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Schooner Teazer, of Ipswich

During a terrific gale of wind, on the night of the 8th of January, the look-out-man at Stonehouse Point observed signals of distress from Mount Batten. The Prince Consort life- boat was at once launched, and proceeded to the bay. Owing to the extreme darkness and the heavy sea running, they had some difficulty in finding the vessel in distress.

They at last found the schooner Teazer, of Ipswich, with coals, and having dropped their anchor, they veered down, and saved one man, who jumped from the bowsprit into the boat. The life-boat then attempted to near the vessel again, but failed in doing so, and was twice filled with the heavy sea, the vessel being so near to the shore.

Under these circumstances the boat returned to land for the purpose of getting a steam- tug to assist; but unfortunately, before she could return with this additional aid, the remaining two poor fellows had perished.