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Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society

THE Twenty-ninth Annual Meeting of this truly important and national Society was held at the United Service Institution, Whitehall Yard, London, on the 18th of May. In the absence of His Grace THE DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH, K.G., its President, the Chair was taken by Capt. the Hon. FRANCIS MAUDE, R.N.

Amongst the company present were— G. A. BROGBAVE, Esq., V.P. (son of the founder of the Society); Rev. HUGH ALLEN, D.D.; Dr. MORGAN, Capt. JOHN HARRIS ; Messrs. W. HOSKIN, C.E., SAM.

TOMKINS, and others. Captains Royal Navy : MONTAGU PASCO, J. S. LEAN, and W. H.

SYMONS. A number of ladies, and thirty old and worn-out merchant seamen from the Belvedere Institution, were also present.

The Chairman having forcibly detailed the nature and working of the Society, called upon the Secretary, FRANCIS LEAN, Esq., R.N., to read the Annual Report. It stated that the Society had relieved during the past year, including the crews of twelve foreign nations,—7,520 shipwrecked fishermen and mariners, and ministered to the comfort of 3,969 widows, orphans, and aged parents in the time of their greatest need, making a total of 171,428 persons relieved since the formation of the Society in 1839; that 50,752 seamen voluntarily subscribed 3s.

each per annum; and that the income had been 23,448?., in connection with which certain liberal donations were mentioned.

It was stated that the Belvedere Institution, which is an offspring of the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society, had now taken root amongst the charities of the land, and that 50 worn-out and disabled seamen had been received into the house, and 25 old men pensioned out with their relatives.

The Report concluded with ofFering their humble thanks to the great Giver of all good for His guidance and blessing on the labours of the Society during the past year.

The Report was unanimously adopted, and the claims of the Institution were forcibly advocated by several gentlemen.

Mr. LEWIS, the Secretary of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, testified to the great value of the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society in promptly relieving the shipwrecked sailors rescued by the life-boats of the Institution, and paid a well-merited compliment to its officers for the admirable manner in which they conducted its affairs.

A cordial vote of thanks having been given to the 865 honorary agents of the Society, who were acting for it on every part of the coast, the proceedings closed..