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Mischief, of Caernarvon

On the 24th January, during a tremendous hurricane from the S., accompanied by thick showers of snow, the schooner Mis- chief, of Caernarvon, struck on the Parten Stiel Rocks, about a mile and a half to the south of Holy Island. Signals of distress were immediately made, which were promptly responded to by the Grace Dar- ling life-boat going off to the rescue of the vessel's crew. After an hour and a half of laborious and gallant work, the life- boat reached the wreck, and succeeded in taking off 5 men and a boy, and in landing them in safety. A fishing coble, under close-reefed sails, 'had failed to reach the distressed 'vessel, although her crew had tried their utmost, the force of the hurricane being so great—in fact, nothing approaching it had been experienced in the neighbour- hood for many years..