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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 8th April, 1868: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq.,F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Elected the Members of the Sub-Committees for the ensuing year.

Read and approved the Reports of Capt. J. R. WARD, R.N., the Inspector of Life-boats, of the 1st and 6th April, on his recent visits to Lowes- ton, Corton, "Wells, Robin Hood's Bay, "Wey- mouth, Sidmouth, Salcombe, Mevagissey, Guern- sey and Alderney.

Also the Report of Capt. p. ROBERTSON, R.N., the Assistant Inspector of Life-boats, of the 3rd April, on his recent visits to Abersoch, Wales; and to Poolbeg, Drogheda, Skerries, Dundalk, and Newcastle (Dundrnm), Ireland.

Decided, on the application of the local resi- dents, and on the recommendation of the In- spector of Life-boats to the Institution, to form a life-boat station on the Isle of Whithorn, N.B.

A- benevolent lady residing in Edinburgh, had given the Society 620J. to defray the entire cost of this life-boat establishment. — To be thanked.

It was also decided to appropriate the life-boat establishment forming at Mevagissey, Cornwall, to the fund raised by Sir ROBERT N. C. HAMILTON, Bart., K.C.B., which had amounted to 320/.— To be thanked.

Decided also, on the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats, to form a Life-boat Station at Corton, Suffolk.

Reported that Mrs. GEORGE DAVIS, of Clapham Rise, had given the Institution 620(. to defray the cost of this life-boat establishment, in addition to an annual subscription of 101. in aid of the main- tenance of the boat.— To lie thanked. Also decided to station a surf life-boat at | Lowestoft, in addition to the large boat, which was intended to go off to the outlying sand- ' banks, and was not suitable for in-shore work. Miss LEICESTER, who had given the Society the "Whitehaven life-boat, had recently presented 4207. for another boat, and she approved of her j gift being appropriated to the Lowestoft surf life- boat.

Reported the transmission to their stations of the Drogheda and St. David's new life-boats. The British and Irish Steam Packet Company had readily given a free conveyance on board one of their steamers to the Drogheda boat. The St. David's life-boat which had been presented by Lord DARTMOUTH and his Tenantry had been sent to Lord DARTMOUTH'S seat at Patshull Park, near Wolverhampton, en route to its station, on which occasion the boat was launched in a lake in the Park in the presence of a large concourse of persons after being named in the usual way by Lady DARTMOUTH.— The Steam Packet Company to be thanked.

Mr. LEWIS, the Secretary of the Institution, j reported that he had attended at Exeter during | Easter week, on the occasion of a Bazaar and grand fetes being held there at that time, in aid j of the support of the life-boats of the Society ; on the coasts of Devon and Cornwall. j He observed that he had never witnessed such i devotion towards the life-boat cause, on the part of all classes. Lady ANNA MARIA COURTENAY, Lady CHETWYXD, Lady POI/TIMORE, the Mayoress of EXETER, Mrs. HARTLEY, Mrs. CHICHESTER, Mrs. BLANDY, Mrs. "WILLIAMS of Rewe, Mrs. CHAMPERNOWNE, Mrs. GIBBS, and Mrs. STUDD, the stall-keepers, were untiring, day after day, in at- tending to their stalls. Altogether, with the hearty co-operation of the local press, there had not been before in any place such a public manifestation of sympathy and support for the NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION. Decided that the several Ladies and Gentle-men who assisted at the Bazaar be cordially , thanked, and that the hearty acknowledgments i of the Institution be conveyed to Mr. T. B. GIBBS j and Mr. C. H. EDMUNDS, the Hon. Sees, of the | Bazaar, for their valuable co-operation in organi- zing and carrying it out. I Read letter from the Secretary of the Purbeck Island Branch, of the 18th March, in which he stated that the Rev. NATHANIEL BOND had kindly promised to erect a wooden house for the Kimeridge life-boat, at his own expense.—De- cided that Mr. BOND'S liberal offer be accepted with thanks.

Read letter from CHARLES BURN, Esq., C.E., of Abingdon Street, Westminster, of the 10th March, describing his plan for preventing boats from cap- sizing.—-To be acknowledged.

Produced drawings of an apparatus by Mr. WILLIAM BAIN, of Wimborne, to enable boats to self-right after being capsized.— To be acknow- ledged.

Read letter from Messrs. SHARLETT, DALE, and Co., of Cornhill, of the 5th March, calling atten- tion to a new ' Storm Escape' which had been invented by Mr. JOSEPH HODGSON.— To be ac- knowledged.

Reported that the Tynemouth life-boats had been taken out for their Quarterly Exercise on the 31st March, on the occasion of the Hon. REVERDY JOHNSON, the late American Minister, visiting that place.

Ordered a life-boat house to be erected at Lyn- mouth, Devon, at an expense of 1897.

Decided that the Thanks of the Institution, in- scribed on Vellum, be presented to Capt. JOHN Z. CREAST, R.N., late Inspecting Commander of the Banff Division of Coastguard, in acknowledg- ment of his valuable and zealous co-operation in the management of the life-boats in his division.

