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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 2nd April, 1868.—THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Elected the Members of the Sub-Committees for the ensuing year.

Read and approved the Report of Capt. J. R. WARD, R.N., the Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to Scarborough, Whitby, Upgang, Runswick, Aberdeen, Stonehaven, Ross Links, Whitehaven, Sunderland, Whitburn, and Seaton Carew.

Also the Report of Capt. D. ROBERTSON, R.N., the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visits to Barmouth, St. Tudwell's, Porthdinllaen, Portmadoc, Llanddwyn, Penmon, Moelfre, Amlwch, Rhoscolyn, Holyhead, Rhos-neigr, Cemlyn, Llandudno, Rhyl, Llandulas, and Bull Bay.

Reported that Capt. FISHBOURNE, B.N., C.B., had intimated that a lady whom he knew was prepared to give the Institution 350/., to pay for the life-boat and equipment about to be sent to Broadstairs, provided she was allowed to name the boat after her deceased son.

Decided that the offer be accepted with thanks.

Reported that two sisters (the Misses H.) had presented to the Institution at different times 420/., and that they requested that a life-boat might be named the Sisters.

Decided that the ladies be thanked, and that the life-boat stationed at Pakefield, Suffolk, be named accordingly.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions:—Plymouth Branch, per THOMAS STEVENS, Esq., 1001,; Mercers' Company, per H.E. BARNES, Esq., 52/. 10«.; Alloa Branch, per G. C. COATS, Esq., Collector of Customs, 40/. 14 . 5d.; Ipswich Branch, per G. C. E. BACON, Esq., 39f. 5s. lid.: Glasgow Workmen's Life-boat Fund, per Mr. G. NOBVAL. additional, 35/.; Staffordshire Branch, per J. G. WALKER, Esq. (annual), 211.; Rochdale Branch, per R. T. HEAPE, Esq. (annual), 201. 19«.; Amateur Dramatic Entertainment at the Lyceum Theatre, Rochester, per Messrs. J. E. LITTLEWOOD and J. H. CROCKFORD, 1 M. 2«. 6d.; the Right Hon. H. T. L. COBBY, M.P., First Lord of the Admiralty, 101.; collected by a Lady, per H. NORSWORTHY, Esq., 51. 5s.; collected at Antigua, by M. W. GRAY, Esq., and Capt. N. MARQ.

UAND, of the barque Matchless, of Guernsey, SOl. • moiety of Collection made in Messrs. BAGNALL'S School Church, Golds Hill, West Bromwich, per Rev. F. P. B. N. HDTTON, 51. 17s. Sd.— To be severally thanked.

Reported also the receipt of 19Z. 19s., being the amount of the legacy to the Institution of the late EDWARD WESTON, Esq., of Leicester.

Also that the late ROGER BARROW, Esq., of Newcastle-on-Tyne, had left a' legacy of 100/. free of duty to the Society.

Reported the transmission of the Holy Island No. 2, Penartb, Bull Bay, and Stoneharen lifeboats to their several stations.

A successful demonstration had taken place with the Stonehaven boat on the 12th inst.

Reported the lamented death of the Rev. R. R. REDMAN, who had been the zealous Honorary Secretary of the Blackpool Branch of the Institution since its formation.—Decided that the deep sympathy of the Committee be conveyed to Mr. REDMAN'S family.

Decided also that the Thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, be presented to J. P. HODGSON, Esq., on the occasion of his retirement from the office of Honorary Secretary of the Leeds Branch of the Society.

Reported that Mr. BROOKS, the artist, who had already painted a picture of a life-boat service, had just finished another picture of the Launch of a Life-boat, which was now occupying a prominent place in the Exhibition of the Royal Academy.

Paid 1,026/. 19s. lOd. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 257. to pay the expenses of the Caister large life-boat, in going off during a heavy gale of wind, and, after considerable difficulty, bringing ashore 15 men and a large ship's dog from the barque Sparkling Wave, of Sunderland, which had stranded and afterwards become a total wreck, on the South Scroby Sand, on the 8th March. The same life-boat also went off on the 28th idem, and was the means of saving the schooner Wave, of Boston, and her crew of 4 men, that vessel having stranded on the south part of the Inner Barber Sand, during a strong N.N.E. wind.

