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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 6th January, 1870: THOMAS CHAP- MAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Read and approved the report of Capt. DAVID ROBERTSON, R.N., the Assistant-Inspector of Life- boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to Seaton Carew, West Hartlepool, Whitburn, Sun- derland, Cullercoats, Tynemouth, Whitehaven, Manchester, Blyth, Newbiggin, Hauxley, and Alnmouth.

Reported the receipt of 700Z. from Mrs. MARIA HOUNSFIELD, of Sheffield, to defray the entire cost of the Aldborough Life-boat Establishment, on the coast of Suffolk; the boat being named at her request The George Hounsfield, after her husband —who has unfortunately since died.— To be thanked.

Read letter from Messrs. THYHNE AND THYNNE, of Great George Street, of the 3rd Jan., forward- ing 360/. 4s. 3d. from the EABL OF DARTMOUTH and his tenantry, being the balance of the sum raised by exhibitions on his Lordship's estate in aid of the future support of the Augusta life-boat at St. David's, Pembrokeshire.— To be thanked.

Decided, on the application of the local resi- dents, to place an additional life-boat at Apple- dore, on the north coast of Devon—it being thought desirable to have a small handy boat there in addition to the present larger one.

Also that the boat be named the Mary Ann, after the late Mrs. WALKER, of South Kensington, the mother of Colonel BEAUCHAMP WALKER, who had left the Institution a legacy of 500/. to defray the cost of a life-boat.

WILLIAM YEO, Esq., banker, of Bideford, a Member of the Local Committee, had also given the Society 100/. in aid of the expense of the future maintenance of this life-boat. — To be thanked.

Decided, that the Thanks of the Society, in- scribed on Vellum, be presented to R. G. CREE&- MAN, Esq., and A. COSSET, Esq., late Collectors of Her Majesty's Customs at Weymouth and Bide- ford, in acknowledgment of their valuable ser- vices while they severally occupied the office of Honorary Secretary of the Branches of the In- stitution at those places.

Reported the transmission to its station of a second life-boat for Lowestoft, presented to the Institution by Miss MARY ANN LEICESTER, of The Great Eastern Railway Company had liberally granted a free conveyance from London to Yarmouth to the stares for the life-boat, the boat having been built at the latter place.— To be thanked, Ordered, that life-boat houses be erected at Salcombe, Devon, sad at Lowestoft, at an ex- pense of 4261.

Also that the slipway for the use of the Tyne- mouth So, 2 Life-boat be extended at a cost of about 8oL

Reported that one of the Institution's Pillar Contribution Boxes had been sent to Southampton, the Corporation having kindly granted per- mission for the same to be placed in a conspicuous part of the town. — To be thanked, Read letter from Mr. BENJAMIN BROOKS, pub- lisher, of the 3rd Jan., stating that he was about to exhibit in different towns two fine life-boat pictures, by Mr. THOMAS BROOKS, the well-known artist; and that h« wished to do so under the patronage of the Institution.— Decided that this request Se complied with, Bead letter from M. BARDIN, of Blankenberghe, of the 13th Jan., transmitting a few copies of his Pamphlet on Shipwrecks on the Coast of Belgium, in which attention was called to the great work of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION a work which, he said, had elicited the admiration of the world »t large. — To be thanked,

Read letter from Mr. FREDERICK VULLIAMY, of Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight, forwarding a letter from M F C De MAY of Achern, regarding his invention for propelling life-boats and large vessels.— To be acknowledged.

Also re»d letter from Messrs. PEACOCK BROTHERS, of Sunderland, of the 17th Dec,, calling attention to M. RODOLPHIE'S plan of Steam Life- boat, — To be acknowledged.

Paid 2,265£ 8s. 6d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments

(Varions Special Contributions and Legacies given to the Society during the past month will be found in the last Annual Report of the Insti- tution, published on the l»t April, 1870.]

Voted 281/. 6s»9d, to pay the expenses of various life-boats of the Institution, fa going off, during heavy gales of wind, and saving the crews, con- sisting of 139 persons, of the following wrecked vessels :—

Schooner Columbine, of Wexford,, . 5 men saved.