[The special contributions and legacies to the Society in the month of March are given in its last Annual Report, published on the 1st April, 1869.] Paid 6017. 18s. 8d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 12Z. 15s. to pay the expenses of the Ayr life-boat in going off, on the 4th. Match, during a strong wind from the N.W. and rescuing the master of the schooner Doddington, of Dumfries, which became a total wreck on the Nicholas Rock, near Ayr Harbour. The remainder of the crew reached the shore in their own boat.

Also 167. to pay the expenses of the Pakefield life-boat in putting off during a fresh gale from E.N.E. and saving the crew of 7 men of the schooner James Cuckow, of Ipswich, which was totally wrecked on the Barnard Sand, off the Suf- folk coast, on the 6th March.

Also 187. 19s. to pay the expenses of the Fish- guard life-boat in putting off twice and saving the crew of 4 men from the schooner Mary Lhyd, of Caernarvon, and 6 men from the brigantine Rebecca, of Caernarvon, which were in distress, during a terri6c gale of wind from N.N.E. off Fish- guard, on the 19th and 20th March. On the occa- sion of the first service the crew found it impos- sible to make head-way against the fearful storm, and had to put back, when a fresh crew were obtained, and the oars being double-manned, the boat soon reached the vessel and rescued the crew. It was reported that the boat and her brave crews behaved admirably on the occasion.

Also 241. 5». to pay the expenses of the Palling life-boat in putting off during a strong gale of wind from E.N.E. on the 20th March, and saving the crew of 6 men from the brig Zosteria, of Col- chester, which was stranded on Palling Beach.

Also 91.10s. to pay the expenses of the Margate life-boat in going off and saving the crew of 4 men from the barge Earnest, of Ipswich, which had be- come unmanageable, and had stranded during a heavy gale from N.N.E. off Margate, on the 20th March.

Also 77.18s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the St. Ives life-boat in putting off to the assistance of a vessel observed in distress in the offing, during a heavy gale, on the 20th March. On arriving alongside, the vessel was found in a very leaky state, and likely to go on the rocks. The crew of 6 men were taken off and safely landed by the life-boat. The vessel soon afterwards dragged her anchors, struck on the rocks, and became a total wreck. She was the schooner Ariel, of Truro, laden with coal.

Also 91. to pay the expenses of the Yarmouth surf life-boat in putting off, in reply to signals of distress, and bringing safely ashore the crew of 4 men of the brigantine Cherub, of "Yarmouth, which had sunk during a heavy N.E. gale on the beach off that place on the 20th March.

Also 127. 5s. to pay the expenses of the Shering- ham life-boat, in going off and rescuing the crew, consisting of 2 men and a boy, from the schooner Francis Ann, of Maldon, which had stranded off Sheringham, during a heavy B.rl .E. gale on the 20th March.

Also 177. 13s. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the Hayle life-boat in going off in reply to signals of distress, and rescuing the crew of 8 men of the brig Lizzie, of Newport, Monmouthshire, which was stranded on the eastern spit of Hayle Bar, dur- ing a violent storm from the north, with showers of hail, on the 20th March. The Lizzie had called at Queenstown for orders, and was bound for Shields, when she was overtaken by the storm, and struck on the stones off Hayle. The master, finding the vessel making a good deal of water, beached her on the eastern spit of Haile Bar, the tide being about three hours ebb. The vessel showed a white light only, but between two and three o'clock the crew displayed a torch, which was answered by the Coastguard, between Hayle and St. Ives, who fired a blue light. Informa- tion was immediately sent to both places, that a vessel was apparently ashore near the Bar.

The usual signals were made by firing two minute- guns, and sending up two signal rockets for the crew of the life-boat and the life brigade, and they soon mustered. The latter were at the spot first, and fired two rockets towards the vessel, but could not reach her; and seeing it was useless to make any further attempt, all attention was devoted to the life-boat, which was launched opposite the ferry. After a struggle which lasted for two hours, she reached the vessel, and re- ceived a rope from the crew, who were ready with it. One man also managed to get into the life-boat, but the boat was then carried away by the heavy sea. Again she neared the ship, when two others of the crew dropped into the boat from the jib-boom. After many gallant struggles in this manner, the whole of those on board the ship were saved. Sometimes the men fell into the water, but the brave life-boat men succeeded, with much difficulty, in rescuing them. With a good hearty cheer the life-boat then made for the shore with her precious cargo, and reached the harbour in safety, after about four hours' most noble and trying service. While the boat had been thus engaged, the St. Ives life-boat had come over by land on her carriage, and had been launched with the view of aiding in the rescue of the shipwrecked crew; bat finding the other boat was able to perform the service without their assistance, the men contented themselves with remaining near, to be in readiness in case of any mishap.

Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on Vellum, to G. N. MAULE, Esq., also its thanks to Lieut. F. WILLIAMS, R.N., and 161. 2s. Gd. to pay the expenses of the Ilfracombe life-boat, in going off and saving the crew of 16 men from the Italian barque Drago, of Genoa, which was in a perilous position off Morte Stone—a ;danger- ous reef some distance from Ilfracombe. On the afternoon of the 20th March, this coast was suddenly visited by a tremendous storm from the N.N. W., and shortly afterwards information arrived that a large vessel was in a most pre- carious position off Morte Stone. The Coast- guard immediately proceeded to the spot, and about seven o'clock their officer sent word that a barque, with her masts cut away, was at anchor, and requested that a steam-tug and the life-boat should at once be despatched to her assistance.