Also 222. to pay the expenses of the Penmon life-boat, in going off during a fresh gale of wind to the assistance of the crew of the brig Jabez, of Scarborough, which had stranded on the Dutchman's Bank, off the Anglesey coast, on the 23rd March. The life-boat, after taking 5 of the shipwrecked men on board, capsized, but all the men succeeded in regaining her. The life-boat subsequently picked up 3 more of the brig's crew, who had got into the long-boat. The master, having failed to do so, was left on board the vessel; he afterwards took to the dingy, but was unable to reach the life-boat, and unfortunately perished.

Also 137. 18«. to pay the expenses of the Lizard life-boat, in putting out during a N.N.E. wind, and taking 2 men from off the fore-topmast of the schooner Selina, of Swansea, which was totally wrecked on the Outer Stag Rocks, near the Lizard, on the 27th March. The master of the schooner and a boy had, unfortunately, been drowned before the arrival of the life-boat.

Reported that the Wexford and Cahore lifeboats had gone off on the 22nd March, during a fresh gale of wind, to the assistance of the crew of the ship Canway Castle, of Liverpool, which had stranded on the north end of the Blackwater Bank. The two life-boats remained alongside the vessel, and their crews assisted in throwing some of her cargo overboard, and, ultimately, with the assistance of some steam-tugs, the vessel was got off the bank.

Reported also that while the Looe life-boat was out for her usual quarterly exercise, on the 27th March, she fell in with a small boat containing two fishermen belonging to Looe, who were in great distress, as they were quite unable to pull against the strong wind, and were rapidly driving off the coast. The life-boat at once took the boat in tow, and brought her and the two men safe to land.

Reported also that the crew of the Howth life-boat had assembled on the 4th March, with the view of rendering assistance to the crew of the smack Margaret, of Wicklow, which, during a heavy gale, had exhibited signals of distress in the harbour. The services of the life-boat were not, however, eventually required.

Voted also 547. 14s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the life-boats of the Institution at Padstow, Winchelsea, Campbeltown, Southport, Lytham, Courtown, and Fraserburgh, in either assembling or putting off, in reply to signals of distress from vessels, which did not, however, ultimately _require the assistance of the boats.

Also 101. to 16 pilots for assisting, during a strong N.E. wind, to save 25 men, being the crews of several vessels which had either stranded or become total wrecks off Burry Holmes, Carmarthenshire, on the 22nd January.

Also 51. to 6 Coastguardmen for putting off in a small boat, on the 20th February, during a fresh gale from the S.S.W., and saving 7 persons belonging to the fishing boat Mary and Will, which had stranded on the rocks at the back of Banff Harbour, N.B.

Also 47. to 3 men for wading into the surf, during a strong westerly gale, and saving 4 persons belonging to the barque Wapella, of Bath, U.S , which had stranded and afterwards become a total wreck on Dyffryn Beach, N. Wales, on the 24th January.

Also 11. 15s. to 5 men for saving, by means of ropes from the shore, during a strong northerly gale, the crew of 3 men of the flat Cheater, of Chester, which had stranded on the west side of Wylfa Head off the Anglesey coast on the 18th February.

Thursday, 7th May, 1863. His GRACE THE DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, P.C., President of the Institution, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

The Committee expressed their abhorrence and indignation at the attempt that had been recently made in a distant colony on the- life of Captain His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, K.G., R.N.

His GRACE, the President, was thanked by the Committee for his munificent contribution of 1007. to the Institution.

Read and approved the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to Broadstairs, Weymouth, Portland Island, and Guernsey.

Also the Reports of the Assistant-Inspector, on his recent visits to Settle, Penmon, Rhyl, and Eastbourne.

Reported the lamented death, on the £0th April, of Mr. THOMAS FORHESTT, who had been the life-boat builder to the Institution for the past sixteen years.

Decided that the deep sympathy and condolence of the Committee, and their recognition of the late Mr. FORRESTT'S professional services to the Institution, be conveyed to his family.

Read letter from the Rev. EVAN JONES, of Tyddwyn, Pentraeth, Anglesey, of the 4th April, reporting the death on the second idem of the Rev. V. WILLIAMS, who had been for many years the Honorary Secretary of the Moelfre life-boat station of the Institution.

Decided that the sympathy of the Committee be expressed to his family.