Schooner Vigilant, of Hayle, ..... 5 „

Schooner ifina, of London ....... 8 „

Schooner Agatha SikeiUm-t, ef Stet- tin. .............. . .......... , 10 „

Schooner JLoretta, of Bilboa ____ ... 13 „

Austrian barque Saez. ... ........ 10 „

Brig Mary Ywmg, ofWestHartie- vool.. ...... . .......... ....... 8 „

Schooner Jessie, of Liverpool ..... 3 „

Brig Englishman, of Worfangton . . 6 „

Steamer M. E. Clarke, of tendon. 12 „

Schooner Viscount Maednjf, of .Macdnff.... ..... .. ........ .,, 4 „

Brigantine Lattha, of Leith ..... ., 6 „

Brig Edteartlino, of Genoa ....... 10 „

Brig JDehgate, of London ......... 9 „

Schooner Brenton, of Fowcy ...... 5 „

Brig SeAiedoiSjOf Middlesboro*,,, 5 „

Brig-EfcAo, of London..., ........ 2 „

Three H.Sundertand fishing cobles 12 „

French brigantine Girondin. ....,» 6 „

[The particulars of these various life-boat ser- vices, and of the rewards granted in eaeh eaae, will be found detailed in the Annual Report of 1 the Institution, published on the 1st April last.] / Voted 233/. 12* to pay the expenses of the life-boats stationed at Tynemouth, North Deal, Filey, Broadstairs, Holyhead, Dover, Margate, Caister, Pakefieid, Fraserburgh, Wexford, West Wittering, Tarmouth, Falmouth, St. David's, Ballycotton, and Swansea, in either assembling the crews, or in putting off In reply to signals of distress from various vessels, which subsequently got out of their dangerous position* without the assistance of the life-boats.

Voted the Second Service Clasp of the Institu- tion, and a Copy of the Tote inscribed on Vellum, to Mr. ISAAC JARMAN, the coxswain of the Rams- gate life-boat; the Silver Medal, and Vote on Velium, to Mr, CHARMS FISH, the bowman; and the Thanks, inscribed on Vellum, to Mr. DANIEL READING, the master of the steam-tug Aid, in acknowledgment of their continued gallant ser- ices in the life-boat and steam-tag in saving life from shipwreck.

I Also ate Silver Medal, and a Copy of the Vote,  inscribed on Vellum, to Mr. RICHARD, THOMAS, the coxswain of the Hew Brighton life-boat, in acknowledgment of his laudable services in ascending the mast of the schooner Elephant, of Ulverstone, and gallantly attempting to save the master who wag lashed there, when the life-boat went off to that vessel on the 19th Oct. tot Also the Silver Medal, and vote on Vellum, to Mr. JAMES BANYARD, Chief Officer of Her Majesty's Coastguard at Hornsea, Yorkshire, and 21. to two other men for putting off in a small boat, during a strong gale, to the wreck of the brig Guiseppina, of Maples, on the 28th Oct. last, with the view of rescuing the master. The boat, however, failed to accomplish that object, and bad to return to the shore, when Mr, BAMAKO waded into the surf, swam out with a line, and fortu- nately brought the captain safely to shore.

Voted 8L, to the Coxswain of the Cromer life- boat and seven other men; and 11, Ids, to the persons who assisted to launch the shore-boat in which they put off and saved the crew, consist- ing of 13 men, of the brigs Margaret, of Ports- mouth, and Mary An&, of London, which had been in collision and had gunk, on the 7th Dec. last.

Also II. each to seven fishermen for going off I in their boat, at much risk, and rescuing the crew of 5 men of the schooner Pttragm, of Wi«k, which, wag wrecked at Cairebnlg Briggs, during a gale on the 14th Dec, 1 Also 5L to ten fishermen, for putting off in their j boat and saving one out of seven persons, whose boat had capsized off North Mavin, in the Shet- land Isles, during squally weather, on the 1st Sept. last.

Thursday, 3rd February: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.B.S., V.P., m the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes ef the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre-spondenoe, sad Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read and approved the Report of Capt. JR WARD, R.N., toe Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to Aldborough, Yarmouth, Has- borough, and Palling.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of j Life-boats on his visits to Cleethorpes, Donna I Hoot, Theddlethorpe, Button, and Skegness.

Also a Draft of the Annual Report and Financial Statement of the Institution to the 31st Dec,; and ordered that the Account Books be sent to the Auditor for the usual yearly audit.

Reported that the Horse Guards had sanctioned the Medal of the Society, presented to officers of the army, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers, being worn in uniform on the right breast, a record of the recipients being kept at head-quarters.

Decided, on the application of the local boat- men, and on the recommendation of the Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, to place a large sailing life-boat at Pailing, on the coast of Nor- folk, in addition to the fine self-righting boat at present on that station.

Also that the boat be appropriated to the " British Workman " Life-boat Fund, which had been raised through the indefatigable exertions of Mr. T. B. SMITHIES and other friends.

Decided, that the thanks of the Institution, in- scribed on Vellum, be presented to C. G. GREN-FELL  Esq., in acknowledgment of his valuable co-operation during the period he occupied the office of Honorary Secretary of the St. Ives (Corn- wall) Branch of the Institution.

