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Cybil, of Yarmouth

On the 30th September, the brigantine Sybil, of Yarmouth, was run into by another vessel, whi/st riding at anchor during a gate of wind in Scarborough Roads, and seriously damaged. The crew made signals of dis- tress and a coble went off; but on account of the very heavy sea running, she could not venture alongside, and the life-boat at Scar- borough was therefore launched, and suc- ceeded in rescuing the shipwrecked crew of 4 men.Mrs. COCKROFT, the benevolent donor of this life-boat, died some months ago. It replaced the life-boat which had become unmanageable, and was destroyed, during a gale of wind on the 2nd November, 1861, when, nobly aiding the crew of the boat, LORD CHARLES BEAUCLERCK and other brave men lost their lives at Scar- borough. In 1867, his lordship's daughter, Mii--s LAURA THERESA BEAUCLERCK, mar- ried LORD MILTON, the eldest son of the EARL FITZWILUAM, E.G. On the first occasion, after her marriage, of LADY MILTON'S visiting, with her husband, the noble Earl's Irish tenantry, they feelingly alluded, in their congratulatory address, to her beloved father, who had so nobly perished while attempting, on the occasion in ques- tion, to save the lives of others.

It may be added, that soon after the dis- tressing occurrence, the Institution presented, in memoriam, its silver medal to the head of his Lordship's family, his Grace the DUKE OF ST. ALBAX'S, who gratefully ac- cepted it, and stated that it would be pre- served in his family with their most cherished heirlooms..