Ordered that the thanks of the Institution be given to the following gentlemen on their retiring from the office of Honorary Secretaries of the following Branches of the Society:—Rev. E. N.

MANGIN, Newbiggin; Mr. OWEN L. JONES. Holyhead; and A. H. STEWART, Esq., Assistant- Honorary Secretary of the Londonderry and Greencastle Branch.

Read letter from Mr. A. W. SCOTT, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, of the 26th March, stating that, on the application of himself and others, the authorities of that colony were about to take measures for providing that coast with life-boats and the rocket apparatus.

Read letter from Miss MARY OLIVER, of Edinburgh, of the 20th April, forwarding a first instalment of 6507. from the ladies of that city, in aid of the fund for the endowment of the Edinburgh and R.M. Ballantyne life-boat stationed at Port Logan.

Miss OLIVER added that Miss LOCKHART, who had been mainly instrumental in raising this amount, had just died.

Decided that Miss OLIVER and the other contributors be thanked; and that the condolence of the Committee be expressed to the family of the late Miss LOCKHART.

Reported that a lady who did not wish to have her name mentioned had, through Miss PRINCE and Mrs. PILGRIM, of Brixton, given the Institution 6207. to defray the cost of a life-boat station.

The donor wished the life-boat to be named the LtRtitia.

Decided that the lady be thanked, and that the Lowestoft life-boat be named accordingly.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions to the Institution:—Society for the " Discharge and Relief of Persons Imprisoned for Small Debts," per W. A. B. LUNN, Esq., 507.; Brighton Branch, per Dr. SEYMOUR, 407.; Kingsgate Branch, per Captain ISACKE, 307.; proceeds of an entertainment given by the employes of Messrs. S. NORTHCOTE & Co., per Mr. R. FRANKLAND, 277.10*. lOrf.; Sunderland and Whitburn Branch, per Captain DUFF, R.N., 247. 14s.; Vintners' Company, per G. LOMAS, Esq., 107.10s.; Royal Thames Yacht Club, per Captain P. C. S.

GRANT, 107.; officers and passengers of the Cape R.M.S.S. Britm, per Lieut. KEE, R.N.R. 57.; contents of contribution boxes on South Devon Railway, per ALBERT P. PROWSE, Esq., 21. 11«. Id.; and Bristol Marine Office, per Captain SMITH, 17/.— To be severally than/ted.

Produced extracts from the following wills, in which legacies were bequeathed to the Institution : The late FELIX SLADE, Esq., of Walcot Place, Lambeth, 3002., duty free; K. S. FTDELL, Esq., of Rutland, 1002., duty free; Mr. GEORGE BEKGEB, of Newcastle Street, Strand, Wt. 10s.; and Mr. EDWARD DA VIES, of the same street, 201., free of duty.

Reported the transmission of the Penmon and Broadstairs new life-boats to their destinations.

A successful demonstration had taken place with the Penmon life-boat at Settle on the 14th ult.

Approved of the acceptance of the estimate amounting to 1752., of Messrs. Nottingham & Conder, for erecting the Cleethorpes life-boat house.

Reported that the Rev. J. SCABTH, the Assistant Chaplain and Secretary of the Gravesend St.

Andrew's Waterside Mission, had applied to the Institution for some odd numbers of the Life-boat Journal for the purpose of distributing on board ships leaving for distant parts.

The journals would be made up in boxes, and continue to be distributed for many years to come, amongst different ships' crews.—Approved.

Read letter from Mr. CHARLES GUNNER, of Kennington, of the 17th nit., calling attention to his plan of life-boat.— To be acknowledged.

Decided, on the application of the Llanelly Branch and of the local residents, that a life-boat, 26 feet long, be placed on board the pilot-ship off Llanelly.

Also that Miss WHITE, of Plymouth, be thanked for her munificent contribution of 4201., in memory of her late parents, to defray the cost of this boat.

Read letter from the Secretary of the Odd Fellows' Society of the 4th inst., suggesting that their life-boat might be exhibited at the Crystal Palace in August, on the occasion of their usual annual demonstration.—Approved.

Paid 2,1562. 7s. 3d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 81.10s. to pay the expenses of the Blakeney life-boat in going off in reply to signals of distress, on the 8th of April, during a strong N.E. gale, and bringing ashore the crew of 3 men of the sloop Richard, of Goole, which had stranded on the West Sands, about half a mile from Blakeney harbour.