Reported also that the Her. W. M. H. CHURCH had accepted the Honorary Secretaryship of the Huns tan ton Branch, in succession to Mr. J. DE COURCY HAMILTON, who had retired. — To be thanked.

Also that the thanks of the Society be presented to B, B, HESKETH, Esq., of Abergele, in acknow- ledgment of his liberality in defraying the entire cost of the Llanddulas Life-boat House, Also that the thanks of the Institution be given to Mr, THOMAS DAVIS, of Chippenham, for bis valuable services in assisting to collect the cost of the Western Commercial Traveller life-boat, sta- tioned at Cadgwith, on the Cornish coast.

Reported that the French Shipwreck Society had presented its Gold Medal to Capt. JR WARD, R.N., Inspector of Life-boats to the NATIONAL LIKF-BOAT INSTITUTION, in acknowledgment of bis services as inventor of the cork life-belt, used by the life-boat crews of both countries, and of his co-operation with the French Society, which had now forty-five life-boats, all being on the plan of the English Life-boat Society, and which had already saved upwards of five handled lives.

Decided, that a letter, conveying the Commit- tee's sense of the great honour conferred on Capt. WARD. and, through aim, oa the NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION, be addressed to the President of the French Shipwreck Society.

Reported that the Council of the Society of Arts had decided to offer a Gold Medal for a Ship's Life- boat.

Read letter from Mr. W. F. CLARE, of South- ampton Buildings, of the 20th Jan., calling atten- tion to a life-buoy which bad been invented by a working wan.— To be acknowledged, Also read letter from Mr. J. B. RODGERS, of the 2nd Feb., calling the attention of the Committee to his plan for hauling oat life-boats through a surf'.—To be acknowledged, Paid 26I1Z. 14s, 2rf. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

[The Special Contributions and Legacies re- ceived during the month of January wili be found in the Annual Report, published on the 1st April last.] Voted 7/. 9«., to pay the expenses of the Padstow life-boat in putting off, daring a heavy gale on the 8th Jan., and saving the crew of 10 men of tie Austrian barque Suez, which had stranded on the Doom Bar Sand.

Also SI. 8*., to pay the expenses of the Porth- diallaen lite-boat, in going off, duriag squally weather, on the 14th Jan., and rescuing the orew of 3 mea of the schooner Gnmant, of Carnarvon, which was In a distressed condition about three miles east of Porthdinllaen.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution, and a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum, to the Rev. OWEN LLOYD WILLIAMS the Honorary Secretary of the Abersoch Branch; 43L, 19s. to pay the expenses of that life-boat in going off twice during a N.W. gale and in a heavy sea, on the 14th and 15th January, and after consider-able difficulty saving 13 men belonging to the ship Kenilworth, of Liverpool, which was wrecked on St. Patrick's Causeway, in Cardigan Bay, Mr. WILLIAMS went out in the life-boat on the second trip; he bad been instrumental altogether in assisting to save 52 lives from different wrecks.

Also 39L to pay the expenses of the Barmouth life-boat in going off, on the 14th and 15th January, to the same vessel, and saving 8 of the crew.

Also 6l.10s. to pay the expenses of the Sudden- ness life-boat in putting off, on the 19th January, and rescuing 3 of the crew of the schooner John Howard, of Goole, which, during thick weather, had stranded OB the Gaa Saudis.

Subsequently the Broughty Ferry life-boat went off, and assisted in bringing the vessel safely into harbour.

Reported the services of the Ramsgate life- boat in patting off on the 19th Jan., and saving 2 men belonging to the smack Whiff of that port, which, during a strong gale, was totally wrecked On the Quern Shoal. After striking, a heavy breaker swept the deck, carrying away and drowning 2 of the crew long before the life- boat could possibly have got to their assistance.

Voted ISSf. 9s. to pay the ; expenses of the life-boats at Montrose, Abersoch, Rye, Peter- head, Tynemouth, Plymouth, North Deal, Wal- mer, Portmadoc, Cullercoats, Margate, Carnsore, Penzance, and Castletown, in either assembling the crews, or in putting off In reply to signals of distress from various vessels, which subsequently got oat of their dangerous positions without the assistance of the life-boats.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution, a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum, and 51 to Mr. EDWARD AMIS, the late coxswain of the Palling life-boat, in testimony of his long and gallant services—extending over many years— in assisting in the life-boat to save toe lives of a large number of shipwrecked men.

Also IS/, to the crew of the Winterton beach- men's life-boat for putting off and bringing ashore from the Newarp lightship 6 men belonging to the brig Jems Brothers, of Middlesborough, and the barque Larissa, of Blyth, which vessels had been in collision, sad had sank near the lightship, on the 23rd Jan.

