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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 2nd June, 1870. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Head and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Read and approved the Report of Captain J. R. WARD, R.N., the Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to Sidmouth, Ex- mouth, Teignmouth, Brixham, Salcombe, Portloe, Plymouth, Looe, Fowey, Mevagissey, Falmouth, Porthoustock, Mullion, Cadgwith, and the Lizard.

Also the Report of Captain DAVID ROBERTSON R.N., the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to Dunbar, the Isle of Arran, Ardrossan, Troon, Lossiemouth, Buckie, Port Gordon, Kingstown, Banff, Fraserburgh, Peter- head, Stromuess, Thurso, and Wick.

Read letter from the War Office, of the 6th May, stating that orders had been given by His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE FIELD-MARSHAL COMMAND- ING-IN-CHIEF, for the Revised Instructions of the Institution for the Restoration of the Apparently Drowned, to be circulated at all the Stations of the British Army at home and abroad.

Reported the receipt of the following special Contributions in aid of the funds of the Institu- tion since the last Meeting;— £ s. d.

Proceeds of a Ball held at the Free- masons' Tavern, on the 20th Jan., in aid of the Covent-Garden Life-boat Fund, per Messrs. BOOKING and WEB- BER 63 0 0 Rochdale Branch, per R. T. HEAPE, Esq 56 14 6 The late Dr. WALTER CHIPPENDALE, per WILLIAM CHIPPENDALE, Esq. . 50 0 0 Wakefield Branch, per HENRY ROBIN- SON, Esq 25 18 0 The COUNTESS DE MORELLA, per Ad- miral EVANS 20 0 0 Collected in the Bristol Mercantile Marine Office, per Capt. THOMAS SMITH, additional 1200 — To be severally thanked.

Produced extracts from the following wills con- taining legacies to the Institution:— The late SAMCEL VEAL, Esq., of Bloomfield Street, Westbourne Terrace North, reversionary, 20W.; and the late Miss SABAH DORSET, of Read- ing, 00l.

Reported the death of Mr. MARK LEMON, who, during the last twenty years, had, through the columns of Punch, rendered good service to the life-boat cause.

Decided, that the sympathy of the Committee be conveyed to the late Mr. LEMON'S family.

Reported the transmission to its station of the Isle of Arran life-boat.

The Glasgow and South Western Rail way Com- pany had readily granted the boat a free con- veyance over its line from Carlisle to Ardrossan.

— To be thanked.

Ordered that a new life-boat house be built at West Hartlepool, at an expense of 2392. 15s.

Decided that the thanks of the Institution, in- scribed on vellum, be presented to ROBERT HICKS, Esq., late Collector of H.M.'s Customs at Camp- beltown, N.B., in acknowledgment of his valu- able co-operation while holding the office of Honorary Secretary of that Branch of the So- ciety.

Read letter from Mr. J. C. STUART, of the Custom House, of the 23rd May, calling attention to his plan for assisting to save life from ship- wreck.— To be acknowledged.

Paid 2,009/. 4s. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Ordered that 1,0001. of the funded capital of the Institution be sold out to meet its current heavy expenses.

Voted "/. 3s. to pay the expenses of the new Brighton Tubular Life-boat, in putting off on the 12th May, during a strong gale from the S.W., and in hazy weather, and saving the crew of 13 men and a pilot from the barque Ida Maria, of Dantzic, which had gone ashore on the Little Burbo Bank.

Also 5/. 8s. to pay the expenses of the Dun- garvan Life-boat, in going off, during a southerly gale and in a very heavy sea, on the 30th May, and rescuing the crew of 3 men of the schooner Serthoily, of Carnarvon, which thad struck on Dungarvan Bar.

Reported the services of the Newbiggin life- boat, in going out during a gale from the S.E. on the llth May, and bringing safely into harbour 6 fishing-cobles and their crews, consisting of 24 men, which were in a distressed condition off that place.

Also the services of the life-boats at Silloth, Banff, and Dunbar, in attempting to save life from different wrecks, at which their services were not ultimately required.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, and a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Mr.