It happened that at the time a steamer was in the harbour, but she had only recently entered it, and had encountered so much danger in doing so, that her captain declared that a 1,0(XW. would not induce him to put to sea whilst the storm lasted.

It was quite impossible for the boat to get out unassisted, and nothing remained but to wait.

At two o'clock on the following morning an at- tempt was made to get the boat out, but at that early hour it was found impossible to get suffi- cient assistance to launch her, and the at- tempt had again to be deferred. However, at half-past ten o'clock the boat put to sea, and after a hard struggle, lasting four hours, succeeded in reaching the wreck, and in taking out of her the crew of 13 men and 2 boys, and the pilot, all of whom were safely landed at Ilfracombe. Great risk was ran in taking the men out of the barque, occasioned by her proximity to that most dan- gerous reef, Morte Stone, the swinging of the ship, and the mass of spars floating round her. At one time the boat was nearly gone. She encountered great peril, too, on her way back, in tow of a steam-tug, laden as she was with 16 men, in addition to her own crew. The exertions of Mr. MAULE, barrister, a member of the Local Life-boat Committee, in getting the crew to- gether, &c., were beyond praise; he himself made up a deficiency in the number of the crew by taking an oar in the life-boat. Lieut. WILLIAMS, R.N., the officer of Coastguard, was also very active in endeavouring to get the boat to sea at about half-past six, a.m.; but at that time she could not be got round the point. The boat lost her anchor under the keel of the barque, and had two oars broken in this service.

Reported the services of the Holyhead life-boat, in putting off twice, and rendering valuable assistance to the barque Adelaide, of Pernambuco, which was in distress, during a strong northerly gale and heavy sea, in Holyhead Bay, on the 2nd March.

Also the services of the Pakefield life-boat, in going off and rendering important services to the brig Henrietta Greve, of Granton, which, during a fresh gale from E.N.E., had grounded in Pake- field Gatway, on the 22nd March.

Also the services of the Ramsgate life-boat, in conjunction with the steam-tug Aid, in going out and succeeding, after several unsuccessful at- tempts, in bringing safely into Ramsgate Harbour the schooner Pride of the West, and her crew of 6 men. The vessel had gone on shore on the N.W. spit of the Goodwin Sands during a heavy N.E. gale, on the 11th March.

Voted 15Z. I5s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Brixham life-boat, in putting off on the night of the 19th March, to the assistance of a vessel which was seen driving on the rocks and showing signals of distress. The boat was pulled with a will through a nasty sea, and against a heavy gale, to the distressed ship, which proved to be the brigan- tine Helena. A man with a broken arm was brought ashore in the life-boat, and afterwards the boat remained alongside the ship for nearly two hours, and the gale then abating, and the vessel holding to her anchors, she returned to her station.

Also 1247. 8s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the life-boats stationed at Yarmouth, Padstow, Broad- stairs, Lizard, Cadgwith, Rye, Kingsgate, Hun- stanton, Withernsea, Padstow, Sheringham, Ark- low, Porthcawl, Tynemouth, Dungeness, Rhyl, and Penmon, in going off in reply to signals of distress from various vessels during the heavy gales of Feb. The vessels, however, fortunately succeeded in getting out of their dangerous posi- tions without needing the services of the boats.

Voted a sum of 201. in aid of a fund that was being raised for the benefit of Mrs. WYATT, the widow of the late Mr. GEORGE WYATT, Master of the Harwich fishing smack Alfred, who unhappily perished while nobly assisting with his smack to save the crew of 7 men of the schooner Alvilda, of Holbeck, which was wrecked on the Long Sand during a very heavy gale, and in a high sea, on.

the 13th Feb. WYATT had received the Silver Medal of the Institution for his previous gallant services in saving life from shipwreck.

Voted 101. to the crews of 3 fishing luggers of Broadstairs, for putting off and rescuing 8 of the crew of the ship Ingrie, of Amsterdam, which was wrecked during a gale of wind from the W.S. W., on the S.E. spit of the Goodwin Sands, on the 24th Feb. Thursday, 6th May: THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., F.B.S., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting; and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats of the 30th April, on his recent visit to Al- brighton, St. David's, Milford, Llanelly, North Deal, Kingsdowne, Broadstairs, and Kingsgate.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats of the 1st May, on his recent visits to Tyrella, Ballywalter,Groomsport,Portrush,Green- castle, Howth, Kingstown, Wicklow, Arklow, Courtown, Cahore, Rosslare, Wexford, Carnsore, Duncannon, and. Tramore.

Decided, on the recommendation of the In- spector of Life-boats, to form a life-boat station at Salcombe, Devon.

RICHARD DURANT, Esq., of Sharpham, had gene- rously presented to the Institution 640/., through its Devon Central Branch, to defray the cost of this life-boat establishment. — To be thanked.

Decided also, on the Inspector's Report, to form a life-boat establishment at Sidmouth, Devon, and to appropriate the station to a benevolent lady re- siding at Streatham, who had given the Society 4201. through the Devon Central Branch, to defray the cost of a life-boat. — To be thanked.