Also 1L. to 2 men for going off in a small boat, and rescuing 6 men from the fishing lugger Sarah Jane, of Ardglass, which. was in distress near Balbriggan Harbour, in a fresh gale, and con- siderable surf, on the 16th Oct. last.

Thursday, 3rd March: His Grace The DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND. , P.C., President of the Institution, in the Chair, Head and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees, Bead and approved the report of the Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to Broadstairs, Ramsgate, Deal, Walmer, Rye, and Winchelsea.

Also the report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his visits to Wells, Blakeney, Sheringham, Cromer, Mundesley, Bacton, Hasborough, | Palling, Winterton, Caister, Yarmouth, Gorleston, Corton, Lowestoft, Pakefield, Kessiunland, South-wold, Thorpeness, and Aldborough.

Decided, that arrangements be made to hold the Annual Meeting of the Institution, on Tuesday the 15th March, His Grace the President having kindly promised to take the Chair on that day.

Reported the receipt of a Contribution of 4007. from H. DAVIES GRIFFITH, Esq., of Caer Rhyu, through Major HENRY SCOTT, to defray the cost of a Life-boat.— To be thanked.

[The other special contributions and Legacies received during the month of February are given in the last Annual Report of the Institution, pub- lished on the 1st April.] Reported that WILLIAM SMITH, Esq., of Bowden, near Manchester, had placed the sum of 300/. in the hands of the Corporation of that City, to be i invested in its four per cent, perpetual annuities, j the interest to be given annually to the Institu- tion, and particularly in aid of the support of the , Manchester life-boats under the managment of j the Institution.— To be thanked.

Reported the transmission to its station of the new life-boat for Appledore.

The boat had met with a warm reception from the local residents.

Read letter from the Science and Art Depart- ment, South Kensington Museum, of the 24th February, offering to place in the Museum, for exhibition, specimens of the Society's Gold and Silver Medals.— Ordered that the Medals 6e for- warded accordingly.

Also that a new life-boat house and slipway be built at Fishguard, Pembrokeshire, at an expense of 3457.

Paid 1,1501 8s. Td. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted the Silver Medal, and a copy of the Vote inscribed on Vellum, to Capt. DAVID ROBERTSON, R.N., the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats to the i Institution, in acknowledgment of his gallant j services in going off in the Yarmouth and Gorleston life-boats, on the 13th and 14th Feb., I during an easterly gale, and saving 12 persons from the brig Giovannina A., of Venice, and the j schooner Favorite, of Arbroath, which were re- ' spectively wrecked off Gorleston, and uear the ' Wellington Pier, Yarmouth. ' Also 321. 5«. to pay the expenses of the two ; life-boats on these occasions.

Also 147. to pay the expenses of the Yarmouth surf life-boat, in going off on the 13th Feb., during a heavy gale from E.N.E., and rescuing ! the crew of 9 men of the schooner St. Cyran, of Hull, which was totally wrecked near the Bri- tannia Pier.

Also 147. to pay the expenses of the same life- boat in putting off, on the 18th Feb., and bring- ; ing ashore the crew of 5 men from the smack i Admiral, of Yarmouth, which, during a heavy S.E. gale, had stranded about a mile north of the j life-boat station. I Also 97. 9s. to pay the expenses of the Theddle- thorpe life-boat, in putting off, on the 31st Jan., and saving 14 men from a boat belonging to the barque Rosetto, of Genoa, which, during a strong wind from the S.W., and in squally weather, had become a total wreck off Mablethorpe.

Also 67. 16s. to pay the expenses of the New- castle (Dundrum Hay) life-boat, in going off on the 6th Feb., and rescuing the crew of 8 meu from the brigantine JSlizabet/i A. Bird, of Liver- pool, which, during a hard gale from the south, had stranded on Back Shore, Newcastle.

Reported also the services of the same life-boat on the 1st Feb., in putting off and rendering im- portant assistance to the brigantine Kelpie, of Liverpool, which, during a gale from S.S.W., was in distress off Newcastle.

Also 87.10s. to pay the expenses of the Hauxley life-boat, in putting off on the 2nd Feb., and saving the crew of 4 men from the schooner Mary Jane, of Aberdeen, which, during a very strong wind, was totally wrecked on Hauxley Head Rocks.

Also 157. 8s. to pay the expenses of the same life-boat in putting off, on the 7th Feb., and rescuing the crew of 7 men from the brig Sundew, of North Shields, which, during stormy weather, was in distress in the Coquet Roads.

