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Nor' Wester, of Boston U.S

On the 20th April, the ship Nor" Wester, of Boston, U.S., with a crew of 24 men, bound from Cardiff to Monte Video with a cargo of coals, was passing this place in tow of a powerful steam-tug, when the wind sud- denly shifting from S.S.W. to N.W., a heavy sea quickly rose, and the ship went on a lee-shore, and was quite beyond control of the tug. Her two anchors brought her up about a cable's length from the rocks, in a very dangerous position. Two other tugs went to her assistance, but they were as powerless to help her as the first had been.

Under these circumstances both ships and tugs hoisted signals of distress. The life- boat Broadwater was at once launched, and made for the ship through a very heavy sea.

The tug, on the approach of the life-boat, steamed to meet her, and towed her ahead of the ship. The boat then let go her anchor, veered down to the port side of the ship, and at the captain's earnest request took out of her the captain's wife, three children, and a ser- vant girl. This was a most difficult service, one of the children being of very tender age, and all having to be lowered in a basket.

After landing them in safety, the life-boat again put off, and assisted to get the vessel out of hfir dangerous position, and she was then taken to Cardiff for a refit..