men from the smacks Prima and Anne Davies, Also voted 45/. 7s. to pay the expenses of the life-boats stationed at Bridlington, Rhyl, Yar- mouth, Buddon Ness, Kingsdowne, Maryport, Scarborough, and Aberystwith, in putting off, in reply to signals of distress from various vessels, which, however, fortunately succeeded in getting out of danger, or received assistance from other life-boats.

Reported the services of the Cahore life-boat in putting off, on the 19th Nov., through a heavy sea, and taking into Wexford the lugger Dolphin, of that port, which was abandoned, and was fast driving on the Blackwater Bank.

Voted the Second Service Clasp of the Institution to CHARLES MITCHELL, for his gallant and persevering services in assisting with the rocket apparatus to save life on the occasion of the wreck of the brig Stephana Grosso, of Genoa, during a heavy north-westerly * gale, on the 24th October last. He afterwards made one of the crew of the life-boat which went off to the vessel.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, and a gratuity of II., to JOHN HERBERT, and 21. 5s. to 9 other men for saving the crew, 8 in number, from the screw-steamer Express, of Aberystwith, which had stranded on Porthdinllaen beach, during a very heavy N.W. gale on the 13th Oct.

Also 10/. to 16 fishermen, of Filey, for rescuing the crew of the brig Liberty, of Newcastle, who had taken to their boat on the foundering of their ship off Filey during a southerly gale, on the night of the 24th Oct.

Also SI. to 10 men who formed the crews of the Silloth steam-tug Rover, and a shore-boat, and went off to the schooner Eliza and Jane, of Car- narvon, which had been run ashore on the Far Sand. They succeeded in saving a man and a boy from the wrecked vessel, whilst it was in a sinking condition during a strong S.W. gale, on the 19th Nov.

I Also 17. to Mr. WILLIAMS, the chief boatman in charge of the Whitehouse Coastguard station, t and 10s. each to 4 other Coastguard men for j gallantly rescuing the crew of the lighter Per- severance, of Belfast.

j Also 21. to 8 Tenby men for putting off in a ! fishing-boat and rescuing the crew of 5 men from the brigantine Caroline, of Watchet, which was in distress off Tenby during a strong N.W gale, i on the 24th October last.


The next number of the " LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL " will be published on the 1st May next.

Vol. VII.— price 16s. — of the "LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL " is now ready, and can be had at the Institution, or by order of any Bookseller. The Title Page and Index can also be obtained separately.