Decided that the Legacy life-boat of the late Mrs. and Miss WARNER, of Lyncombe, Somerset, with the sanction of the Executors, be stationed at Duncannon, at Waterford Harbour.

Reported that a benevolent lady had expressed a desire to present the entire cost of a Life-boat Establishment to the Institution, in memory of her deceased husband, Capt. C. R. E., R.N., who had been for many years an active Member of the Committee of Management of the Society.

Decided that the lady be thanked for her liberal offer, and that the Life-boat Station which was about to be formed at Solva, Pembrokeshire, be appropriated to her. The Harbour Trial of the boat took place on the 1st Sept., when the lady herself was present.] Reported the receipt of 1,0007. from Capt.

JAMES GILBERT JOHNSTON, of Regent's Park, and CHARLES BAKER, Esq., of Wimbledon, being a contribution to the Institution from funds placed at their disposal, for distribution amongst various charities, by the late Dr. CHRISTOPHER LUDLOW.

Decided that the Trustees be thanked, and that the life-boat at Dungarvan, Ireland, be named the Christopher Ludlow, after the deceased gentle- man. e be Reported the receipt of the following Special Contributions in aid of the funds of the Institution since the last meeting : — Devon Central Branch, first instalment of the proceeds of the Exeter Life- boat Bazaar, 1,0001. ; Reigate Life-boat Fund, per E. CHAMBERS, Esq., balance, 607. 18s. 6d. ; Dundee Branch, per J. ANDERSON, Esq., 601. ; Rochdale Branch, per R. T. HEAPE, Esq., 531. 11s. 6d. ; collected by CHARLES BARWELL, Esq., of Bir- mingham, additional, 521 10s. ; Bristol Histrionic Life-boat Fund, per E. AUSTIN, Esq., additional, Ml. ; Brighton Branch, per Dr. SErMooa, 50/. ; Great Grimsby and Cleethorpes Branch, per E.

R. LLOYD, Esq., 207. ; Bombay Shipmaster's Asso- ciation, per Captain JOHN BOAG, 121. ; collected on board the barque Matchless, of Guernsey, er Capt. R. MABQUAND, .additional, SI. 5s.— To severally thanked.

Produced an Extract from the Will of the late Miss E. S. KEMP, of Featherstone Street, City Road, giving 100Z., free of duty, to the Society.

Decided that the Thanks of the Institution, in- scribed on Vellum, be presented to GORDON DOUGLAS, Esq., late of Filey, Yorkshire, in acknow- ledgment of his valuable and zealous co-opera- tion while holding the office of Honorary Secretary of that Branch of the Society.

Ordered Life-boat Houses to be built at Ram- sey, Isle of Man, and Duncannon, Ireland, at an expense of 3121. 5s. 4d.

Produced a Model of a Life-boat designed by | Mr. R. T. FAIRGHIEVE, of Sunderland, and his de- scription of the same.— To be acknowledged.

Read Letter from the Rev. R. W. CHACROFT, Honorary Secretary of the Lincolnshire Coast Shipwreck Association, of the 30th April, stating that CHARLES RICE, Esq., of Boston, had collected 621. 8s. 6rf. in Annual Subscriptions, and 177. 16s.

in Donations for the Institution. Mr. RICE was himself a liberal Subscriber of 21. 2s. a year to the Lincolnshire Branch Society.— To be thanked.

Paid 1,546?. 13s. 7rf. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Reported that the Rye life-boat had put off, on the 7th April, and at the request of the master had accompanied the barque Columbia, of Sta- vanger, into Dover harbour. The barque had, during a dense fog, run ashore off Rye, soon after midnight.

Also that the Cemlyn life-boat had rendered valuable assistance, on the 30th April, to the schooner Sally Green, of Liverpool, which had stranded during a fresh gale from E.S E., near the life-boat station, and would probably have become a total wreck, had it not been for the boat's crew working at the pumps.

Also that the Caister life-boat bad gone off, on the 29th April, to the assistance of the screw steam-ship Lady Flora, of Hull, which went ashore amongst the breakers south of Caister, during a strong wind from the N.E. and heavy sea. The life-boat remained by the vessel until the next day. One of the crew of the boat was much bruised by a broken oar.

This life-boat had also put off, on the 31st March, in reply to signals of distress from the schooner Julius, of Norway, during a strong N.E. wind, but her services were not required.

Voted 321. 12s. to pay the expenses of the life- boats at Cromer, Porthcawl, Penmon, Rhoscolyn, Kingstown, and Courtown, in either assembling or putting off in reply to signals of distress, with the view of rendering assistance to distressed vessels.

Also 117. 15s. to two boats' crews, for going off and rescuing 22 men from the ship Canadian, of Greenock, which had become a total wreck during a heavy gale from W.N.W., opposite Brims, in Pentland Frith, on the 26th Feb. last.

Also 51. to 3 women and 2 men, for going off in a small boat, at great risk of life, and saving 3 out of 5 persons whose boat had been capsized during a fresh gale from S. W., in Straddle Sound, Co. Galway, on the 16th Feb. last.

Also 21. to a boat's crew, for putting off and rescuing 3 men from the schooner George, of Goole, which was wrecked during a N.E. gale, near Runton Gap way, on the Norfolk coast, on the 20th March.

