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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 4th April. The Eight Hon. EARL PERCY, P.C., President, in the Chair.

Bead and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read the following letter from the Rev. C. D. MARSTON, Rector of Kersall, near Manchester:— " KERSALL, RECTOR, " DEAR SIR, " 3rd April, 1867.

" I beg to enclose a cheque for 100Z. as a donation to the funds of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

" The sum has been collected by my son, a blind boy, of thirteen, who was interested in the work of the Life-boat crews, by hearing read one of Mr.

Ballantyne's books for boys on the subject. - " He begs me to offer to your Institution this effort of his to promote its noble objects.

"Will you be good enough to enter the donation on your list as a collection by Herbert Marston. "I am, &c., "C. D. MARSTON.

" To the Secretary of the " NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION." Decided that the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, accompanied by a Life-boat photograph, be presented to Master MARSTON.

[On the 31st Aug., Master MARSTON most kindly entertained at tea the crew of the Royal Wiltshire life-boat, stationed at Dover. He afterwards sang to them with much feeling the Song on the Lifeboat, the words of which were composed by his Father, the Rev. C. D. MARSTON, and which was published in the July Number of the Life-Boat Journal, page 461. Since then, Master MARSTON called with his Father at the Institution, and handed to it an additional sum of 100Z., being the proceeds of a sale of some useful and fancy articles at the School-room, Kersal Moor, Manchester, in aid of his Life-boat Fund.] Reported that Capt. WARD, R.N., the Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, had succeeded in making satisfactory arrangements for the exhibition of the Life-boat of the Institution at Paris, and for the display of the models of the Institution in the Exhibition Building.

Also that the life-boat, carriage, and equipment had been forwarded on the 15th inst., via Boulogne, and had safely arrived at their destination.

The General Steam Navigation Company had kindly taken them free to Boulogne.— To be thanked.

Read and approved the Report of Capt. D. ROBERTSON, JJ.N., Assistant Inspector of Lifeboats, on his visit to the following life-boat stations on the coasts of Norfolk and Suffolk:— Aldborough, Thorpeness, Southwold, Pakefield, Lowestoft, Gorlestone, Yarmouth, Caister, Winterton, Kessingland, Palling, Hasborough, Bacton, Mundesley, Cromer, and Sheringham.

Reported the receipt of 17/. from the North London Life-boat Fund, per Mr. H. RUBIE ; 501.

from Mrs. BLAKISTON HOUSTON ; 101. from His Grace the DUKE Of ST. ALBANS ; 71,8s. from Penny Readings at All Saints, Dalston, per Mr. E. H. P ANTON.— To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of legacies to the Institution by the late RICHARD DALTON, Esq., of Wigton, 10W.; and the late JOSEPH BLUNDELL, Esq., of Kingston-upon-HulI, 151.

Reported that the secretaries at Lossiemouth and Peterhead had given very encouraging accounts of the trials their respective life-boat coxswains had made with the two safety fishing boats now on the fishing grounds. Produced a photograph of one of the boats.

Also that the Rev. E. HEWLETT, M.A., the Secretary of the Manchester Branch, had recently given most interesting lectures on the Life-boat with the aid of dissolving views, in that neighbourhood.

— To be thanked.

Also that Messrs. ROTHSCHILDS had promised to increase their annual subscription to the Institution from two to ten guineas. Also that the Rev. W. B. STANFORD had, through A. H. MAY, Esq., the Hon. Sec. of the Bridport District Branch, forwarded an annual subscription to the Institution of 21. each for the years 1866-7.— To be thanked.

Reported that a collection of upwards of 6207.

had been made in Burton-on-Trent, through the kind exertions of Mr. JAMES NICHOLS, to defray the cost of a life-boat; and that it was the wish of the local committee that the Redcar Life-boat Station should be appropriated to them.— To be thanked and approved.

Paid 2,167/. 3s. 9rf. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 1511. 17s. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the following life-boats of the Institution in going off, during heavy gales of wind, and saving the crews, consisting of 80 persons, from the following distressed vessels:— Schooner Squire, of Yarmouth, 4 men saved by the Donna Nook life-boat.

Schooner Devmia, of Padstow, 5 men saved by the Fowey life-boat.

