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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 1st March. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Reported that Miss MARY ANN SANFORD, of Wivenhoe, had, through HENRY WITTEY, Esq., of Colchester, given a donation of 500/. to the Institution.

— To be thanked; and decided that a lifeboat, named the Sanford, be stationed on the East coast, on the first favourable opportunity.

Read letter from the Rev. G. S. WARD, M.A., of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, of the 28th February, stating that about 6001. had been collected in that University in aid of the expense of the Isis lifeboat station, at Hayle, on the Cornish coast.— To be thanked.

Also from Capt. W. F. YOUNG, R.N., of Cheltenham, of the 28th February, stating that upwards of 5002. had been collected in that town and in the county of Gloucester, in aid of the cost of the Cheltenham life-boat establishment at Burnham, Somerset.— To be thanked, Reported the receipt of 42CV. on account of the "Sheffield" Life-boat Fund, for the Runswick life-boat station, collected by THOMAS JESSOP, Esq., ex-Mayor, W. E. LATCOCK, the Mayor, and other friends in Sheffield.— To be thanked.

Also 6007., collected by Mr. T. BRANDRETH GIBBS and other gentlemen, living in Exeter and the county, on behalf of the " City of Exeter" life-boat establishment now being formed at Brixham, Devon. 3002. of this amount was munificently contributed by one gentleman (J. C. B.) living near Exeter.— To be thanked.

Also 2521. from a lady residing in Lancaster, to pay for the Ballycotton new life-boat, to be named the St. Clair. — To be thanked.

Also 872.3 . 10(2., being an additional remittance on account of the " Commercial Travellers'" Life-boat Fund, collected by Messrs. R. AFFLECK, W. BISHOP, and other commercial travellers.— To be thanked.

Also 10CM. from the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, per Mr. Alderman COPELAND; 122., offertory at Radley Cottage, Abingdon, per R.

W. NORMAN, Esq.; "21.9». 3d., ofiertory at Tanfield Church, per Rev. J. MATHWIN ; 41. Is. 3d., moiety of collection at Crediton, per Rev. C. GREGORY ; 312. 10«., proceeds of an annual private ball at St.

James's Hall, held on the 18th Feb.; 62. 12s. 6 2., proceeds of a ball at Barnard Castle, per W.

KMOX, Esq.; and Wl. 10s., additional from the Royal Thames Yacht Club. — To be severally thanked.

Read and approved the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats, of the 21st Feb., on his visits to Kingsdown, Southwold, Margate, Hasborough, and Gorlestone.

Also the Report of the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, of the 26th Feb., on his visits to Poole, Christchurch, Lyme Regis, Exmouth, Teignmouth, and Plymouth.

Read letter from Rear-Admiral R. BARTON, Hon. Secretary of the Southport Branch, of the 2nd March, stating that the late THOMAS TRAVERS TAYLOR, Esq., of that place, had left a legacy of 5002. duty free to the Institution.

Reported the transmission to their stations of the new life-boats for Kingsdown, Ramsgate, Rye, Lizard, Bridlington, Cullercoats, and Cahore. No charge was made to the Society for the conveyance of any of these boats. — The Railway and Steam-Packet Company to'be thanked.

Also that the Secretary had given a Lecture on the Life-boat and its Work, at the London and South-Western Literary and Scientific Institution, in Wandsworth Road, on the 22nd Feb.

Also that a concert had been given at Dover, on the 12th Feb., in aid of the new life-boat house fund.— To be thanked.

Also that Mr. Deputy TEGG, F.R.G.S., had kindly presented to the Institution 100 copies of the new edition of Mr. N. MICHELL'S beautiful poem, entitled, " The Wreck of the Homeward Bound." — To be thanked. ( Vide ' Life-boat Journal,' No.

43, page 8, for a review of this fine poem.) Head letters from Mr. B. BEE, of Hull, of the 23rd Feb., and Mr. R. D. DWYER, of Liverpool, of the 17th Feb., calling attention to their respective plans of life-boats which they had invented.

— To be acknowledged.

Also from Mr. F. D. CHAMBERS, of Portsmouth Dockyard, of the 16th Feb., forwarding a description of his apparatus for communicating with wrecked or stranded vessels.— To be acknowledged, and referred to the Board of Trade.

Paid 2,2842. 3». 3d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 462. to pay the expenses of the Yarmouth surf life-boat, in going off twice in reply to signals of distress, and rescuing the crews, consisting of 16 men, from the brig Pero and the barque Reliance, both of Whitby, which had gone ashore on Yarmouth Beach, during a heavy gale of wind from the S.S.E., on the llth February.

Also 52. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Rosslare life-boat, in going off and saving the crew of 6 men from the smack Lily, of Wexford, which had stranded on the Dogger Bank, off that place, during a strong wind and heavy sea, on the 20th Feb.

The men had only just been taken off when the smack heeled over and sank.

Also 92. 15s. to pay the expenses of the North Deal life-boat, in putting off and rendering important services, in conjunction with a Deal lugger and two steam-tugs, to the ship Iron Crown, of Liverpool, which had struck on the outer edge of the Goodwin Sands during stormy weather, on the 7th Feb. The vessel was ultimately got off and taken to a port of safety.