Also II. 10s. to 3 men for saving, in a small boat, 2 men, whose boat had been capsized by a sudden squall of wind, near the island of Muckle Roe, Shetland, on the 4th Feb.

Thursday, 3rd June: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspond- ence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Also the Report of Capt. DAVID ROBERTSON, R.N., the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to the Dungarvan, Ardmore, Youghal, Ballycotton, . Queenstown, Courtmacsherry, and Valentia Life-boat Stations.

Decided, on the invitation of the local residents and on the recommendation of the Inspector o; Life-boats to the Society, to form a Life-boat Station at Port Isaac, Cornwall.

RICHARD THORNTON WEST, Esq., and Mrs. WEST, of Streatham and Exeter, who had previously presented to the Institution the West Wittering Life-boat Establishment, had munificently given the Society TOO/, to defray the original cost of the Port Isaac Life-boat Station, and its first year's expenses.— To be thanked.

Reported the receipt of 6401. from the Ancient Order of Foresters, to defray the cost of the Forester* Pride Life-boat, to be stationed at West Hartlepool, this being the second boat presented to the Institution by the Order.

[We may briefly add, reserving our further re- marks for a future occasion, that the Foresters' Pride Life-boat was publicly exhibited and launched with much eclat at Roker, Sunderland, on Monday, the 2nd of August, in connection with a High Court Meeting of the Order, which was then sitting in Sunderland. A grand procession, comprising Members of the Order from most of the large towns in the North, accompanied the boat through the principal streets of the town to Roker, where it was launched, after being named in the usual manner by Miss SHAWCROSS, the daughter of the able and indefatigable Secretary of the Order.] Reported the receipt of the following Special Contributions in aid of the funds of the Institution since the last meeting:—Devon Central Branch, second instalment of the proceeds of the Exeter Life-boat Bazaar, 2542. 3». Id. A. Friend, per the Nottingham Branch, 1002.; the Misses RIDDLE, of Clifton, Bristol, additional, 251.; Settle Branch, pet C. BROWN, Esq., additional, 141.; collected in the Bristol Mercantile Marine Office, per Capt.

THOMAS SMITH, additional, 132. 10s.; Ipswich Branch, per G. C. E. BACON, Esq., additional, 121. 14s.; Penny Life-boat Fund, per Sir THOMAS TOBIN, additional, 82.— To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of 5002. from the Executors of the late THOMAS BROWN, Esq., of Ludgate Hill, being the amount of the Legacy left to the Society by the deceased gentleman; also 901. which had been bequeathed to the Institution by the late Mrs. MART ANN BKODIE, of Harley Street, Caven- dish Square.

Produced an extract from the will of the late JAMES STURM, Esq., of High Holborn, in which 5002. were left to the Institution for a 'life-boat to be named the James Sturm, and to be stationed on the northern coast of Scotland.

Also an extract from the will of the late Miss LUCRETIA TncKETT, of Osuaburgh Street, Regent's Park, in which she bequeathed to the Society 1001. free of duty.

Ordered new Life-boat Houses to be built at Pembrey, Wales, and on the Isle of Whithorn, N.B., at an expense of 2292., the Peinbrey house having been nearly washed away by the heavy storms of January last.

Also, decided that the Valentia Life-boat House be removed to a more suitable site, the KNIGHT OF KERRY having kindly granted the Society a lease, at a nominal rent, of the new site of ground.

— To be thanked.

Read letter from Mr. JAMES WRIGHT, of Jamaica Road, Bermondsey, of the 21st May, calling atten- tion to his plan of life-boat.— To be acknowledged.

Reported that Messrs. PEACOCK and BUCHAN, of Southampton, had, at the order of the Institution, supplied their Composition (No. 3) Paint for the life-boats and carriages of the Society.

Paid 1,3442. 17s. 6d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 41. 16s. Sd. to pay the expenses of the Wexford No. 2 Life-boat in putting off and rescu- ing 4 men from the schooner Handy, of Wexford, which had stranded during a strong N.E. gale and very heavy sea,in the South Bay. Owing to the vio- lence of the sea the crew of the life-boat found it impossible, after they had effected the rescue, to keep her off the shore, upon which she was driven with great force, but fortunately those on board escaped unhurt. The remainder of the vessel's crew, 2 in number, left ill their own boat, which was also dashed ashore, the men narrowly escaping with their lives.

Also 442. 10s., to pay the expenses of the life- boats stationed at Cahore, Wexford, Carnsore, and New Romney, in going off, in reply to signals of distress from vessels which were, however, either found abandoned, or otherwise did not ultimately need the services of the life-boats.

Also the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum and 12. to JAMES GALE, coxswain of the Buckie life-boat, in acknowledgment of his ser- vices in assisting in the life-boat to save the crews, consisting of 45 persons, from some fishing- boats which were in distress off Buckie on the 29th and 30th September last. GALE, it appeared, was severely injured by being dashed against the bow of the boat on the occasion.

Also 22. to F. KERR, chief boatman of coast- guard at Buckie, whose foot had been bruised by the wheel of the life-boat carriage.