Schooner Mary Lewis, of Aberystwith, 5 men saved by the St. Ives life-boat.

Brigantine Sarah Ann, of Jersey, 6 men saved by the Selsey life-boat.

Barque Centurion, 18 men saved by the Theddlethorpe life-boat.

Schooner Mary, of Dublin, 3 men saved by the Drogheda life-boat.

Barque Wild Horse, of Windsor, N.S., 10 men saved by the Tramore life-boat.

Sloop William, of Paimpol, 6 men saved by the Tyrella life-boat.

Barque Laretto, of Liverpool, 14 men and vessel saved by the Wexford No. 2 life-boat.

Brig Harmony, of Bideford, 3 men saved by the Appledore life-boat.

French schooner La Prudence, 6 men saved by the Palling life-boat.

It was also reported that the Caister life-boat was the means, on the 7th March, during a strong wind, of assisting to a place of safety the Prussian schooner Louise, and her crew of 7 men, which vessel was in a dangerous position in the Wold, off Winterton.

It was likewise reported that the Holyhead lifeboat went off in reply to signals of distress, on the 30th March, during a gale of wind, and brought ashore 14 men who were at work on the stranded schooner tfieolo, which was aground near Penial, Anglesea.

Voted also 126Z. 11s. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the life-boats stationed at Brooke, Poolbeg, Penzance, Plymouth, Howth, Donna Nook, Sutton, Selsey, Pembrey, Aberystwith, and Cromer, in putting off, with the view of rescuing the crews of various vessels which had been observed in dangerous positions, with signals of distress flying, during the heavy gales of last month.

Also 51. 5s. to 7 men, for putting off in a whaleboat belonging to the Howth coastguard station, and, after repeated attempts, saving 6 men from the schooner William Henry, of Barrow, which, during a heavy gale, had stranded on Baldoyle Bank, on the 18th March.

Also 21. to five men for putting off in a boat and rescuing 7 other men from drowning on the occasion of their being capsized from their boat near Bullsmouth, Ireland, on the 12th Feb. last.

It was reported that His Majesty the King of Denmark had granted 200 rix dollars (211. as.) to the crew of the Ramsgate life-boat, in addition to what the Board of Trade had previously given them, for the noble services which they rendered to the crew of the Danish barque Aurora Borealis, on the 6th Jan. last.

Thursday, 2nd May. THOMAS CHAPMAN. Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats on his visits to Gloucester, Falmouth, Mullion, Cadgwith, Porthleven, Penzance, St. Ives, Exmouth, and Bembridge, Isle of Wight.

Reported the receipt of 1,000/. from a lady, through Mr. B. KERRIDOE, of Eastbourne, which amount was to be appropriated in renovating the life-boat establishments at Eastbourne and Newhaven, Sussex.

Ordered the special thanks of the Institution to be conveyed to the donor through Mr. KERRIDGE, who was also to be thanked.

Read letter from GEORGE MARTEN, Esq., and Miss MARTEN, of Upper Clapton, of the 9th April, stating that the late Mrs. ANNE MARTEN had wished to present a life-boat to the Institution, and had for many years been saving money for that purpose. On her decease these savings were found to amount to 4501., which was handed to the Society, with a request that the boat might be named the George and Anne.

Decided that Mr. and M iss MARTEN be thanked, and that the life-boat be placed at Brooke, Isle of Wight, instead of the present small life-boat on that station.

Reported the receipt of the following additional special contributions:— J501. from the Plymouth Branch, per THOMAS STEVENS, Esq.; 20i. additional donation from JOSEPH GOPF, Esq.; 1801., portion of the residue of the property of the late Dr. BROWNRIGG, R.N., of Keighler, York.

Produced extracts from wills, in which the following legacies were bequeathed to the Institution: —Miss CAROLINE N. OXENHAM, of Kensington, 200/.; and CHARLES WALKER, Esq., of Southport, 100/.

Reported the transmission to their stations of the Falmouth, Exmouth, Blyth, and New Brighton life-boats during the past month, the boats having in most cases been conveyed by the several Rail- way Companies over their lines free of charge.— To be thanked.

The Falmouth life-boat was taken to Gloucester en route to its station, and a grand demonstration took place there with the boat on the 9th ult.