Also 102. Is. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Cromer life-boat in putting off on the 9th April, during a heavy N.E. gale, and bringing ashore the crew of 5 men of the brigantiue Aymoria, of Lowestoft, which was totally wrecked opposite Cromer gangway.

Also 71.10». to pay the expenses of the Withernsea life-boat, in putting off twice on the 7th April and bringing ashore through a heavy sea the crews of 9 men of two Withernsea fishing-boats which had been previously warned off the shore, it not being safe for them to attempt to land.

Also 82. 8s to pay the expenses of the Ayr lifeboat, in going off on the 29th April and rescuing the crew of ft men of the schooner John C. Wade, of Newry, which during a heavy N.W. gale had stranded off Troon harbour, N.B.

Also 42. 13s. to pay the expenses of the Moelfre life-boat in putting off during a strong easterly wind and bringing ashore the crew of 2 men of the smack Cymro, of Amlwch, which had exhibited signals of distress, and afterwards became a total wreck in Moelfre Bay, on the 8th April.

Reported the services rendered by the Pakefield life-boat, in going out on the 8th April during a very strong N.E. gale, and taking off part of the crew of the brigantine Dovglas,of Guernsey, which had sprung a leak, and exhibited distress signals in Pakefield Roads. Shortly afterwards the lifeboat returned to the vessel, and, with the assistance of a steam-tug, she was freed from water and towed into Lowestoft harbour.

Reported also that the Howth life-boat had been the means, on the 19th April, of bringing safely into harbour the brig Arran, of Irvine, and her crew of 5 men, that vessel having stranded during a fresh gale of wind on the bank between the Main and Ireland's Eye, off Howth.

Voted 61. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Barmouth life-boat in going off, on the 21st April, during a fresh gale of wind, and assisting into harbour the schooner Dasher, of Amlwch, which had brought up about a mile from shore near the St. Patrick's Causeway.

Reported also that the Thorpeness and Ramsgate life-boats had recently gone off to the assistance of two stranded vessels, which had, however, got into safety before the arrival of the life-boats.

Voted 461. 9s. 2d. to pay the expenses of the life-boats at Wexford, Hunstanton, Worthing, Great Yarmouth, Aberystwith, and Campbeltown, in either assembling or putting off, in reply to signals of distress, with the view of rendering assistance to different distressed vessels.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution to Mr. WILLIAM T. QDIGLEY, Chief Officer -of the Coastguard, at Whitby; and 51. to ten other men in'acknowledgment of their gallant services in descending, during a dark and stormy night, a precipitous cliff, and saving, by means of hawsers, the crew of 3 men of the schooner William Barker, of Whitby, which had become a total wreck behind the East Pier at that place on the 23rd February.

Also 5/. to some men for assisting to save, during a fresh, gale and squally weather, the crew of 4 men of the brigantine Lapwing, of Sunderland, which had foundered about two miles off Berwick Pier on the 8th March.

Also 42.10s. to 8 men for putting off in a shoreboat, during a strong easterly) gale, and bringing ashore, through a very heavy sea, the crew of 3 men of the smack Garibaldi, of North Shields, which became a total wreck in Wick Bay, N .B., near the mouth of the river on the 20th April.

Also 22. 10s. to 5 men for putting off in a fishingboat and saving 3 out of 5 men whose boat had capsized during a fresh breeze and squally weather off Muchals, N.B., on the 8th April.

THURSDAY, 11th June. THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Reported the lamented death, on the 4th June, of Admiral the EARL OF SHREWSBURY AND TALBOT, C.B., who had been, during the past sixteen years a Vice-President, a kind supporter, and a warm friend of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

Decided that the sincere condolence of the Committee be expressed to the present Earl and members of his Lordship's family.

Read and approved the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visit to the Dunbar, North Berwick, and St. Andrew's life-boat stations.

Also the Reports of the Assistant-Inspector on his visit to the following places on the Irish Coast: —Duncannon, Waterford, Tramore, Dungarvan, Ardmore, Youghal, Queenstown, Ballycotton, Courtmacsherry, Valentia, Carnsore, Wexford, Rosslare, and Kilmore.

