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Heckler of Cullen

The boat was also out doing goodwork on the 25th of the same month.

At midnight, lighted torches having been observed from some vessel in the bay during a fearful gale from N.N.W., with snow showers, the life-boat was immediately launched, and proceeded in the direction of the signals. After having pulled through a heavy surf for about half an hour, the life- boat reached the vessel, which was found to be the ketch Heckler, of Cullen, and rescued her crew of 2 men. Her sails had been blown to pieces, and shortly after the life-boat had left her she struck the sands, and almost immediately sank. The life-boat behaved exceedingly well in this service.

She was once completely filled by the heavy seas, but speedily emptied the water through the self-relieving valves.

The Fraserburgh life-boat was the first life-boat placed on the Scotch coast by the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION ; it was the gift to the Society of WILLIAM M'KER- BELL, Esq., of Hill House, Ayrshire, and at his request it was named the Havelock, after the late distinguished Indian general. Mr.

M'KEKEELL also presented the Seaton Carew life-boat to the Institution..