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Electric Spark, of Boston U.S

There is also a large life-boat on this station, named the St. Patrick, and that boat, on the 26th September, put off to the assistance of the ship Electric Spark, of Boston, U.S., which was observed off the coast with signals of distress flying, during a strong wind from W.S.W. By the time the boat reached the vessel the latter had gone ashore near Blackwater Head, and the services of the boat were readily accepted by the master, who stated that the ship had struck on a rock early that morning near the Saltees, and was in a sinking state, having fourteen feet of water in the hold. The crew of the life- boat worked all day in assisting to save cargo, stores, &c., and also took off 21 of the crew and the master's wife, and placed them in safety on board the steam-tug Erin. The remainder of those on the vessel were saved by other means. The ship subsequently became a total wreck.

The Cahore and Courtown life-boats were likewise launched to this wreck, but the Wexford boat reached it first, and con- sequently their services were not required.