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On the 26th September, the barque Empress, of Prince Edward's Island, bound thence from Liverpool with a general cargo, struck on Taylor's Bank, in Liverpool Bay. There was a heavy N.W. wind blowing, and a strong tide running. The tubular life-boat Willie and Arthur put off' under canvas, in reply to the signals of distress from the ship, but, owing to the strength of the tide and wind, was unable at first to fetch the vessel. The steam-tug Hock, however, took the life-boat in tow, and she was soon alongside the wreck. The life-boat then took off 18 persons, consisting of the master, crew of 14 men, 2 passengers, and 1 " stowaway," who were all after- wards transferred to the steamer, and con- veyed to Liverpool. The vessel subse- quently became a total wreck..