WILLIAM STUGGINS, late second coxswain of the Teignmouth life-boat, in testimony of his long and gallant services in assisting, in that boat, to save the lives of a large number of shipwrecked men.

Also 21. to 4 men employed on the Skellig Rock, Valentia, for assisting ashore 8 men from the boat of the barque Ansell, of St. John's, New Bruns- wick, which had been totally wrecked on the 3rd Feb. last.

Also 21. to 4 men for saving, by means of a boat, 4 other men from a yawl, which, while it was blowing hard from the S.W., was swamped off the bar of Gweebarra, on the Irish coast, on the 16th April last.

Also II. to Mr. HUGH M'Lzj.v, master of the j steamer Chieftain's Bride, for putting off in a small boat from the steamer, and saving 1 out of 3 men, whose boat had capsized off Garth Voe, in attempting to reach the steamer, on the 25th April last.

THURSDAY, 7th July. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.K.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the report of the Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution on his recent visits to Porth- leven, Penzance, Sennen, St. Ives, Hayle, New- quay, Padstow, Port Isaac, Boscastle, Bude Haven, Appledore, Clovelly, Braunton, Ilfra- combe, Morte Bay, Lynmouth, Burnham, Port- rane, and Bell Bay.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his late visits to Stonehaven, Mont- rose, Arbroath, Broughty Ferry, Buddon Ness, St.

Andrews, Anstruther, North Berwick, Ardrossan, Campbeltown, Southend, Irvine, Ayr, Girvan, Ballantrae, Port Patrick, Port Logan, Drummore, Whithorn,*and Kirkcudbright.

The Committee expressed their regret at the death of Mr. CHARLES DICKENS, who had, in con- junction with his friend, Mr. W. H. WILLS, ren- dered good service through his publications, for many years past, to the Life-boat cause.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions in aid of the funds of the Institution since the last meeting:— £. *. d.

Inhabitants of Kingston and Surbiton, per J. A. Dow, Esq 130 0 0 Alloa Branch, per G. C. COATS, Esq. . 54 1 1 Stirling Branch, per D. FERGUSON, Esq. 51 14 7 Birmingham Branch, per Messrs. C.

and W. BARWELL 50 6 0 Swansea Branch, per A. STERRY, Esq. 50 0 0 The Worshipful Company, of Merchant .Taylors, per THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., the Chairman of the Institution 21 0 0 Newark Branch, per Commander PARKER, R.N ID 10 0 One moiety of the surplus arising from the sale of tickets of admission to the Press steam-boat, on the occasion of the last Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, per R. B. WORMALD, Esq., of SelFs Life Office 12 9 3 — To be severally thanked.

Produced an extract from the Will of the late Mrs. ROLLESTOW, of Swindon, iii which she be- queathed 5002. to the Society. Mrs. ROLLESTON had long been a subscriber of 202. a year to the Institution.

Ordered that life-boat houses be built at Chapel, Lincolnshire, and at Portloe, in Cornwall, at a cost of 31II.

Reported the transmission to their stations of the Ardrossan and Clovelly life-boats. Demon- strations had taken place with both boats.

The Glasgow and South Western Railway Com- pany, with its accustomed liberality, had readily granted a free conveyance to the Ardrossan boat from Carlisle.— To be thanked.

Read letter from the Secretary of Lloyd's Re- gister of British and Foreign Shipping Society, of the 6th Juney transmitting a communication from their surveyor at Great Yarmouth, on the em- ployment of American white oak in the con- struction of vessels, and on the use of salt as a preventive of decay in them. The Society also presented to the Institution a valuable set of their books for the current year.— To be thanked.

Decided, on the recommendation of the Ilfra- I combe Branch of the Society, and on the report 1 of the Inspector of Life-boats, to form a life-boat station at Morte Bay, North Devon, where it was : considered that such a boat would occasionally be of service.

Sir BRUCE CHICHESTER, Bart., had kindly pro- i raised to co-operate in the management of the j station.

Decided also that the station be appropriated to the Bristol Shipmasters in the African trade, who were desirous to present to the Institution the cost of a life-boat, and to contribute 502.

a-year towards its future support.