Also 62. 7s. to pay the expenses of the Kirkcudbright life-boat, in going off, in reply to signals of distress from the Brigantine Isabella, of Waterford, which was observed during very stormy weather in a dangerous position on the Milton Sand, at the mouth of the River Dee. With the assistance of some of the life-boat men, the vessel and her crew were subsequently brought safely into harbour.

Also 192. to pay the expenses of the Appledore (North Devon) life-boat, in putting off during a gale of wind from the W.N.W. and heavy sea, and bringing safely ashore the crew of 10 men from the brig Altivo, of Lisbon, which had stranded on the inside of South Tail, Bideford Bay, on the 23rd February.

Also 2322.10*. 6d. to pay the expenses of the life-boats stationed at Lowestoft, Yarmouth, Caister, North Deal, Margate, Walmer, Valentia, Kingsdown, Dungeness, Worthing, Hay ling Island, Poole, and Dunbar, for putting off, with the view of rescuing the crews of various vessels which had been observed in dangerous positions, with signals of distress flying, during the heavy gales of February.

Reported also the services of the Yarmouth large life-boat in putting off during a heavy gale of wind, and bringing safely into harbour the sinking schooner Sarah Ann, of Jersey, and her crew. The life-boat's crew received salvage from 'the owners for this service.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, and a copy of its Vote on Parchment, to Mr. WILLIAM TAYLOR, Chief Officer of H. M. Coastguard at Robert's Cove, Co. Cork, and 22. 10s. to 5 other men, in acknowledgment of their gallant conduct in putting off in a Coastguard galley, and saving the crew of 13 men from the barque Lidia, of Genoa, which was wrecked near Cork Head during a strong gale and terrific sea, on the 29th December last.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution, and a copy of its Vote on Parchment, to Captain MORENO, of the Austrian barque Eva, and 12. each to 4 of his men, in admiration of their gallant conduct in putting off in a small boat belonging to the barque, and rescuing 3 men from a Pill yawl, which had capsized and sunk near Walton Bay, in the Bristol Channel, during squally weather and a rough sea, on the 28th January.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution and a copy of its Vote on Parchment, to Private ROBERT LOVE, of the 63rd Regiment, in acknowledgment of his highly meritorious and prompt services, in putting off in a boat from the steam-ship Arnp, and assisting to rescue 4 men belonging to the brig Medina, of North Shields, which had foundered off the Yorkshire coast, on the 14th January.

Also the Thanks of the Institution, inscribed on Vellum, to Mr. JAMES FITZPATRICK, Chief Boatman of H. M. Coastguard at Balbriggan, Co.

Dublin, and It. each to his crew of 6 men, in testimony of their highly meritorious and persevering conduct in putting off in a Coastguard boat, and saving 5 of the crew of the smack Royal Highlander, of Campbeltown, which was wrecked on the sands at Balbriggan, during a strong gale of wind and heavy sea, on the 29th October last.

Also the Thanks of the Institution, inscribed on Vellum, and 3/. each to THOMAS SAUNDERS and SAMUEL GERMAN, in testimony of their highly meritorious and persevering conduct in putting off in a small boat, and saving, after several attempts, 5 men belonging to the ship Hannah More, of Liverpool, which was •wrecked off Lnndy Island, during a very heavy gale of wind, on the llth January. The shipwrecked crew were observed at daylight clinging to the rigging of the vessel, over which a tremendous sea was sweeping, carrying away the boat, bulwarks, and everything not firmly fastened. The sight of the helpless and all but exhausted sailors on the wreck so moved the spectators on shore, that it was resolved to make an attempt to rescue them. A small boat was accordingly launched, and manned by the two brave men above-named. They bent to their oars with determined strokes, amid the prayers alike of those on shore and those huddled on shipboard.

But the raging sea was too much for them, and presently, in spite of their utmost efforts, the little craft was beaten back, through the long line of foam, upon the shore. Again did the gallant fellows put off; but only with a like result. The effort then seemed to be hopeless, and the poor fellows on the wreck were given up for lost. Soon afterwards a tremendous wave lifted the vessel's shattered hull on its foaming crest, and dashed it with such tremendous force against a detached pyramid of granite, known as Hat Island, that in less than twenty minutes little remained of her but a thousand fragments. The boat was now launched a third time, and, after very great exertion and risk, the two brave men reached the spot, and succeeded in rescuing 5 men, and in bringing them safely ashore. Another of the shipwrecked crew succeeded in reaching the land on a spar; but the remainder, 16 in number, unhappily perished. The Thanks of the Institution were also voted to the inhabitants of Lundy Island generally, for their humanity and zeal on the occasion.

Voted also SI. to the crew of the lugger Enterprise, of Margate, for taking off the crew of 20 men and the pilot from the ship Kensington, of London, which was wrecked on the Long Sand, during a strong gale of wind, on the 2nd January.

