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Swan, Industry, and Mulgrave

The same life-boat, on the 2nd January, 1868, was again called into requisition:— About 7 P.M. of that day, the steam-tug Swan, which was towing the sloop Industry and the schooner Mulgrave into Whitby harbour, struck against the pier, in conse- quence of a heavy sea on the bar, and be- came disabled, the tow-ropes being also broken. The vessels drove ashore on the beach north of the West Pier, and ulti- mately the Industry was sunk and the Mulgrave stranded. The life-boat was promptly got out, and in one journey took off the crews of both vessels, 2 men from each. The Industry was full of water when her crew were rescued. The wind blew strong at the time from E.S.E..