Also 167. 14s. to defray the expenses of the Girvan life-boat, in going off, on the 6th Feb., and saving the crew of 5 men from the schooner Forth, of Wexford, which, during a hurricane from the south, with squalls and rain, was in distress off Girvan.

Also 177. 5s. to pay the expenses of the Ramsey life-boat, in going out, on the. 6th Feb., and rescuing the crew of 6 men, and the captain's wife and child, from the schooner John Bell, of Barrow-in-Furness, which, during a strong gale from the S.E., was in distress in Ramsey Bay.

Also 57. 13s. to pay the expenses of the Lland- dwyn life-boat, in putting off, on the 14th Feb., and saving the crew of 3 men of the schooner Scotia, of Carnarvon, and a female passenger from the schooner Lewis, of the same place. The crew of the first-named vessel had abandoned her during the previous night, and had taken refuge on board the Lewis.

Also 87. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Kes- singland life-boat, in putting off, on the 2nd Feb., and bringing ashore 6 French sailors from the brigantine Flora, of Swansea, which was totally wrecked on the Barnard Sand.

Also 477. to pay the expenses of the Kings- downe life-boat, in going off five times, and after much difficulty rescuing 28 persons, including the captain's wife and infant child, from the ship Glendura, of Batavia, which, during a fearful gale of wind, had stranded off Kingsdowne.

Also 137. to pay the expenses of the Middles- borough life-boat, in putting off, on the 28th Feb., and saving the crew of 6 men from the schooner Johns, of Sunderland, which was wrecked on the North Gare Rocks.

Reported the services of the Ramsgate life-boat and steam-tug Aid, in going off on the I3th Feb., and bringing safely into harbour the smack Mary, of Ramsgate, and her crew of 5 men, which vessel, during a very heavy gale, was in distress on the Goodwin Sands.

Also the services of the same life-boat and steamer on the following day, in rescuing the crew of 5 men from the smack Bethel, of Ramsgate, which, during a strong gale from the east, and in a heavy sea, was wrecked near Quern Heads.

Also the services of the Newquay (Cardigan) life-boat, in going out on the 14th Feb., and bringing safely into harbour a barge, which, during a strong N.N.E., gale had been abandoned off that place.

Also the services of the Porthdinllaen life-boat, in putting off on the 14th February, during a strong gale, and bringing into harbour the dere- lict schooner Scotia, of Carnarvon.

Voted 1427. 12s. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the life-boats at Arklow, Howth, West Hartlepool, Courtmacsherry, Greencastle, Great Yarmouth, Tynemouth, Bridlington, Dungeness,Moelfre,Bull Bay, Sutton, Gorleston, Theddlethorpe, Tyrella, and Aberystwith, in either assembling the crews, or in putting off in reply to signals of distress from different vessels, which subsequently got out of their dangerous positions without the aid of the life-boats.


533 Voted 171. to some Walmer beachmen for assist- ing to save a large number of lives from four vessels, which, during a heavy gale from the E., were wrecked off that place on the 12th and 13th February.

Also 51. to some Yarmouth beachmen for saving the crew of 3 men from the schooner Star, of Lynn, which, during a strong gale from the E., and in a heavy sea, had gone ashore near the Britannia Pier on the 7th February.

Also 3/. to 5 men for going off in a boat and saving the crew of 3 men and a pilot from the schooner Mary of Bangor, which, during a strong gale from the N.E., went ashore two miles south of Rosslare Point, on the 22nd December.

Also 31. to a Portrush boat's crew for putting off and saving 4 pilots whose boat had capsized off that place, during a fresh gale, on the 21st January. ' Also 4A to sojne fishermen for going off in their boat and rescuing 3 persons who were in great danger in a small boat, near the Skerries Hocks, during » gale from the S., on the 1st February.

Also 11. to ANDREW BEST and his Wife for putting off in a small boat and rescuing 2 out of 3 men, whose boat had capsized near Rosslare, during a N.E. gale and severe frost, on the 22nd December.

Tuesday, 15th March.—The Annual General Meeting of the friends and supporters of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION was held this day »t the London Tavern, His GRACE THE DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, P.C., President of the In- stitution, in the Chair.

His GRACE having opened the Meeting with some appropriate remarks on the important and national character of the operations of the Insti- tution, its Officers for the current year were chosen.

The Secretary then read the Annual Report.

