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Lines Written for "The Daniel J. Draper" Life-Boat

HE died at his post as a man should die, That Christian true and brave, Leading the way to the realms on high, Through the jaws of an ocean-grave! He served one Master, and that dear Lord Was with him that awful day, When the London founder'd with all on board In Biscay's fatal bay! The wind howl'd wildly, the fierce waves fought And shriek'd through the blacken'd air, But the only sound that was heavenward brought Was the holy voice of prayer.

They sank together, the young and the old, They rose together to bliss,— For the Saviour gather'd them safe to His fold From the depths of that dark abyss.

And he, the leader of that brave band, Is his name remember'd no more ? No ; the Draper life-boat, by heroes mann'd, Guards Mullion's rock-bound shore ! O crew of the life-boat, gallant and brave, As you launch her into the sea, And risk your own lives your comrades to save, Think " the Lord has need of me." You are working for Him in your spheres below, And He blesses you from above, Guiding you safely as forward you go On your mission of Christian love.


Albury House, November 3, 1868.