Decided that the thanks of the Society and other mementoes be presented to Captain FRANCIS SHAW, late Harbour Master at Ramsgate, in acknowledgment of his long and valuable co- operation, in conjunction with Captain W. H.

WALKER, H.C.S. Board of Trade, while holding that office, in the management of the life-boat on that station.

Ordered that another 1,000/. of the funded capital of the Society be sold out, to meet its current expenses.

Paid 1,8772. 6s. Id. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 82. 14s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Arklow life-boat, in putting off on the 24th June, and rescuing the crew of 4 men of the brigantine Enchantress of Belfast, which had struck on the Arklow Bank.

Also 61. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Lytham life-boat in putting off, during a gale from the west, on the 9th June, with the view of rendering assistance to the schooner Sapid, of Preston, which had struck on the Horse Bank. Before, however, the life-boat could reach the vessel, she had got out of her dangerous position.

Also 15/. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Broad- stairs life-boat, in going out, on the 27th and 28th June, to the assistance of a ship which was sup- posed to be in distress on the Goodwin Sands.

The crew of the boat, however, were unable to discover any trace of such a vessel.

Also 102. 8s. to pay the expenses of the Orme's Head life-boat, in putting off, during rough weather, on the 1st July, to assist the crew of the disabled smack Maria, of Portmadoc. The services of the life-boat were, however, not required, the men being able to land in their own boat.

Reported that the Ramsgate life-boat had gone out during a fresh gale from the N.N.W., on the 25th June, with the view of rendering assistance to the barque City of London, which had gone ashore in Trinity Bay. The services of the boat were not, however, needed.

Also that the same life-boat had put off, during a fresh breeze from the N.E., on the 27th and 28th June, in reply to signals of distress from the Gull light-ship. On arriving at the Goodwin Sands, however, the crew of the life-boat were unable to discover any trace of a vessel in dis- tress.

Also the services of some of the crew of the Brighstone Grange life-boat, in assembling, on the 18th June, with the view of rendering assistance to the Austrian brigantine Cam, which had gone ashore near that life-boat station.

Voted the second service clasp of the Institu- tion, and a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Mr. WILLIAM HILLS, chief boatman in charge of Her Majesty's Coastguard at Padstow, in testi- mony of his long and gallant services in assisting, j as coxswain of that life-boat, to save a large ' number of lives from shipwreck.

Also 32. to Mr. JOHN CONNELL, chief boatman of her Majesty's coastguard at Tallagher, Ire- land, and four other men, for putting off in a coastguard galley, and, after some difficulty, rescuing one man from a boat belonging to Bally- cray, which, during a squall from the S.W., was capsized on Tallagher Bar, on the 1st April last.

Also 21. 10s. to Mr. DENNIS LYNCH, of Brandon, Co. Kerry, and three other men, for going out in a boat, and saving, after considerable difficulty and at much risk, the crew of 8 men of the bri- gantine Martha, of St John's, Newfoundland, which, during a gale from the S.W., became a total wreck near Brandon Bay, on the 2nd Feb. last.

Also 2/. to two men belonging to Lytham, who left their fishing in reply to signals of distress from a boat belonging to the wrecked schooner Margaret and Jane, of Barrow, and conveyed safely to Lytham five persons who were in that boat, in a state of great exhaustion, during a fresh gale, and in a heavy sea, on the 1st; July.

THURSDAY, 4th August: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of.

Life-boats, on his recent visits to Chapel, on the Lincolnshire coast, and to Salcombe, Devon.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions in aid of the funds of the Institu- tion since the last meeting:— £. ». d.

Bristol Shipmasters in the African trade, being the first instalment of their gift of the Morte Bay Life-boat Station, per Capt. R. F. EDGELL . 120 0 0 Ancient Order of Foresters, annual subscription for 1869, for the main- tenance of its two Life-boats, per SAMUEL SHA-WCBOSS, Esq. 100 0 0 N. R., further on account of his Life- boat Fund 50 0 0 Collected at Glasgow Custom House, per D. COEQUHOUN, Esq., and Mr.

