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Memorial Life-Boats

WHAT monument can mourners rear To those whose umnark'd graves Lie far from all they held most dear, Fathoms below the waves ? No stately pile of sculptured stone Should tell their modest worth, No proud heraldic shield make known The glory of their birth; But, by the everchanging deep, Where stormy winds arise, Let " boats of mercy " vigil keep Beneath the blackening skies.

No fear but strong hands will be found Ready to grasp each oar, When some poor vessel, homeward-bound, Strikes on the stern lee-shore.

Then, battling with the furious tide, The life-boat's band of hope Struggles to reach the good ship's side, And seize the straining rope; While, mirror'd on the tossing foam, Through the cold sleet and rain, The shipwrecked trace the distant home That they shall see again.

Oh English mothers ! whose brave sons Have founder'd at their post, In memory of those absent ones Place life-boats round the coast! They being dead, their honour'd names By thousands shall be blest, Till He who stills the storm proclaims, " Ocean be thou at rest." MARY FRANCES TUPPER.

Albury House,