The boat was named the Gloucester by the Mayoress, Mrs. ROBINSON. A large concourse of persons assembled to witness the ceremony.

Reported that Capt. C. R. EGERTON, R.N., Col. FitzRoY CLAYTON, and R. V. GOHHAM, Esq., had recently delivered lectures on life-boats.— To be thanked.

Reported also the transmission to the Paris Exhibition of four additional model life-boats.

A model of RICHARDSON'S tubular life-boat had been kindly lent to the Institution for the purpose, by the Council of the United Service Institution.

— To be thanked.

Read letter from the Rev. R. TYACKE, Hon. Secretary of the Padstow Branch, of the 23rd ult., transmitting copies of resolutions by the Local Committee relative to the disposition of the fund, amounting to 2,188?., received on behalf of the sufferers by the Padstow life-boat accident. He also enclosed a cheque for 45/., in repayment to the Institution, of the sum expended by it on the funeral expenses of Messrs. SHEA and VAHCOE, who unhappily perished by the accident.— To be thanked.

Reported that the DUKE of SUTHERLAND, K.G., had ordered a safety fishing-boat on the plan of the Institution, to be built at Wick for the use of some of his tenants.

Read letter from Mr. JOHN COWELL, of Ware, of the 8th April, forwarding a model of his auxiliary steam-tug or life-boat.— To be acknowledged.

Also from R. B. FORBES, Esq., of Boston, U.S., of the 16th March, calling attention to some improvements which the Massachusetts Shipwreck and Humane Society had made in the use of the mortar-apparatus.

Decided that the best thanks of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION of ENGLAND be presented to R. B. FORBES, Esq., in testimony of his valuable and zealous services, extending over a long period of years, in the cause of humanity, and as the much-respected Chairman of the sister institution, the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, U.S.

Read letter from the Honorary Secretary of the Statistical Committee of Lloyd's, of the 24th April, forwarding a copy of a tabulated analysis of the wrecks and casualties reported in Lloyd's List during the year 1866.— To be thanked.

Also from Mr. R. DONALDSON, of Newcastle-on- Tyne, of the llth April, calling attention to his plan for fitting the deck or round-house of ships as a boat.—To be acknowledged.

Paid 2,068Z. 17s. 4d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 6/. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Lytham life-boat in putting off in a gale of wind, and bringing safely into harbour the barque A. L.

South, of New York, and her crew of 14 men.

The vessel was found in a dangerous position on the Salthouse Bank on the 11th April.

Also 61. 10«. to the crew of the Blackpool lifeboat, for wading into the surf on the 11th April during very tempestuous weather, with life-belts and lines, and saving the crew of 5 men from the schooner Clyde, of Killough, which had stranded off Blackpool, and was in imminent peril of becoming a total wreck.

Also 171. 5s. to pay the expenses of the Blackpool life-boat in putting off on the same day, in reply to signals of distress, and bringing safely ashore the crew of 14 men of the barque Susan L.

Campbell, bound to Weighmouth, Nova Scotia, which vessel, during a gale from the W.N.W., had become a total wreck on the south-west spit of Salthouse Bank.

Also 201. 10s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Ilfracombe life-boat in going off on the 20th April during a strong gale of wind, and bringing safely ashore 5 persons from the ship Nor Wester, bound from Cardiff to Monte Video, which had stranded off Ilfracombe. The life-boat afterwards returned to the ship, and remained by her, at the captain's request, during the whole night, when the wind having somewhat abated, the vessel returned to Cardiff for a refit.

Also HI. 4s. to pay .the expenses of the Swansea life-boat in putting off, on the 14th April, in reply to signals of distress from the brig Wellington, of Aberystwith, which, during a strong gale of wind from the S.W., had stranded in Swansea Bay.

With the assistance of a steam-tug the life-boat took the vessel and her crew of 9 men safely into harbour.

It was reported that the Holy Island life-boat was instrumental, during a strong wind and in a heavy sea on the 28th April, in bringing a fishing coble and her crew of 4 men safely into harbour.

