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Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society

THE Thirty-first Annual Meeting of this national charity, incorporated by Act of Parliament, and supported by voluntary contributions, to assist destitute persons cast away upon our coasts, was held on the 25th May last at Burdett Hall, Lime- house, Capt. the Hon. FRANCIS MAUDE, R.N. (in the unavoidable absence of His Grace the DUKE or MARLBOROUGH, President of the Society), in the Chair.  We observed amongst those present:—G. A. BROGRAVE, Esq., V.P., Vice-Admiral BUCKLE, C.B.; Captains Royal Navy, A. BOYLE, THOMAS OSMER, and W. H. SYMONS (Second Secretary); Revs. W. R. PAYNE and J. B. WHEELER: Capts. TRIVETT, BUDD, and TRIBE; Esquires, THOMAS BRADBERRY, JOSEPH GREAVES, CHAS. H. MALTBY, li. H. SAUNDERS, and many ladies.

The Chairman, after having enlarged upon the important and charitable nature of the operations of the Society, called on the Secretary, FRANCIS LEAN, Esq., R.N., to read the Report, wherein it was stated that during the past year the Society had relieved 7,517 shipwrecked persons, natives and foreigners of eleven different nations, and 4,283 widows and orphans of fishermen and ma- riners, making a total, since the formation of the Society in 1839, of 194,112; that 49,171 mariners yoluntarily.subscribe 3*. each per annum. The income of the Society during the past year had been 27,5111., in ponnection with which certain large donors were mentioned, viz.:—HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN, 251. (annual); Messrs. COUTTS and Co., 251.; The Marine As- surance Co., 52J. 10s.; Society for the Relief and Discharge of Persons Imprisoned for Small Debts, 1001.; Proportion awarded from Tyne Wrecked Mariners' Home (per JOHN FOSTER SPENCE, Esq.), 74/. 10».; Miss HUNT, 211.; R. DURANT, Esq., 201.; JOSEPH GOFF, Esq., 207.; Lady LAWLEY, 451.; A Friend, 201. • WILLIAM PHILLIPPS, Esq., 100!. -, Merchant Taylors' Company, 26J. 5».; A. JAMIESON, Esq., 20/.; ROBERT WOODWARD, Esq., 201.; Trustees of the late WILLIAM THORNGATE Esq. (per HENRY COMPJEGNE, Esq.), 20/.; Ballast Board (Dublin), 251. • The Western Clubs (Top- sham), 30 .; WILLIAM RUSSELL, Esq. (Totnes), 251.  Collected on board the S.S. Moravian (Liverpool), 221. 10s.; Proceeds of Basket, per Mrs. MAYNARD (Liverpool), 211.; Balance of Proceeds of a Roman Catholic Ball (Lytham), 20/.; Collection after Sermon by Rev. W. H. REDKNAP (Ryde), 227. Os. 2d. ; Anonymous (Bristol), 1001  " E. B." (Bristol), A Thank Offering for mercies received, 1001.

Several large legacies had also been announced during the past year.

Reference was made to the efforts of the Society in granting rewards for saving life on the high seas and on the coasts of the British Colonies.

The Report, after having called attention to the gradual progress of the Royal Alfred Aged Mer- chant Seamen's Institution established at Bel- vedere, and to the publication of the Society, concluded by drawing attention to the fact, that 11,800 persons suffering from the perils of the deep during the past year have, through the grace of God and the benevolence of the support- ers of the Charity, had their sufferings materially alleviated.

Various resolutions having been moved and seconded, the Meeting separated after the usual vote of thanks to the Chairman,