The Meeting was then addressed by GEORGE LYALL, Esq., Deputy Governor of the Bank of England; Capt. the Hon. F. MACDE, R.N.; R. M. BALLANTTNE, Esq.; CHARLES SEMON, Esq., late Mayor of Bradford; Vice-Admiral Sir W. H. HALL, K.C.B.; EUGENE F. NOEL, Esq.; Captain MOSTAGDE PASCO, R.N.; The Rev. OWEN LLOYD WILLIAMS, Honorary Secretary of the Abersoch Branch of the Institution; THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.T?.; THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., F.R.S., V.P.; and Sir EDWARD G. L. PERROTT, Bart., V.P.

Various Resolutions were afterwards moved, seconded, and carried unanimously, pledging the Meeting to renewed exertions on behalf of the benevolent and national objects of the Institution.

The Report and Resolutions will be found in the April number of the Life-boat Journal.

Thursday, 7th April: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Mr. CHAPMAN, before taking the Chair, ex- pressed to Mr. LEWIS, the Secretary of the Insti- tution, on behalf of the Committee, their individual and united sympathy and deep regret on the occa- sion of the decease of his Wife, who, after many years of suffering, died on the 8th March.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspond- ence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Elected the Members of the Sub-Committees for the ensuing year.

Read and approved the Report of the Assistant- Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to Seaham, Hogsthorpe, Chapel, and Leicester.

Decided, on the application of the local resi- dents, and on the recommendation of the Assist- ant-Inspector of Life-boats, to form a Life-boat I Station at Chapel, on the coast of Lincolnshire, where a wreck had recently taken place, and where I it was considered that a life-boat was likely to be I of service.

Lady B. had promised to give the Institution SOW. towards the cost of the Station, in memory | of her late Husband.

! Decided, also, to place a life-boat at Seaham, on : the coast of Durham. Wrecks had not been very frequent in that neighbourhood; but it was thought that a life-boat might be of use there, j particularly in rendering assistance to the fishing cobles when in distress.

i Also that the station be appropriated to the ! Misses CARTER, of Harrogate, who by sales of i their needle and other kinds of work, at their j residence, had succeeded within thirteen months ; in raising the cost of» life-boat.

I Ordered, that new life-boat houses be built at j Ardrossan, N. B., and at Clovelly, North Devon, i at an expense of 4081.

Also accepted an estimate, amounting to 991.10s., j for constructing a slipway for the use of the ] Broadstairs life-boat.

Reported that THOMAS BROADWOOD, Esq., of Kensington, had presented to the Institution five debentures of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, bearing interest at five per cent.— To be thanked.

Reported the receipt of the following con- tributions: ROBERT LEAMON, Esq., in aid of the Wells Branch, per THOS. GARWOOD, Esq., Honorary Secretary, 51.; JOHN ELLIS, Esq., annual subscription to the Eastbourne Branch, 10s.— To be tltanked.

[The special contributions and legacies received , during the month pf March are given in the last I Annual Report of the Institution, published on the 1st April/) Reported that a branch of the society had been formed at Bolton, Lancashire. ROBERT WHIT- WORTH, Esq., the Treasurer, and the Rev. E. HEWLETT, the Honorary Secretary of the Man- chester Branch, had both attended 8 public meeting at Bolton, with the view to the organiza- tion of the branch To be thanked.

| Decided, that the thanks of the Society, in- I cribed on Vellum, be presented to Mr. JAMES BARBETT, late Chief Officer of H.M. Coastguard at Carnsore, Ireland, in acknowledgment of his valuable co-operation during the period he occupied the office of Honorary Secretary of that branch of the Institution.

Decided, that the Safety Fishing Boat of the Institution, built by the Messrs. FORRESTT, of Limehonse, be altered in its fittings so as to be used as a Trawling Boat; and that the boat be placed in the charge of gome Ramsgate Fisher- men, who were prepared to undertake its manage- , ment on the usual terms.

; Read letter from Mr. T. H. BENNETT, of the | 14th March, calling attention to his plan of lite- I boat. — To be acknowledged.

i Read letters from Dr. LABORDETTE, Surgeon j of the Hospital at Lisieur, in France, stating that he was decidedly of opinion that the "clenching j of the jaws, and the semi-contraction of the j fingers " in cases of persons apparently drowned, I as stated in the instructions of the Institution for use iasucli cases, 'Ras not, a, sig» »f deafe; but that they rather, after short immersion, I indicated remaining vitality.

I Dr. LABORDETTE gave the result of a variety of experiments made by Mm on animals, in support of his opinion; and stated that Dr. BROWN SE- QBARB entirely agreed with him in this matter.

(See p. 528.) Decided, that the words above referred to be omitted from the Institution's instructions for the restoration of the apparentiy drowned.

Paid 1,655/. 7s. 3d, for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments, Voted 16?. to pay the expenses of the Pake- feld life-boat in putting off on the 4th March, and rescuing the crew, consisting of 5 persons, from the brigantine Adelia A»n, of Swansea, which, during a strong gale from E.S.E., was totally wrecked near Pakefield.

