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Balance Sheet.—31st December, 1867

Dr. BALANCE SHEET.—31st December, 1867. Or.

&. s. d. £. s. d.

To Creditors for Lifeboats, Life-boat Carriages, Lease of the House of the Institution, Boat-houses, &c. . . . 5,151 13 0 To Capital, 31gt December, 1866 . . 53,046 6 0 To Legacies . . . 4,916 1 0 57,962 7 0 To Balance of Income and Expenditure for the year ending 31st December, 1867 :— Income £39,305 10 5 ' Expenditure . 34,874 16 3 £. *. d.

By 3 per Cent. Reduced Annuities, 73.800/. Stock 67,036 By Balance at Bankers . . . . 448 9 8 4 6 j 4,43014 2 -62,393 1 2 £67,544 14 2 Examined and found correct, 28th Feb., 1868.

£67,544 14 2 (Signed) G. C. BEGBIE, Auditor..