Read letter from the Chief Commissioner of Police at Melbourne, Australia, of the 26th March, expressing his thanks to the Institution for presenting him with two thousand copies of the pocket Instructions of the Institution for the Restoration of the Apparently Drowned for the use of the policemen in the Colony.

Approved of a series of Queries relative to the treatment used in cases of apparently drowned persons, and ordered the same to be printed and circulated (vide page 734).

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions: Gloucestershire Branch, per E. L. KENDALL, Esq., J.P., 801.5s.; Dublin Branch, per Mr. S. B. TAYLOR, 501.; Rochdale Branch, per R. T. HEAPE, Esq., 23Z. 1 Is.; Bristol Histrionic Life-boat .Fund, per E. AUSTIN, Esq., additional 5 V.; Miss HANNAH HARVIE, additional 50/., besides a beautiful barometer presented to the Anstruther fishermen; Solicitors' and Proctors' Life-boat Fund, per W. M. WILKINSON, Esq., additional, 461. Vis. 6rf. Proceeds of Private Ball at Hanover Square Rooms, per Mr. BOOKING, 352.; Anstey Bay Regatta Committee, per Dr. G. P.

M. WOODWARD, SI. 8».— To be severally thanked.

Produced extracts 'from wills containing the following bequests to the Institution: the late Miss LOUISA HALL, of Maida Vale, 1,OOOZ. stock; the late E. A. BROHEHEAD, Esq., of Lincoln, IOOI.; the late Dr. G. E. ALDRED, of Richmond, 00l.; and the Mrs. MART CHAPMAN, of Aldborough, 601.

The Secretary of the Institution reported $iat, on the invitation of the Mayor of Falmouth and other gentlemen, he had visited that town on the 3rd June, to assist at the Life-boat Race on the occasion of.the Bath and West of England Agricultural Society's Show at Falmouth. The lifeboats stationed at Falmouth, Cadgwith, Lizard, Mullion, Penzance, Sennen Cove, Looe, Fowey, and Porthleven, took part in the race, which passed oft' most satisfactorily, the winning boat being the Oxfordshire, stationed at Looe. Prizes to the amount of 2H. were distributed amongst the lifeboats' crews. The race was enlivened by the presence of upwards of 500 sailor-boys from H.M. training ship Ganges. These lads were addressed by the MAYOR OF FALMODTH and by Mr. LEWIS.

The latter in a few earnest and forcible remarks pointed out that the same courage and noble indifference to danger, when duty called, which English seamen manifested in times of war, were displayed in times of peace in the services rendered to humanity by the boats of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. The boys gave three hearty cheers for the Institution before they separated.

Mr. LEWIS afterwards visited the nine life-boats, and was most cordially received in succession by their crews.

Decided, on the application of His Excellency the Governor of the Isle of Man, to station a life-boat at Ramsay as soon as practicable. Mr. JAMES RYDER, a member of the Manchester Corporation, had, through the Manchester Branch of the Institution, liberally promised to defray the cost of the boat.—To tie thanked.

Approved also of the life-boat, Manchester Unity of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows being exhibited at the Crystal Palace and at Windsor, on the occasion of the fetes given at those places by the Order.

Ordered that the thanks of the Institution be presented to the following gentlemen, who had been compelled to resign the office of Hon. Secs. of the several Branches of the Society:—Mr. A. GORDON BROWN, Stonehaven; Mr. WILLIAM ANDERSON, Lossiemouth; and Mr. G. H. PRICE, Arbroath.

Also to Rear-Admiral G. A. HALSTED, late Secretary of Lloyd's, in acknowledgment of his long and valuable co-operation while holding that appointment, in assisting to carry out the objects of the Society.

Also to ROBERT MOSELEY, Esq., late General Manager of the Great Eastern Railway Company, for his kind and valuable co-operation, under the instructions of his Directors, in arranging the transport over their line of Railway of the lifeboats of the Institution to the Eastern Coast.

Ordered a new life-boat house, to be erected at Milford Haven, at an expense of 1762.

Paid 915/. 3s. 5d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Reported that the Caister life-boat (The Birmingham No. 2) had gone off at midnight on the 23rd May, and saved the Swedish barque Balder, which, four days previously, had gone on the north part of Hasborough Sands. Upon the vessel stranding, some Palling beachmen, two fishing-luggers, and steam-tugs were engaged to get her off the Sands, but they were quite unable to do so. As a last resource the Swedish Consul at Great Yarmouth applied for the assistance of the crew of the Caister life-boat, who succeeded in about two hours in getting the barque afloat, and afterwards, with the assistance of a steamtug, in beaching her beside the Britannia Pier at Great Yarmouth.