Also 42. to 4 men for putting off in a boat and rescuing at the risk of their lives, during a heavy gale from W.N.W., 3 men and a pilot from the schooner Seine, of Barrow, which was wrecked about a mile and a half from the Dee Bank on the 28th February last.

Also 32. to the crews, consisting of 6 men of two skiffs, for rescuing 4 others whose boat had capsized during a strong breeze from E.N.E. and heavy sea outside Wicklow Bar on the 28th April.

Also 21. 10s. to 5 fishermen for putting off in their boat and saving the crew of 3 men and a woman who had been capsized from a seaweed boat in Donegal Bay on the 3rd March.

Also 22. to 3 persons for rescuing, whilst out fishing, a woman and her son from a boat which was in great danger in squally weather and a heavy sea off Whiddy Island, Co. Cork, on the 29th March.

Also 12. to 4 men for rescuing 4 others whose boat had sunk near the Margaretta Shoal, Kil- colgan, Co. Galway, during squally weather on the 6th May.

Also a reward to a boat's crew for rescuing 2 out of 4 others whose boat had sunk off Burrow- lish, Ballinakill Bay, Ireland, on the 29th March.

The salvors threw overboard a cargo of seaweed, which they had been collecting, in order to enable them to proceed quickly to the rescue.

Also a reward to a boat's crew for saving 4 men from another boat which was in a sinking state off Foureen, Co. Galway, during squally weather on the 26th February.

Thursday, 1st July. His Grace the DUKE or NORTHUMBERLAND, P.C., President of the Insti- tution, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspond- ence, and Wreck and Reward Sab-Committees.

Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to Fal- mouth, Porthoustoek, Coverack, Cadgwith, Mul- ion, Port Isaac, Rhyl, Llandulas, Llandudno, Pen- mon, Bull Bay, Moelfre, Cemlyn, Rhoscolyn, dolyhead, Llanddwyn, and Abersoch. Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Southend and Campbeltown (Cantyre), and to Arran, Whiting Bay, Kildoman, and Dunbar.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions in aid of the fundsof the Society since the last meeting:—East and West India Dock Com- pany, per G. COLLIN, Esq. (additional), 521.10s.; " E.," 5(M.; Bradford Branch, per G. W. LUPTON, Esq., 501.; Staffordshire Branch, per J. G.WALKER, Esq., 421.; Alloa Branch, per G. C. COATS, Esq., SSI. Us. 6d.; Sheffield Branch, per J. BECKETT, Esq., 351. 2s.; collected in the Glasgow Custom House, per Mr. C. BURBIDGE, through D. COLQU- HOUN, Esq., 201. 6».; JOSEPH GOFF, Esq. (addi- tional), 201.; Colonel J. R. WESTERN (additional), 1(M.; Executors of the late WILLIAM MOONEY, Esq., of Dublin, per Kingstown Branch, 101.; Ipswich Foresters' and Odd Fellows' Fete, part proceeds of, per Dr. PARTRIDGE MILLS (addi- tional), 51.— To be severally thanked.

Produced extracts from the following wills con- taining legacies to the Institution:—The late SAMUEL SCOTT, Esq., of Bromley, 1000Z., free of duty ; Mrs. M. E. CLARK, of Kensington, 500?.; and JOHN BEWLEST, Esq., of Kingsland Road,3CKM., free of duty.

Read letter from the Secretary of the Greenock Branch, of the 19th June, stating that the late Dr. MACSIE, of that place, had bequeathed to the . Society 4QQ/. to provide an additional life-boat for the Scotch coast.

Read letter from the Secretary of the Aberyst- with Branch, of the 4th June, stating that the late Captain V. JULIAN, of that place, who had been a member of the local life-boat committee, had left the Institution a legacy of 501.

Bead letter from Mr. HEXT BOTER, of Stone- house, of the 10th June, stating that the EARL OF MOUNT EDGCDMBE would have much satisfaction in granting to the Society a lease of the site of ground on which to erect the Mevagissey life-boat house.—His Lordship to fee thanked.

Reported the transmission to its station of the life-boat for Southend, Cantyre, N.B.

Reported the lamented death of Mr. BENJAMIN WICKHAM, R.N., of Elgin, who had been the Honorary Secretary of the Lossiemouth Branch of the Institution.

Decided that the condolence of the Committee be conveyed to Mrs. WICKHAM and other mem- bers of her family, on the occasion of their sad bereavement.

Decided that the thanks of the Institution, in- scribed on vellum, be presented to C. W. PREEDY, Esq., on the occasion of his retirement from the office of Honorary Secretary of the Hunstanton Branch of the Society, in acknowledgment of his valuable and zealous service while holding that office.

Paid 1,13] /. 18s. 6d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 21. 17s. to pay the expenses of the An- struther life-boat in putting off in reply to signals of distress from the brigantine Isabella, of Aber- deen, which was observed in a dismasted state during a fresh gale of wind from N.E. and heavy ground swell, in Aberdeen Bay on the 15th June.

The captain engaged one of the life-boat men to pilot the vessel up the Firth.

Also 71. 6s. to pay the expenses of the North Berwick life-boat in putting off during a severe N.E. gale and heavy sea, and rescuing the crew of 8 men from the brig J. C. Howitz, of Rostiek, in Germany, which was driven on the rocks and totally wrecked about half a mile from the shore at North Berwick on the 15th June.

