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Gratitude, of Aberystwith,

On the 28th Feb. this life-boat again went out in reply to signals of distress from the schooner Gratitude, of Aberystwith, which, while attempting to cross the bar in a heavy ground sea, had struck on the edge of the North Bank." It was blowing strongly at the time from the S.E., and the vessel was right in the midst of the breakers, which could be seen sweeping over her. The life- boat went out in tow of a steamer, and con- veyed a hawser from her to the vessel in order to tow her off the bank if possible, but this was found quite impracticable. The sea continued very heavy, making a com- plete breach over the vessel, each wave threatening to wash the crew of 3 men and a boy overboard. The deck, too, was opening, so it was determined to take the crew off, and after some difficulty this was safely accomplished. Though under the lee of the vessel, the life-boat was several times half filled with water, as she shipped several seas in getting alongside and in leaving. The life-boat was brought back in tow of the steamer, and safely landed the shipwrecked crew.