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Several Fishing Boats

A little before nightfall on the 29th September, several fishing- boats belonging to this place were over- taken by a heavy gale of wind. They were seen from the shore making for Craigenrow Bay, ten miles east of Buckie, where they took shelter, though they could not land on account of the heavy sea on the shore.

There being a number of women and chil- dren on board, an effort was made to land them in a small boat, as, apart from their very perilous position, with an increasing gale and night fast approaching, the weakest of them could not be expected to survive many hours more of exposure to such weather. Only three persons, however, were landed, when the experiment was found to be too dangerous to be repeated, and a message was despatched for the Miriam life-boat, and in about ten minutes after the arrival of the messenger, she was on her way to the spot, the boat on her carriage being dragged by two horses and a hundred willing hands at a rapid pace. The darkness was increased by the torrents of rain that fell, and this, along with the immense breakers that thundered on the beach, made the launching both dangerous and difficult. At length, by united and resolute efforts, this was effected.

Another moment, and the darkness enveloped the boat. An occasional gleam of her lan- tern alone discovered her movements, until after half an hour's anxious waiting on the part of the multitude on shore, the noble boat was again seen to emerge from the breakers, bearing 20 rescued lives, most of whom were women and children. As soon as these were safely landed, she returned for the rest, bringing back about 15 ; but part of the crews persisted on remaining in the boats, with the view, if possible, of saving them from drifting to the lee-shore. In the morning, however, it was discovered that one of the boats (in which there were no men) had drifted and gone to pieces; and the storm having rather increased than abated, the men who had braved the storm in the boats all the night were seen to hoist signals for rescue. The life-boat was then manned a second time, and the remaining 10 men were safely landed, making in all 45 lives saved. The boat behaved splendidly, and the crew were everything that could be desired..