The Newark Lightship
On the 2 7th October the large life-boat on this Station went out in reply to signals of distress from the Newark Lightship. On arriving alongside, it was found that she had been in collision with a large steamer, and had been cut down almost to the water's edge. The steamer, which had sustained some damage herself, remained alongside until the arrival of the life-boat, and then went on to Yar- mouth. Some of the life-boat's crew boarded the Light-vessel and assisted at the pumps, and the life-boat returned to Caister with a letter to the Trinity House Agent at Yar- mouth. A steam-tug was afterwards sent out from the latter place, and the Light- vessel brought into Yarmouth to be repaired.
It was very dark at the time, with a strong wind blowing from W. to N.W., with much swell in the offing..