Voted 71 5«. to pay the expenses of the Wexford No. 2 life-boat, in going off during a moderate breeze on the 7th May, with the view of rendering assistance to the schooner Maggie, of Berwick, which was observed to strike on the south end of the Long Bank; before the lifeboat could reach the vessel, she drove over the sand-bank and out to sea.

Also 21. 2s. 6rf. to the crew of the Mullion lifeboat, for getting out the life-boat on the evening of the 29th April, during foggy weather, with the view of rendering assistance to a vessel which was heard making signals of distress in the bay ; upon the fog clearing, the ship was discovered making away without requiring assistance.

Reported that the Silloth life-boat had gone off during a strong gale of wind on the 25th May, with the view of rendering assistance to the crew of the brigantine Thomas Connolly, of Maryport, which had parted her cables, and was exhibiting signals of distress in the roadstead. The life-boat proceeded towards the vessel, but finding that she had ran ashore in smooth water, and that no real danger need be apprehended, she returned to her station.

Also voted 2/. 10«. to some fishermen for putting off in a small boat during squally weather, and saving 3 men from a fishing-boat which was in a most dangerous position, having drifted amongst the breakers on the coast of the Island of Papa Stowe, in the Shetlands, on the 28th March.

Also a reward to 4 men for saving, during squally weather, the crew of 2 men of the Broadstairs lugger, Lightfoot, which had been in collision with the schooner William Thornborouyh, of London, and afterwards sunk off the North Foreland on the 27th April.

Thursday, 2nd July. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats on three of the Scotch safety fishing-boats of the- Institution, and on his recent visits to Nairn and Wick, and to the following life-boat stations of the Society on the Scotch coast:—Anstruther, Broughty Ferry, Buddon Ness, Arbroath, Stone- haven, Peterhead, Fraserburgh, Banff, Buckle, Lossiemouth, Stromness, and Thurso. Capt. WARD reported that, with one exception, he found the life-boats on the Scotch coast in a state of thorough efficiency.

With regard to the safety fishing-boats which the Society had built as model boats, and placed on the Scotch coast, he found that the experiment was moat successful. The fishermen on the coast were alive to the advantage of these boats, and were already building boats after them. Altogether it was hoped a permanent improvement in this style of boat would be established.

Head and approved also the report of the Assistant Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visit to Portrane, and to the following life-boats on the Irish coast:—Cahore, Courtown, Arklow, Wicklow, Poolbeg, Kingstown, Howth, Skerries, Drogheda, Dundalk, Newcastle (Dundrum), Tyrella, Ballywalter, and Groomsport. Capt. ROBERTSON reported that, without exception, he found the life-boats on the Irish coast, all of which belong to the Institution, in admirable order.

These reports gave great satisfaction, inasmuch as they showed clearly that the system of the Society, even in the remotest districts, was thoroughly observed. The crews of the life-boats had the utmost confidence in their qualities, and vied with each other in keeping the boats in perfect order, and in readiness for instantaneous service.

Reported the receipt of II. 12s. 6rf. from the Pupils of H.V. PEARSON, Esq., of Southgate Villas; and 151. 13s. 6d. from Sir WILLIAM CLAYTON, Bart., 5i. of the latter amount was Sir WILLIAM'S own liberal annual subscription, and the. remaining sum he had obligingly collected for the Institution as follows :—It 3s. in pence, 4t Os. 6rf. in various sums, 21. 10». from the Harleyford boat crew, and 31. won in a Rifle Match.— To be thanked.

Also the receipt of 1001. legacy of the late Miss SARAH HARRISON, of Edge Hill, near Liverpool; and 541. 4s., being an additional share of the residue of the estate of the late Miss BcBB,of Bootham, fork.— To be acknowledged.

Also the receipt of 25/. from X. Y. Z., the donor of the Yarmouth surf life-boat, being the second moiety of his second yearly contribution of 50/. in aid of the maintenance of that boat.— To be thanked.