Also 19t 5s. to pay the expenses of the Drogheda life-boat, in going off on the 4th March, and saving, in two trips, 16 men belonging to the barque Kchard Cefife», of Liverpool, which, during an E.H.E. gale, had stranded on the Sorth Bull, Also l&l. lo». to pay the expenses of the Cromer life-boat, in going ont on the 4th March, and saving 5 men from the brig JSmubus, of Middles- borough, which, during » gale from the £,, was in distress off Cromer.

Also 181. to pay the expenses of the North Deal life-boat, in putting off on the 23rd March, and bringing ashore from the South Sand Head Light- ship, the crew of 7 men of the brigantine Germania, of Bremen, which, during a gale from the N.N.W., was totally wrecked on the South Caliper Sands.

The crew had put off in the ship's boat, and had taken refuge on the lightship.

Reported the services of the Ramsgate life-boat in patting off, on (be 7th March, in tow of the steam-tug Aid, to assist the brig Volunteer, of Shoreham, which, during a gale from $.H.E,,was in distress on the Goodwin Sands. Subsequently the steamer was the means of bringing the vessel safely into harbour.

The Broadstairs life-boat also put off and assisted the same vessel.

Also the services of the Wexford large life-boat, in putting off, on the 31st March, and rendering assistance to the steamer Dansie, of Leith, which, dnring thick weather, had gone on the Long Bank.

Voted ISO/. 13s. to pay the expenses of the life- boats stationed at North Sunderland, Sutton, Great Yarmouth, Margate, Caister, Cleethorpes, Dungeness, Banff, and Broadstairs, in either assembling the crews, or in putting off in reply to signals of distress from various vessels, which subsequently got out of their dangerous positions without the aid of the life-boats.

Also 131, to some Seratby beaebmen for putting off in their large life-boat, and after great difficulty, saving 5 men from the schooner Mary, of Goole, which became a total wreck near Seratby, during a gale from the E.N.E., on the 4th March the Institution subsequently also granted 51. to the beachmen to assist them to repair their haul-off warp, which had been seriously damaged in this service.

Also 5i, to eight men belonging to Donna Hook, Lincolnshire, for wading into the surf, and rescuing the crew of 5 men from the smack James Evans, of He!!, which became a wreck near the Slate Ban, during a N.E. gale, and in j very severe weather, on the 12th Feb. Also the Thanks of the Institution and It, to j Mr. WILLIAM McFAnt, Chief Officer of Coast- guard at Branksea, near Poole, and IQs. each to four other men, for putting off in two small boats, j and saving 2 men from a Poole yawl, which had l sunk off Branksea, while it was blowing hard from the S.W., on the 1st March. j Also 2i to four men for wading into the surf, and rescuing 2 men belonging to the barque Mira, of Nova Scotia, which was wrecked off Hogsthorpe, on the Lincolnshire coast, on the 14th Feb. Also 2/, to eight men for putting off, in » small boat, and saving 4 men from a fishing-boat, which had capsized off Dunrossness. Shetland, during squally weather, on the 19th Feb.

Also 31 to four of the crew of the Pentnon life- boat for putting off, in a shore-boat, at much risk, and rescuing the crew of 2 men of the smack Pem-hyn, of Bangor, which had gone ashore at Puffin bland, during a strong wind and heavy sea, on the 6th Feb.

Also 21, to four men for going off, is a shore- boat, and saving 5 men from a boat belonging to I the brig Florence Pejx,ot Sewport, which had I been abandoned off Innistoe, Ireland, on the 4th Feb.

! Also 21 to seven men for putting off, in a small ' boat, and rescuing 4 men from toe gehooner Jilt,  of St. Mary's, Isle of Man, which had stranded on [ Caerhayes Beach, on the coast of Cornwall, during a gale from the E., on the 14th Feb.

Also II. to two men for their services, on the occasion of the wreck of the brig Bloisom, of Whitby, near Boseastte, oa the Cornish coast, on the 13th Sept. last Thursday, 5th May: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.B&, r,P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sab-Coni- mitteeg.

