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Maragret Coldwell. Coriven

During a strong gale from the N.W., on the 11th November, the schooner Margaret Caldwell, of Port- rush, was at anchor in the Skerries Roads, when the barque Convert, of Londonderry, running for the same anchorage, got foul of her, and carried away the jibboom and cut- water. Both vessels commenced to drag, and the schooner, showed signals of dis- tress. The life-boat Belinda was thereupon promptly launched, and, on arriving along- side the vessels, found that their anchors had fouled. The life-boat put some of her crew on board the barque, and assisted in hauling up the chain cable from the locker, as the crew of the barque were unfit for the work, being quite exhausted. The life-boat, ren- dered other efficient help to the barque, and then boarded the schooner, and at the request of her crew of 6 men, the boat brought them safely to land,' after having secured the vessel as well as possible. The scene on shore, when the schooner was observed to be dragging her anchors, and drifting on a lee shore, was very exciting, as the master and all the men belonged to Portrush—the cries of their wives, mothers, and sisters being heartrending in the ex- treme.