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The Life-Boat's Crew

Adapted by THOMAS GBAY (1868), from the " Heart of Oak," by DAVID GAEEICK (1759). if-uar- — — . -j. 7 - -m-'-m- res ! see ! they are off, though dear friends bid them stay, 5rave boat, 'neath their still braver hearts she makes way, *e, a breaker approaches ! she trembles ! she . sheers ! he's cover'd ! she's through it! lads, — three hearty cheers ! Heart of oak are our ships, Heart of oak are our men, They always are ready, — steady, boys, steady ! The helpless they rescue again and again. ..- gi t. -+--»- ---»--*- zt 3. The wreck they have boarded, the waters dash free, O'er decks, through the shrouds ! but most joyful to see ! All the helpless are safe ; the brave boat nears the shore, The true hearts who sav'd them, are with us once more.

Heart of oak are our ships, Heart of oak are our men, They always are ready, — steady, boys, steady And now they have rescued the helpless again..