Produced also extracts from wills, in which the following legacies were left to the Institution:— The late JOSEPH HUDSON, Esq., of Barrow-upon- Soar, 100/.; and the late Mr. JF. HOAR, of Ashburnham, 101.

Reported also that ROBERT KEB, Esq., of Auchinraith, N.B., and the members of his family were about to present a life-boat to the Institution, along with a sum of money to endow it, in memory of Mr. KER'S eldest son, who was unhappily drowned on the coast of Argyllshire.— To be thanked.

Read letter from Dr. C. MOREHEAD, of Edinburgh, of the 13th and 20th June, requesting to be furnished with copies of the Society's Instructions for the Restoration of the Apparently Drowned, for circulation in his neighbourhood. He urged that these Instructions should not only be explained by medical men, clergymen, and others, to all classes of the community, and posted in conspicuous places in localities adjoining the sea, lakes, and rivers, but that every opportunity should also be taken by masters of schools and the heads of other large establishments of impressing them on the minds of all who were subject to their influence and control.— To be thanked.

Read also letters from W. P. ELLIOTT, Esq., the Hon. Secretary of the Holyhead Branch, and j JAHES M'NEU,, Esq., Hon. Secretary of the Maryport Branch of the Institution, of the 27th and 29th June, forwarding answers to the queries of the Society as to the treatment of the Apparently Drowned in two cases.— To be acknowledged. ( Vide page 734.) Read letters from C. SHEPHERD, Esq, of the Aberdeen Steam Wharf, Wapping, of the 25th June, transmitting, for the inspection of the Committee, a model of a life-boat by a working man in Aberdeenshire.— To be acknowledged.

Also from Mr. GEORGE FAWCDS, of North Shields, of the 29th June, forwarding two drawings of his proposed plan to enable passenger vessels to carry a larger supply of life-boats than at present, by having them packed together in groups of uniform size.— To be acknowledged.

Ordered a new life-boat house to be erected at Weymouth, at a cost of 189t Paid 1,2372. 8s. 5d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 31. to the crew of 4 men of the fishing yawl M. L., for saving, during a moderate gale of wind, 4 other men from the fishing yawl Muggy, of Passage East, which, in consequence of a heavy sea striking her, capsized off Broorahill, co. Waterford, on the 20th May.

Also It to 2 men for putting off in a small boat on the evening of the 2nd May, and saving Capt.

JOHN ATKINSON, who, with 5 other men, was returning in a small boat from Kirkwall, N .B., to the bark Excelsior, of Sunderland, then at Pan Hope, in the island of Flota, when the boat was suddenly capsized by a gale of wind about half way to the vessel.

Thursday, July 30th. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Also the Report of the Inspector of life-boats, of the 27th July, on his visits to Campbeltown, Sonthend (Cantyre), Isle of'Arran, Ayr, Irvine, Girvan, Port Logan, Kirkcudbright, Silloth, Maryport, Whitehaven, Piel, Fleetwood, Blackpool, Lytham, Southport, Liverpool, and New Brighton.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, of the 5th July, on his visit to the Portrush and Greencastle life-boat stations.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions in aid of the funds of the Institution since the last meeting: — WALTER CAVE, Esq., fourth donation, lOOt; Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariner's Society, per FRANCIS LEAN, Esq., R.N., additional amount collected by the agents from seamen and others, 74t lls. 9rf.; Swansea Branch, per A.LTaia STERHY, Esq., 40!.; Settle Branch, per C. BROWN, Esq., 37t 10s.; Collected after a Sermon preached in the Encampment of the 3rd Administrative Battalion of the Lancashire Rifle Volunteers, per Lieut.-Colonel HARGHEAVES, 20t Os. Sd.; Bannockburn Branch, per E. L. WILSON, Esq., 151. • Collected on board the Queen of the Thames, on her passage from Harwich to London, on the llth inst, per Mr. F. HONEYMAN, through the " Daily Telegraph," 5s.— To be severally acknowledged.

Reported also the receipt of 60t, being the amount of the legacy to the Institution of the late Mrs. MARY CHAPMAN, of Aldborough.

Also that the late THOMAS TEMPLE SILVER, Esq., of Woodbridge. Suffolk, had left the Society a legacy of 650t, free of duty.

Reported that Brevet-Colonel MiDDLETON, C.B., Assistant Adjutant-General, Royal Artillery, had requested to be supplied with 50 copies of the.