Voted also 130Z. 13s. to pay the expenses of the life-boats of the Institution at Fowey, Skerries, Porthcawl, Sutton, Winterton, Piel, Southport, Blackpool, New Brighton, Tyrella, Great Yarmouth, Pakefield, and Lytham, in either assembling or putting off, during the recent heavy gales, in reply to signals of distress from various vessels, which fortunately, however, succeeded in getting out of their dangerous positions, and did not require the services of the boats.

Also 4Z. to seven men forming the crew of the smack Royal Oak, for rescuing and bringing safely ashore the crew of 6 men from the brig Ark, of West Hartlepool, which, daring a fresh wind from the S.S.E., and in foggy weather, was found water-logged on Hasborough Sands, Norfolk, on the 23rd March.

Also 31. to 3 men forming the crew of the pilot skiff Vixen, for saving 3 men from the brig Oscar, of Plymouth, which was in a sinking state, after having parted from her anchors, and been in collision with another vessel during a N.W. gale and heavy sea, about three miles from Lundy Island, on the 21st April.

Also 1Z. 5s. to 5 fishermen for putting off in a coble in reply to signals of distress, and bringing safely ashore 2 men from the sloop Wellington, of Whitby, which, during strong winds, had stranded off Runswick, Yorkshire, on the 24th April.

Thursday, 6th June. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Mr. CHAPMAN, before taking the Chair, expressed to Mr. LEWIS, on behalf of the Committee, their individual and united sympathy and regret at the recent bereavement which had taken place in his family by the sudden death, from heart disease, of his only child, a young lady who had only recently married.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Reported that Lady HILLARY had, through Sir EDWARD PERROTT, Bart., V. P., presented to the Institution a portrait of her Father-in-law, Colonel the late Sir WILLIAM HILLARY, Bart., who was one of the original Founders of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT (then Shipwreck) INSTITUTION in 1824.

— To be thanked.

Read and approved the Inspector'! Report on his visit to the following life-boat stations:— Newhaven, Brighton, Eastbourne, and Rhyl; also to Leeds and to Burton-on-Trent.

Read and approved also the Report of the Assistant Inspector on his visits to Piel, Eleetwood, Blackpool, Lytham, Blyth, Donna Nook, Theddlethorpe, Sutton, Skegness, and to the Paris International Exhibition.

Read letter from Sir FRANCIS OUTKAM, Bart., of the 24th ult., calling attention to the recent loss of the Prince Consort steamer near Aberdeen, and stating how desirable it would be if all passenger vessels were compelled by law to carry a supply of life-belts for the use of the crew and passengers.

— To be acknowledged.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :—94/. 4s. "id. from the Lancaster Branch, per S. Ross, Esq.; 501. additional from the Bristol Histrionic Life-boat Fund, per E. AUSTIN, Esq.; 11. 7s. 6d. from the Bassingham Penny Readings, per Mr. T. Knight; 1,000?. Legacy of the late Mrs. GEORGE SMITH, of Greenwich; 1,485/. residue of the estate of the late Miss MARTHA BEBB, of Bootham.

Reported also that Legacies had been left to the Institution by the late WM. JOHN HALL, Esq., of Trinity Square, ],000/.; and the late MARTIN LANE, Esq., of Cheltenham, 101.

Also the transmission to their stations of the Newhaven, Brooke, Buddon Ness, and Youghal new life-boats. Free conveyances had been given by several of the Railway and Steam Packet Companies to the boats.— To be thanked.

The Youghal life-boat (the William Beckett of Leeds) had been taken to that town on the way to its station, and had been exhibited there and publicly presented to the Institution by the MAYOR of LEEPS on the 29th May.

Reported that JOHN HARGREAVES, Esq., of Broad Oak, Accrington, had presented 500/. to the Institution for the purpose of paying for a life-boat, to be called the Grace and Lolly of Broad Oak.— To be thanked, and decided that the boat be stationed at Kessingland, on the Suffolk Coast.

Reported also that W. H. "Weiss, Esq., the celebrated vocalist, had beautifully set to music some words on the life-boat, composed by THOMAS PLUMMER, Esq., entitled " There's Music in the Hurricane," and that Messrs. BOOSEY had published the same.— To be severally thanked.

Mr. WEISS had sung with much eclat the song at Messrs. BOOSEY'S Ballad Concert, at St. James's Hall, on the 10th May last.