CHARLES BURRIDOE 23 14 0 Hewhaven Branch, per W. S. ED- IT ARCS, Esq 20 0 0 To be severally thanked.

Also 101., being the amount of the legacy be- queathed to the Society by the late Mrs WEILS, of Mannamead, Plymouth.— To be acknowledged.

Decided, on the recommendation of the In- spector and the Surveyor of Life-boats to the Institution, that the present life-boat at Aid- borough be condemned, and that she be replaced by a new boat 40 feet long and 10 feet in width.

[A fine new self-righting life-boat, which had to be specially built for this station, was placed at Aldborough on the 18th October.] Also that the thanks of the Institution, in- scribed on vellum, be presented to T. B. SsiiTHfES, Esq., HENRY FOBD BARCLAY, Esq., and Mr. JOHN PALLETT, in acknowledgment of their valuable co-operation in raising the cost of the British Workman. Life-boat, stationed at Palling, on the coast of Norfolk.

Reported the transmission to its station of the life-boat for Chapel, on the Lincolnshire Coast; and that the inauguration of the life-boat esta- blishment had taken place with much eclat on the 22nd July.

Ordered that a new life-boat house be built at Kessingland, on the coast of Suffolk, at an ex- pense of 25U 7s. Od.

Paid 2145/. 3s. 6d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 9L 17s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Wexford small life-boat, in putting off during a N.W. gale, on" the 21st July, with the view of rendering assistance to the schooner Bridget, of Barmouth, which was reported to ba in distress near the Tnsker Kock. The services of the life- boat, however, were not required, as the vessel had succeeded in getting out of her dangerous position..

The crew of the Carnsore life-boat, which is the adjoining station to the Port of Wexford, also assembled with the view of launching their boat to the same vessel.

Voted SI. lls. to pay the expenses of the life- boat at Chapel, on the Lincolnshire coast, in going out, in a high sea, to the assistance of the sloop Prince Albert, of Wisbeach, which had sunk op- posite the Huttoft-coastguard station on the 25th July. The crew of the vessel, however, succeeded in reaching the shore in their own boat, so that the services of the life-boat were not required.

This life-boat had only been placed on its sta- tion and publicly inaugurated three days previ- ously, viz., on the 22nd July, as before stated.

Reported the services of the Whitby life-boat, in putting off while it was Wowing strongly ftom the N., on the 26th July, and, with the assistance of a steam-tug, bringing safely into harbour the brigantine Mary and Jane, of Sunderland, which .

had gone on the Whitby Rock.

Also the services of the Blackpool life-boat, in going out, on the 27th July, during a N.W. gale, to the assistance of the yacht Active, of that port, which was in distress near the Crusader Bank.

The owner of the yacht was on board at the time with three friends. On the life-boat reaching the vessel those gentlemen Were taken Into the boat. Two of the crew of the life-boat were then put on board with the owner, and they jointly suc- ceeded in running the yacht ashore, half-lull of water.

Voted 101. to the crews of some Whitby fishing cobles for putting off, during a gale from the N., and saving 7 men from the btig Cownden, of Hartlepool, and 6 men from the brigantine True Blue, of Dover, both of which vessels became total wrecks on the W hitby Rock, on the 26th July.

Also the thanks of the Institution and 11. to Mr. EDWARD SKILUCORS, second officer of the steamer Tynwald, in acknowledgment of his services in saving one of the passengers, who, in attempting to jump off the steamer to the pier, on the 12th July, had fallen into the water, and was in imminent danger, his head having struck against the pier in his fall.

THURSDAY, 1st September: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the report of the Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to Green- castle, Portrush, Groomsport, Ballywalter, New- castle, Tyrella, Dundalk, Drogheda, Skerries, and Poolbeg.

Also the report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to Poolbeg, Va- lentia, Courtmacsherry, and Queenstown.

Read letter from the Admiralty, of the 9th Aug., stating that, on the application of the In- stitution, HER MAJESTY'S SECRETARY of STATE FOR WAR had given instructions for a 32-pounder gun and its stores belonging to the Coastguard station at Brooke, Isle of Wight, to oe given to the Society for use as a signal gun at that Life- boat station.— To be thanked.