Read and approved the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on bis recent visits to ,K.ingsgate, Margate, Broadstairs, Wey- BKtuth, Poole, and Lyme Regis, Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to Liandduias, Whitehaven, Seaham, North Sunderland, Holv Island, Rosa Links, and Berwick-on-Tweed, Reported the receipt of 20SK. from Lady B., being the first instalment of her gift to the Insti- tution—in memory of her late Husband—of the cost of the life-boat to be stationed at Chapel, on the Lincolnshire coast.— To be thanked.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting: —Hull Branch, per W.Dirsos, Jun.,Esq., 120A 2*; King's Lynn Branch, per F. J. CHESSWEM Esq., and Mr. WM. HITCHCOCK, 89i. 8*. 3d.; Iltracorobe Branch, per KATHA»IE£, V E, Esq., SOI.; Pro- ceeds of a Concert at the Duke's School, Alnwick, per Mr. THOMAS Couussos, 7t 7*.; Proceeds of an Entertainment at Sandwich, per G. COLEMAN, Esq., 41, 4*.; Collected by Capt. N. MAK JOASO, of the barque Matchless, of Guernsey, on bis last visit to the West Indies, additional, 21.5*.; Col- lected on board H .M.S. Crocodile, after an amateur dramatic entertainment, per AIRBED POKMSCE, Esq., B.N., It 2«.— To 6e neaeraily thanked, Produced extracts from the following wills con- taining legacies to the Institution:—The late JOBS SoBEfiis, Esq., of Jermyn Street, SOOL, doty free; the late Mrs. MARI G REAVES, of Kew Brighton, 131,19s.

Ordered that life-boat houses be built at Pal- ling, Norfolk, and at Ballantrae, in Scotland, at an expense of 3522.

Reported the transmission to its station of the new life-boat for Kingsgate, the South Eastern Bailway Company having readily granted * free conveyance to the boat.—To be tkattJsrd, Read letter from Dr. LABORDCTTE, of Lisicux, JULY 1, 1870.] THE LIFE-BOAT.

France, of the 18th April, expressing his satisfac- tion that the Institution had adopted his sugges- tion regarding the clenching of the jaws, &c., in its new instructions for the restoration of the apparently drowned.

Read letter from the Admiralty, of the 29th ult., thanking the Society for the copies of these new instructions.

Reported that the Boulogne Shipwreck and Humane Society was about to have, through Colonel Sir JAMES E. ALEXANDER, a life-boat built, on the plan of the Institution, by the Messrs. FORRESTT, of Limehouse, and that the Society wished to have the building of the boat conducted under the superintendence of the NATIONAL LITE-BOAT INSTITUTION.— To be com- plied with.

Bead letters from Mr. R. E. BARKER, of Clifton, and Mr. W. SLEEMAN, of Helston, calling atten- tion to their respective plans for saving life from shipwreck.— To be acknowledged.

Paid 2,20 M. 12s. Id. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 9/. 9s. to pay the expenses of the Black- pool life-boat in patting oft'.on the 22nd April, and rescuing the crew of 2 men from the sloop Spriahtly, of Preston, which, during a gale from the S.W., had stranded on the Crusader Bank.

Also 161. Is. to pay the expenses of the Berwick- on-Tweed life-boat in going off on the 23rd March and saving 5 men from the schooner Margarets, of Whithorn, which, during a gale from the N., was wrecked on Spittal Point.

Also I3J. 7s. to pay the expenses of the Valentia life-boat in going out on the 10th Feb. to the assistance of 4 of the crew of the barque Ansell, of St. John's, New Brunswick, who had taken refuge on the Skellig Book. Owing to the violence of the sea, however, the life-boat was unable to effect a landing at the rock, and the men had to await another opportunity of reaching the shore.

Also 61. 19s. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the Arklow life-boat in putting off on the 13th April with the view of rendering assistance to a brigan- tine which had been seen on the Arklow Bank.

On the life-boat arriving at the bank, the vessel was however found to be completely submerged and abandoned.

Also 12/. to pay the expenses of the Barraouth life-boat in going off on the 2Ist April to the assistance of the crew of the smack Mary, of Carnarvon, which, during a strong wind from the S.W., had grounded on Barmouth Bar. The crew, however, refused to leave, and their vessel subse- quently got out of danger.

Also 21. 10s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Khyl life-boat crew in assembling on the 28th April with the view of launching the boat to assist a schooner which had gone on the West Hoyle Bank. The life-boat, however, was not required to be launched, the vessel having got out of her dangerous position.

Reported the services of the Palling life-boat, in going out, on the 28th April, in reply to signals of distress from the ketch Shorehan, of Shoreham.

The vessel was taken in tow by another ketch, and the life-boat accompanied them to Tar- mouth.

Also the services of the Newbiggin life-boat, in putting off, on the 25th March, to the assistance of six distressed fishing cobles, during » strong wind from the E.N.E.

Voted 31. to six men for going off, in a boat, and saving 3 men belonging to the lugger Ocean Pride, of Peel, which, during a fresh gale from the N., had sunk near Rhosneigr, on the Anglesey Coast, on the 11th March.