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Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society

THE Thirtieth Annual Meeting of this most bene- volent Institution was held at Burdett Hall, Lime- house, on the 11th June, the DUKE OF MARL- BOROUGH, President of the Society, in the Chair.

Amongst the company present were Admiral of the Fleet Sir THOMAS COCHRANE ; Captains Royal Navy: Hon. FRANCIS MAUDE, NELSON, and W. H.

STMONS; WILLIAM STUART, GEORGE BIGGS, and THOMAS JENNER, Esqs.; Captains VISCENT BUDD and THOMAS TRIBE ; Revs. Dr. HUGH ALLEN and Dr. CUMMING ; the Meeting was well attended by sailors, and a number of ladies were present.

The Chairman put before the Meeting the ob- jects of the Society, and called upon the Secretary, Mr. LEAN, to read the Report, which stated that, during the past year, the Society had relieved 6,648 shipwrecked persons, natives and foreigners of eleven different nations; that relief had been afforded to 4,236 widows and orphans of fisher- men and mariners, making a total, since the for- mation of the Society in 1839, of 182,312; that 50,810 mariners voluntarily subscribed 3s. each j per annum; and that the income from all sources had been 22,4557. Several legacies had also been announced during the past year.

In the Report the Committee also stated that the Institution they had been the means of establish-ing at Belvedere-on-Thames, for the reception of i Aged and Worn out Merchant Seamen, together with a Pension Fund, was gradually growing into repute and usefulness. j The Report concluded with an earnest appeal for help to carry out the truly charitable objects of this great Society, which embraced the whole coasts of the United Kingdom, and expressed ! much thankfulness to God for the means afforded to it of alleviating human suffering.

Various Resolutions having been moved and seconded, the Meeting separated, after the usual vote of thanks to the Chairman.