Reported the receipt of the following Special Contributions in aid of the funds of the Institu- tion since the last meeting:— £. s. d.

RICHARD DURANT, Esq., further in aid of the Salcombe Life-boat station, (making a total of 8001.) . . . . 160 0 0 Burton-on-Trent Branch, per E. MADE- LEV, Esq., additional 77 0 0 " N." 52 10 Independent Order of Odd Fellows (" Manchester Unity "), annual sub- scription for the support of its Life- boat at Cleethorpes, per Mr. HENRY RATCLIFFE 50 0 0 Dublin Branch, per Mr. S. B. TAYLOR, additional 50 0 0 " Simla" Life-boat Fund, per Capt.

A. R. WESTON, of the P. and O. steamer Suratf additional. . . . 35 18 0 One-half of collection made in St.

Peter's Church, Ipswich, per Rev.

A. H. SYNGE 6 10 0 Amount of collections made after Ser- mons preached at Greenstead, Col- chester, per Rev. Dr. SEAMAN . , 2 17 3 — To be severally acknowledged.

Read letter from Mr. CHARLES M. STRETTOM, o Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, of the 27th Aug., forwarding an extract from the Will of the late Mr. CHARLES LLOYD, of Kennington, in which he bequeathed SOOA, free of duty, to the Society, for a Life-boat to be built, and called the Charley Lloyd, and to be tried in Shadfrell Basin.

Mr. STRETTON stated that the testator had passed his earlier days at sea; and that he had been providentially preserved from drowning upon nine different occasions.— To be acknowledged, and ordered that the Life-boat conditions of the Will be complied with.

Reported the transmission to its station of the new Life-boat for Banff, and that a public demon- stration of welcome had taken place there on its arrival.

The Great North of Scotland Railway Company had liberally granted a free conveyance over its line to the boat from Aberdeen to Macduff.— To lie thanked.

Decided, that various works be carried out at the Salcombe, Appledore, Blakeney, and Chapel Life-boat stations, at an expense of 68/.

Read letter from Mr. JAMES HAUGHTON, the Honorary Secretary of the Duncannon Branch, of the 13th Aug., stating that he had resigned that office; and that he would be succeeded by Capt.

S. D. BARTLETT.— To be thanked for hie past kind services.

Paid 519/. 13*. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 81. 7s. to pay the expenses of the Banff life-boat in putting off, during a fresh gale from the N., on the 19th Aug., and bringing ashore the crew of 9 men from the brig Regina, of Swine- munde, which had parted one cable while at anchor and which was in a perilous position in Banff Bay.

Also 11. to pay the expenses of the New Brighton tubular life-boat in going off, during a fresh gale from the N.W., on the 29th Aug., and rescuing 5 persons from the flat Rattler, of Liverpool, which had stranded on the North Bank.

Also 111. 15s. to pay the expenses of the Clee- thorpes life-boat in going off, during a gale from the N.W., on the 29th Aug., and saving the crews of 2 men from the Dutch smack Jan Wilhelmina, of Nieu Diep, and 9 men from the brig Hope, of Jersey, which vessels had stranded respectively at Tetney Haven and at Grainthorpe Haven. The life-boat was engaged ten hours in performing these two services.

Also 51. to the master and 4 men of the smack Laurel, of Ramsgate, for saving 9 persons belong- ing to the brjgantine Dublin Lass, of Guernsey, which was totally wrecked on the Margate Sands, on the 30th May last, in stormy weather.

Also 37. to a boat's crew for putting off and rescuing 2 men from a fishing-boat, which, during a high sea, had capsized off Whalsey Skerries, Shetland Islands, on the 27th June last.

Also 21. 10s. to 5 men belonging to Deal, for going off in a boat and saving 3 men from a sailing galley belonging to Lloyd's agents at that place, which had capsized off Deal, on the 20th Aug., during squally weather.

Also a reward to 3 men for putting off in a boat and rescuing 3 men from a capsized boat, off Whiddy Island, Co. Cork, during a squall on the 1st May last.