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Pearl, of Shoreham

A vessel was seen from this place on the 14th February, apparently unmanageable, and showing sig- nals of distress. Soon afterwards she ran ashore at the east side of Rye Harbour. It was blowing strong from W.S.W., and there was a heavy sea running at the time.

The Solicitors' and Proctors' life-boat Storm Sprite was promptly launched and reached the vessel soon after she struck. The crew of 8 men were then taken into the boat; one of them fell into the sea in trying to reach her, but he was fortunately hauled into the boat without hart. About twenty minutes after the men had been rescued, the vessel heeled over on her beam ends and became a total wreck. She was the brig Pearl, of Shoreham, homeward-bound from the North, with coals.