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Ingrea, of Amsterdam

While the wind was blowing a gale on the 24th February, the Gull Light-ship fired signals of distress for a ship on the Goodwin, and the Van Kook life-boat was at once launched, and proceeded to the sands, when the ship Ingrie, of Amsterdam, bound to Savannah, in ballast, was found stranded near the Trinity Beacon, on the east of the Good- win." Three luggers were alongside, and their crews had received charge of the vessel from the master, but as there was every appearance of her becoming a wreck, the captain asked that the life-boat might be kept alongside. To this the crew | readily consented, but unfortunately the I life-boat took the ground, and had to lie \ dry till the tide flowed again. The wind freshening to a strong gale with the rising tide, and the sea rolling heavily on the sands, several of the crew left in the taggers with their clothes. The master, 2 mates, and 6 of the crew were afterwards taken into the life-boat, and, as the wind and tide were against her returning to her station, she was obliged to run to Rams^ gate, where the men were safely landed about nine o'clock in the evening.