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Robert Bruce, of Belfast

— The brig Robert Bruce, of Belfast, while attempting, on the 7th February, to get into Maryport Harbour, fell to leeward and struck the ground to the northward, and although the anchors were let go, she beat up into the surf The sea made a clean breach over her, and the crew, being afraid she would capsize, cut away the masts. The Henry Nixson life-boat was soon launched, and taken alongside the vessel. The grapnel was cast on board, but the surf was so heavy that it straightened the iron, and dashed the boat away. A second time it was thrown, but the rope was broken from the same cause: eventually, however, they suc- ceeded in taking off the shipwrecked crew of 7 men, but not before the vessel had actually begun to break up, and the floating masts and yards had rendered it very dan- gerous for the boat to near the wreck.

The life-boat behaved "remarkably well," it was said, while effecting this providential rescue.