Also that Capt. C. had composed and published a Life-boat Song, with music, for one shilling, and had intimated his intention of devoting the profits arising from the sale of the same to the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. Capt. C. had on previous occasions published some small pamphlets on the " Life-boat," and kindred subjects.— To be thanked.

Read letter from the Rev. E. G. HARVEY, Honorary Secretary of the Mullion Branch, of the 4th ult., stating that T. J. AGAR-ROBARTES, Esq., M.P., had promised to contribute 50/. in aid of the expense of that life-boat station.

Decided that the best thanks of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, accompanied by a model of its life-boat, be presented to T. J. AGAR-ROBARTES, Esq., M.P., in acknowledgment of his munificent and continued support to the life-boat cause on the coast of Cornwall.

Paid 4,088Z. 5s. Zd. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 8/. 13s. to pay the expenses of the Wexford life-boat in putting off on the 9th May, during a fresh breeze, and, in conjunction with a steam-tug, taking safely into harbour from the Long Bank, the brig Ayrshire Lass, of Ardrossan, and the 4 men who were on board.

Also 201. to pay the expenses of the Caister life-boat, in putting off on the 21st May, during blowing weather, to the rescue of the crew of 3 men of the schooner New Whim, of Portsmouth, which was observed to be a complete wreck on the West Scroby Sands. The life-boat, on its return to Caister with the shipwrecked crew on board, also rendered good service to the brig William and Sarah, of South Shields, by taking her safely into harbour. The life-boat likewise brought ashore the crew of 7 men from the wrecked brig Union, of Cowes.

Also 307. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Lowestoft and Pakefield life-boats, in putting off, on the 23rd May, and rescuing the crew of 14 men from the rigging of the brig Amicizia, of Genoa, which was totally wrecked during a strong breeze on the Bar of the Stanford Channel.

Also 87. 6s. to pay the expenses of the Scarborough life-boat, in putting off on the 21st May, during a strong wind, in reply to signals of distress, and rescuing 3 out of 5 of the crew of the smack Choice, of Hull, which drove from her anchors on to the beach at Scarborough.

Also 17;. 9s. to pay the expenses of the Carnsore life-boat, in going off on the 26th May, during squally weather, and saving the lives of the whole of the crew, consisting of 36 men, of the ship Blanche Moore, of Liverpool, bound from that port to Calcutta, which was observed to be in distress, and afterwards became a total wreck on the Long Bank off Wexford.

Also the Second Service Clasp of the Institution to Mr. JAMES BARRETT, Chief Officer of the Coastguard, in admiration of his gallant conduct in the Carnsore life-boat on the above-mentioned occasion.

Voted also 78Z. 7s. to pay the expenses of the life-boats of the Institution at Penarth, Rosslare, Holyhead, Margate, Cahore, Pembrey, and North Deal, in either assembling or putting off in reply to signals of distress from vessels which did not, however, ultimately require the assistance of the boats.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution to WILLIAM HUGHES, fisherman, of Pittenween, N.B., in acknowledgment of his brave services in wading into the surf, at the peril of his life, and bringing safely ashore, through a very heavy sea, 2 men who had taken refuge on a rock, after having been, during a gale of wind, wrecked off Pittenween in a fishing-boat of that place, on the 7th March last.

Also 21. 15s. to 7 men, for assisting to save the lives of 12 other men, forming the crews of three small boats which had come into collision on Bunbeg Bars, Ireland, on the 17th April, while returning home from gathering seaweed.

Also 21. to 4 men for proceeding off in a boat and saving some women and children who were overtaken by the tide, and were in a very dangerous position while gathering shell-fish on a bank off Crugar Beach, Cardigan Bay, on the 18th April.

Also 21. to 4 men, forming the crew of a fishingboat, for saving 4 other men whose boat had been capsized during squally weather whilst under sail off Broom Hill, Ireland, on the 9th April.

Also M. 10s. to 3 men for putting off, during squally weather, in a curragh, and attempting to save the lives of 3 other men who were capsized from their boat while trying to land at Dooagh, Ireland, on the 29th April.

Also a reward to 2 men for putting off in a boat, during a moderate breeze, and saving 2 other men whose boat had filled with water while gathering seaweed in a dangerous channel on the 8th April.