Also 11. 17s. to pay the expenses of the Runs- wick life-boat in going off during a heavy gale from the N.E., thick weather and high sea, and rescuing the crew of 3 men and a boy from tile fishing coble, (Mary, of Hartlepool, which was seen in a helpless condition drifting on the Kettle- ness reefs off the south part of Runswick Bay early on the morning of the 16th June. After landing the coble's crew in safety, the life-boat again put off to the assistance of two other cobles—the King Fisher and the William and Alice, both of Hartle- pool. The life-boat assisted them clear of the reefs, but in taking the beach the King Fisher had her bottom completely smashed in by the violence of the sea. Both crews reached the shore in safety. All three boats had lost their nets and gear during the storm of the previous night.

Also 227. 16*. 6d. to pay the expenses of the life-boat at Brighstone Grange, Rhyl, Scarborough, and Porthdinllaen, for either assembling the crews or putting off with the view of rendering assist- ance to vessels in distress.

Also 4/. 10s. to 3 warders and 6 convicts of the Spike Island Convict Establishment, for rescuing 2 out of 5 men forming the crew of a whaleboat belonging to Queenstown, which was upset near the convict station during a strong N.W. gale on the 16th April. The Government Lad granted the 3 convicts a free pardon for their services on the occasion.

Also 21. to Mr. JOHN PAMPLETT, Chief Officer of Coastguard at Bridport, and 2 pilots, for putting off, at .some risk, in a shore boat, and saving 2 women who had been capsized from a pleasure- boat off Bridport Harbour on the 9th June.

Also II. 10s. to 3 fishermen, of Arbroath, for putting off and rescuing 4 boys, who had been driven out to sea in a email boat belonging to the sloop Betty, of Arbroath, during a fresh gale from N.N.E., on the 6th June.

Also 12. 10*. to the crew of a shore boat for saving the crew of 3 men from the smack Sarah Jane, of Arklow, which was wrecked off the West Pier, Howth, during a gale of wind from E.N.E., on the 26th May.

Also 11. each to 6 men for going off in a boat and rescuing, at some risk, 3 out of 7 persons, who had been capsized from their boat in Yell Sound, in a strong wind and heavy sea on the 20th May.

Thursday, 5th August: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspond- ence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Reported the lamented death, on the 2nd July, of Admiral of the Fleet Sir WILLIAM BOWLES, K.C.B., who had been a Member of the Com- mittee of Management of the Institution from its establishment, and also a liberal contributor to its funds.

Decided that the sympathy of the Committee be expressed to General Sir GEORGE BOWLES, K.C.B., arid other members of his family, on the occasion of their bereavement. » Also that the condolence of the Committee be conveyed to the family of the late Commandant ALBERT, the Inspector of Life-boats to the French Shipwreck Society, on the occasion of the death of that energetic officer. (Vide, also, p. 262.) The Committee also expressed their regret at the death of Mr. JOSEPH HITCH, who had been one of the Life-boat Carriage Builders of the Institution for some years past.

Read Letter from the Under-Secretary of State for War, of the 26th June, stating that regulations would shortly be issued regarding the wearing of Medals granted by the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT IN- STITUTION to officers and men of the Army for saving life from shipwreck; and that it was pro- posed to register in the War Office the names of j any officers and men of the Militia and Volunteer i forces who had received such Medal, and to ar- range for the presentation of the Medals.

Read and approved the Report of the Inspector ; of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent ! visits to Porthdinllaen, Portmadoc, Barmouth, Aberdovey, Aberystwith, Newquay, Cardigan, Fishguard, St. David's, Solva, Milford, Tenby, Ferryside, Pembrey, Swansea, Porthcawl, Lyn- mouth, and Salcombe.

Reported the receipt of the following Special contributions in aid of the funds of the Society since the last Meeting:—Penny Readings Life- boat Fund, for the Wells Station, per E. B. ADAMS, Esq., Bungay, first instalment, 400/.; Dublin Branch, per Mr. S. B. TAYLOR, 50 Trus- tees of the late THOMAS BOYS, Esq., per Mrs. Boys and Messrs. WHITE, additional, 501.; collected on board the Cape Royal Mail Steamship Briton, per Lieut. G. R. VYVTAN, R.N.R., additional, Sil. 10».; collected after a Sermon preached by the Rev. Mr. SMITH in the Encampment of the 3rd Administrative Battalion, Lancashire Rifle Volunteers, per Lieut.-Col. HARGREAVES, ad- ditional, 211. Si. Id.; Sheffield Branch, per Alder- man JACKSON, 10Z. 7s. 3d.; Proceeds of a Reading and Concert at Eastry, and Contributions from friends, per G. COLEMAN, Esq., 101. Is. Gd. • South Holland Shipwreck Institution, per the Board of Trade, 21. 10s.; Proceeds of an Enter-tainment at Bradford-on-Avon, per C. W. B. j BBYANT, Esq., 11. 17s. fid.— To be severally thanked. Produced an extract from the will of the late Miss S. C. CHILDERS, of Doncaster, in which she bequeathed to the Institution 251., free of duty.

