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Annual Report

THE Committee of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, on this its fortyfourth anniversary, beg to return their hearty thanks to all those who have kindly given them their moral and pecuniary support; and they desire also publicly to express their gratitude for the blessing which Divine Providence has bestowed on their labours.

Indeed, so uniformly progressive and successful have been the operations of the Institution for many years past, and so continuously have confidence and aid been afforded to it by a generous public, that it becomes difficult even to vary the language in which the Committee offer their grateful acknowledgments. They feel, however, that they ought to be doubly sensible of the liberality of their countrymen during the past year, when, from the general commercial stagnation which has prevailed, they might have reasonably expected a diminution of pecuniary support. They cannot but accept the undiminished support they have received as a direct evidence of the great interest which is felt in the Society, and of public confidence in its management.

The Institution, during the year, has received a gratifying international recog- AT the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, held at the London Tavern on Tuesday, the 10th day of March, 1868, The Eight Honourable H. T. L. COREY, M.P., First Lord of the Admiralty, in the Chair, the following' Report of the Committee was read by the Secretary:— nition of its importance and of the perfection of its working machinery, in the award of the "GrandPrix cFHonneur " (the largest Gold Medal) conferred on it by the Imperial Commission of the Universal Exhibition held at Paris, where it exhibited a i full-sized first-class life-boat, with transporting- carriage, and equipment complete.

On the closing of that important Exhibition, the Committee, desirous of offering a tangible expression of their sympathy with the Life-boat Society of France, " La Societe" Oentrale deSauvetage des Naufrages," which had been founded and organized on the principles of this Institution, and believing ' that such a mark of their esteem for the [ sister Society would be accepted as a graceful International compliment, decided on presenting to it the life-boat and equipment above referred to. The French Society expressed its high appreciation of the gift, and stationed the boat at Calais, the principal port of intercommunication between the two countries.

The improved Safety Fishing-boats which the Institution placed on the coast during the last year, have given great satisfaction to their crews: and the Committee have been informed that already in Scotland some of the local fishermen are improving their own boats in imitation of them.