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Royal National Life-Boat Institution. Appeal

Royal National Life-Boat Institution.



THE COMMITTEE or MANAGEMENT have to state that, during the year 1866, the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION has expended £31,430 on various Life-boat Establishments on the Coasts of England, Scotland, and Ireland. During the same period the Life-boats of the Institution have also been instr Vessels:— , , .

Instrumental In rescuing the crews of tho following Wrecked Steamer Bessie, of Hayle 9 Barque Victorine, of Ostend 1 Brig Oscp.-at Fuime 1 Schooner Slack Agnes, of Shields.. 3 Brigantine Premad, of Bergen 7 Schooner Laurel, of Goole 3 Brig Tartar, of Sunderland—Saved vessel and crew 8 Schooner George, of Goole—Saved vessel and crew 6 Ship Thoughtful, of Sunderland ... 8 Brig Jessie, of London 8 Brig Cheshire Witch, of London... 3 Schooner Zephyr, of Banff 6 Barque Lymon Conn, of St. John's 1 Ship Iron Crown, of Liverpool— Rendered assistance.

Brlgantlae Isabella, of Waterford— Assisted to save vessel and crew 5 Brig Pen, of Whitby 7 Barque ReVa.nct, of Whitby 9 Smack Lily, of Wexford 6 Schooner Sarah Ann, of Jersey— Saved vessel and crew 6 Steamer Lady Beatrix, of Sunderland —Saved vesseL Brig Altivo, at Lisbon 10 Flat Morning Star, of Carnarvon .. 3 Galliot Johanna, of Soon, Norway 7 Skip Amsterdam, of Sunderland... 14 Brig Mazurka, of Dundee 10 Brig Claudia, of Belfast-Saved vessel and crew 7 Brig Vesta, of Whitby 7 Schooner Leader—Assisted to save vessel and crew 6 Billy Boy Giptey, of Wisbeach .... 4 Barque Julifi, of Liverpool 9 Schooner Peerless, of Aberystwith. 5 Smack Elizabeth, of Cardigan 6 Smack Jenny Jones, of Barmouth.. 5 Brigantine Pearl, of Montrose— Saved vesseL Schooner Ann, of Torquay 3 Ship Alarm, of Belfast 11 Brig Ptomdentia, of Svelvig 8 Smack Shamrock, of Wexford 6 Mary and Elizabetk ot Whitby... 11 Schooner Treaty, of Goole—Saved vessel and crew 4 Steamer Carbon, of Newcastle— Saved vessel and crew 12 Yacht Dagmar, of Mlddlesboro'... 2 Ship Mary Roe, of Quebec 7 Lugger Betty Ann, of Fort Gordon & Brigantine Jeune Francois—assisted to save vessel and crew 6 Brig Nicholas Haney. of Hayle... 8 Brigautine Columbia, of Carnarvon 5 Pilot Coble of Blakeney—Saved coble and crew 3 Fishing Smack Favourite of PceU Isle of Man ., 8 Barque Voluna, of Liverpool— Saved vessel 5 Barque Coriven, of Londonderry- Rendered assistance.

Schooner Margaret Caldudl, of Portrusb Sloop Pomona, of Ipswich 2 Sloop Superior, of Goole 2 GENERAL SUMMARY for 1866.

Number of Lives rescued by Life-boats, In addition to 17 vessels saved by them Number of Lives saved by Shore-boats, &c.

Amount of Pecuniary Rewards for Saving Life during the Year . . . .

Honorary Rewards:—Silver Medals 16 Votes of Thanks on Vellum and P a r c h m e n t . . . . 25 Sloop Queen, of Goole 3 Sloop Cupid, of Goole 4 Schooner Anaconda, of Lerwick... 6 Schooner Swann, of Goole 4 Steamer Buda, of Lcith—Assisted to save vessel and crew.

Schooner Coronation, of London .. 4 Schooner Tay, of Dundee 6 Barque Salmi—Assisted to save vessel and crew 16 Barque Margaret it Jane, of Shields 8 Barque Caroline Elizabeth, of London 13 Norwegian Barqne Inga 13 Ship Himalaya, of Liverpool—Rendered assistance.

Smack Cymro, of Almwch 2 Lugger William and Mary, of Yarmouth 1 Barque Indus,of Maitland, N.S.... 2 Brigantine KiUah— Saved vessel and crew 8 Brig George, of Lowestoft 6 Shore-boat, of Wexford 9 Schooner Lion, of Goole 5 Brig Kalpie, of London—saved vessel and crew 8 Total Lives saved in 1866 by Lifeboats 426 During the some period the Institution bits granted rewards for saving Lives by fishing and other boats.495 Grand Total 921 426 495 2,173 2 3 Total 41 921 2,173 2 3 The Committee desire to express their grateful sense of the liberal support which they have received from the British Public during the past few years, a support which has enabled them to establish their present great Beet of 172 Life-boats on the shores of,the United Kingdom. Deeply sensible, however, of the great responsibility that rests on them to maintain their fleet in a thoroughly efficient state, and Its crews practised in the management of their boats, which can only be effected by a large and permanent annual income, they earnestly appeal to all classes of their countrymen to continue to aid them in upholding and perpetuating so great and truly national a work.

The number of lives saved either by the Life-boats of the Society, or by special exertions, for which it has granted rewards, since its formation, is 15,901; for which services 82 Gold Medals, 767 Silver Medals, and £23,410 in cash have been given in rewards. The Institution has also expended £162,163 on its Life boat Establishments.

The expense of a Life-boat, its equipment, transporting-carriage, and boat-house, averages £620, in addition to £50 a-year needed 'to keep the station in a state of efficiency.

Donations and Annual Subscriptions are earnestly solicited, and will be thankfully received by the Bankers of the Institution, Messrs. WILLIS, I'KUCIVAL, and Co., 76 Lombard Street; Messrs. Cboxm and Co., 59 Strand ; Messrs. HEKBIES, KARQUHAB, and Co., 16 St. James's Street, Ixmdon ; by all the other Bankers in the United Kingdom; and by the Secretary, RICHARD LEWIS, Esq., at the Office of the Institution, 14 JOHN STREET. Antu-m, London, W.C.—Is* Jan., 1367. I.