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Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society

THE twenty-eighth Annual Sleeting of this most important Society, established by the Bi iti-.h public to relieve Shipwrecked Sailors of all Nations, when cast upon the coasts of the United Kingdom, was held on the 8th May, at Willis's Rooms, King Street, St.

James's, Admiral the Earl of SHREWSBURY AND TALBOT, C.B., in the unavoidable absence of His Grace the Duke of MARLBOROUGH, President of the Society, in the Chair.

We observed among the company present, Admirals Sir WILLIAM BOWLES, K.C.B., and C. H. M. BUCKLE, C.B.; Captains Royal ! Navy, vHon. F. MAUDE, T. OSMER, A. H. j Is G BAM, J. C. UEASLOP, J. S. LEAN, and j W. H. SYMONS; Rev. HORACE ROBERTS, M.A., Rev. J. E. WHITE ; RICHARD LEWIS, and W. N. TOMKINS, Esquires and a number of Ladies.

The Chairman having clearly and ably put before the Meeting the objects of the Society, FRANCIS LEAN, Esq., R.N., the Secretary, read the Report, wherein it was stated that daring the past year the Society had relieved 7,087 shipwrecked persons, natives and foreigners, of the following nations, viz.:—America, Belgium, British American Colonies, France, Hamburg, Hanorer, Holland, Italy, Prussia, Russia, Spain, Turkey, and Denmark ; and 4,134 widows and orphans of fishermen and mariners, making a total, since the formation of the Society in 1839, of 159,939; that 49,957 mariners voluntarily subscribed 3s. each per annum; and that the income had been 27,027Z. 16s., in connection with which certain large donors were mentioned.

The Report also stated that the Committee had great satisfaction in announcing that the Institution which the Society had long laboured to establish for Aged and Worn-out Merchant Seamen had now begun to work under the name of" The Belvedere Institution for Aged and Worn-out Merchant Seamen," and that on the 1st January of the present year twenty old sailors of the mercantile marine, ranging from sixty-five to eighty years of age, being without social ties, were received into the Building, and seven pensioned out, they having wives.

There is attached to it a fund for the young men to make provision for an annuity for themselves and their widows, should they leave any. The Institution is governed by an independent Committee, one-third of which is made up of members of the Committee of the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society, and the rest of shipowners and leading commercial men of the city of London, Mr.

THOS. BARING, M.P., being the President.

The Committee earnestly commended the infant Institution to every" friend of our seamen, both on benevolent and political grounds, believing them to be, whether in war or peace, the right arm of the Empire.

The Report concluded with an earnest appeal to the nobility, gentry, and public at large, for help to carry out the great objects of the Society. The Committee would remind a generous public that, as the wants of the poor castaways are continuous, so is the need of their liberality.

The Report was unanimously adopted, and the claims of the Institution very eloquently advocated by several of the beforenamed gentlemen.