Decided, on the application of the local resi- dents, and on the recommendation of the Inspector of Life-boats, to form a Life-boat Station at Porthoustock, near the Manacles Rocks, Cornwall.

It was also decided to take into connection with the Society the two life-boats stationed »t West Hartlepool, which boats had been under the management of the Dock and North Eastern Railway Companies, and to completely renovate those life-boat establishment?.

Decided also to place an additional life-boat at Fishguard, Pembrokeshire, to command the whole of the adjacent coast, leaving the smaller boat (named the Sir Edward ferrott) to go off to vessels getting ashore near the beach.

Capt. F. SAUMAKEZ-FRASER, R.N., of Worcester, had collected the cost of a second life-boat, and it was decided to appropriate this station to him, and to name the boat the Fraser.

[This boat was sent to Worcester for exhibition, and launched into the Hyver Severn onllie30tVi Aug., before being sent to its station.] Ordered new life-boat houses to be built at Abersoch, Carnarvonshire; Porthoustock, Corn- wall ; Llandulas, Brecon; Solva, Pembrokeshire; Mevagissey, Cornwall; and Gorton, Suffolk.

Reported the transmission to its station of the Montrose new life-boat, which had been presented to the Institution by the Merchants of Mincing Lane.

[A grand launch of the boat took place at Mont- rose, on the 7th August].

The Caledonian Railway Company had readily granted a free conveyance to the life-boat from Carlisle to its destination.— To be thanked.

Read letter from Capt. RICHARDS,R.N.,F.R.S., Hydrographer of the Admiralty, of the 31st July, bringing under the notice of the Institution a Life-jacket, designed by Mr. JAMES DANNATT, of Sunderland— 7b be acknowledged.

Paid 3,408Z. 4s. lod. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 71. 15s. to pay the expenses of the Wick- i low life-boat in going off, on the 11th July, with the view of assisting a barque which had struck on Jack's Hole Bank, about eight miles off Wicklow, while a fresh wind was blowing from S.S. W., and the sea was running rather heavily on the bank. The life-boat's services were for- tunately not required, as the vessel got off the bank before she could reach her.

Also 71. 10s. to defray the expenses of the Stonehaven life-boat, in putting off, on the 14th July, to the assistance of the schooner Isabel, of Aberdeen, which was in distress off Stonehaven, daring heavy weather. The life-boat succeeded, after great difficulty, in getting alongside the vessel, but her services were not ultimately required.

Also 18Z. to meet the expenses of the Broughty Ferry life-boat, in going out, on the 30th July, in tow of the steam-tug Tartar, with the view of saving the crew of the brigantine Lorina, of Dundee, which, while the wind was blowing very hard from the S.S.E., had struck, on the Elbow End. The vessel had, however, unfortunately broken up, and three out of four of her crew were drowned before the life-boat arrived at the scene of the wreck. The mate having clung to a spar, was nicked up by a fishing-boat.

Voted the Silver Medal, the Thanks of the In- stitution, and 51., to Mr. THOMAS DAWSON, of Hartlepool, and 13/. to the crews, of 9 men, of his three steam-tugs, for putting off in those steamers, and assisting safely into harbour fifty-one fishing- boats and their crews. The boats had been caught in a heavy gale from N.E., which suddenly sprang up, and were in danger of being wrecked off Hartlepool on the 16th of June, when Mr.

DAWSOS most promptly and liberally ordered out his steamers to the aid of the poor fishermen, most of whom, however, lost their nets on the occasion.

Also 51. 10s. to 6 men for saving 3 out of 5 men from the fishing-yawl Sover, of Portmahomack, which, while returning from fishing on the 22nd June, was capsized in a sudden squall off Golspie, N.B. The salvors lost their anchor and cable in saving the lives of the 3 men.

Also 21. to 6 men for going off in a fishing-boat, in a moderate gale from N.N.E,, and thick weather, on the 15th June, and saving 3 men from the ship A/ceste, of Greenock, which had stranded near Caldaff Bay, Ireland.

Also 21. to 5 men for putting off in a boat and rescuing 2 men from a small fishing-boat, which had upset off Cromer, Norfolk, while under can- vas, on the 18th May.

Also 11. to 4 men for saving 2 out of 3 men, whose fishing-boat had been capsized off Bengon Bead, Co. Antrim, on the 22nd June.

Also 21. to 5 men for saving the lives of 4 men, who had been capsized from their boat while gathering seaweed off Guidore Bar, Ireland, in a sudden squall and heavy swell, on the 23rd May.

The men were clinging to a rock when they were rescued by the salvors.

Reported that the Austrian Government had just presented 29Z. to the crew of the life-boat stationed at Tramore, Ireland, in testimony of their gallant and persevering services in saving the crew, consisting of 17 men, of the Austrian barque Mea, which was wrecked last winter in Tramore Bay. The life-boat men had previously received from the Institution a reward of 41i for these gallant services, Capt. A. BUTLER, R.N., who was, at the time, Inspecting Commander of Coastguard at Tramore, and EDWARD JACOB, Esq., the local Hon. Secretary of the NATIONAL LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION, were also each presented with a gold watch by the Austrian Government, in ac- knowledgment of their valuable and zealous co- operation on shore on the occasion in question.