Also the Thanks of the Institution, and 2/. to 2 youths, named OLIVER and WILLIAM BLACK, for putting off and saving 1 out of 2 men who had been capsized from their boat during a sudden squall and rough sea in Lough Swilly, on the 19th December last. The other poor fellow had sunk before they could reach him.

Also 31. 10s. to 7 men in acknowledgment of their laudable conduct in wading into the surf and rescuing, at some risk of life, 8 out of 9 of the crew of the barque Otter, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, which was wrecked at Mulraney, Co. Mayo, during a storm and heavy sea, on the 31st December last.

Also 11. each to 6 men for putting off in a shoreboat and rescuing, at considerable risk of life, the crew of 11 men from a boat belonging to the brig Margaret, of Torquay, which was totally wrecked in Ballydonegan Bay, Co. Cork, during a hurricane, on the 2nd January.

Also 81. 15e. to the crews of two 'shore-boats for going off, during a strong gale of wind, and rescuing the crew of 2 men from the ketch Emma, of Glasgow, which was totally wrecked off Pittenweem Harbour, N.B., on the 6th February.

Tuesday, 13th March.—The Annual General Meeting of the friends and supporters of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION was held this day at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, the Eight Hon. EARL PERCY, P.C., in the Chair.

The Chairman having opened the Meeting with some brief remarks on the important and national character of the operations of the Institution, the Officers of the Society for the current year were chosen.

The Secretary then read the Annual Report of the Committee.

Various Resolutions were afterwards moved, seconded, and carried unanimously, pledging the Meeting to renewed exertions on behalf of the benevolent and national objects of the Institution.

The Resolutions 'will be found in the April number of the Life-boat Journal, page 31.

Thursday, 8th April. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meetings, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Elected the Members of the Sub-Committees for the ensuing year.

The Chairman reported the recent decease of JOHN CLAYTON, Esq., of Lancaster-place, London.

The Committee expressed their sincere regret at the lamented death of Mr. CLAYTON, who for many years had cordially and zealously cooperated with them as their Hon. Solicitor.

Read and approved the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats on his recent isitto the following places:—Poole, Brixham, "Watchet, Bridgewater, Lyme Regis, Swanage, Kemmeridge, and Chapman's Pool.

Also the Assistant-Inspector's Report on his visit to Fowey, Lizard, Coverack, Porthonstock, Porthleven, Penzance, Sennen Cove, St. Ives, Hayle, New Quay, Padstow, Bude Haven, Appledore, and Braunton.

Reported the receipt of 1,8001. on account of the Life-boat Fund, contributed by the subscribers to the Quiver Magazine, which fund had been mainly collected through the benevolent exertions of the publishers, Messrs. CASSELL, FETTER, and GALPIN, and of the editor, the Rev. TEIGNMOUTH SHORE.— To be thanked, and decided that the * Quiver JVb. 1' life-boat be stationed at Queenstown Jfarbour, County Cork ; No. 2 life-boat at Margate ; and No. 3 life-boat at Southwold, Suffolk.

Read letter from the Commodore Controller- General of the Coastguard, of the 13th March, applying for 1,000 copies of the pamphlet of the Institution containing its Instructions for the Management of Boats in Surfs and broken water.

— To be supplied, and ordered a new edition of the pamphlet to be printed and circulated.

Also from Sir JOHN POLLARD WILLOUGHBY, Bart., of the 21th March, forwarding a contribution of 420/. to defray the cost of a life-boat and her equipment. The boat was to be named the Oxfordshire, after his native county, and he approved of her being stationed at Looe, on the coast of Cornwall.— To be thanked.

Reported the receipt of 1,0002. from the Huddersfield Life-boat Fund, per favour of THOMAS CRESSWELL, Esq.— To be thanked, and decided that the Huddersfield life-boat be stationed at Hasboro', on the coast of Norfolk.

Reported also the receipt of 120/. from the Plymouth Branch; 1007. from JAMES EDWARDS, Esq., of Wolstanton; 501. from C. D. S., in aid of a life-boat for Roches Point: 101. from " A Sailor's "Widow;" 67. 3s. 6 2., proceeds of a Private Dramatic Entertainment at the Gallery of Illustration, per Mr. K. FHANKLAKD; 41. 2s. Id., result of an Amateur Dramatic Entertainment at Heading, per S. FREEMAN, Esq.; 217. from the Worshipful Company of Gunmakers, per "W. J. PAYNE, Esq.; 101. 14s. lid. collected in Bure's, St. Mary Church, per Kev. A. HANBUKT ; 101. from the parish of Paignton, Devon, per Kev. W. POLAND ; 31. 7s., Offertory on Humiliation Day at St. Lawrence, Ipswich, per Rev. J. C. ALDRICH; 21. Is. fid., Harvest Thank-offering in the parish of Rype, Hurst Green, Sussex, per Rev. R. S. SUTTON ; 11. 12s. 6d., collections at Alderford and Attlebridge churches, per Rev. CAMPBELL WODEHODSE ; 51., "Almsgiving on Humiliation Day, from one who has not suffered loss by disease amongst his cattle or sheep;" 1551. 18s., legacy to the Institution of the late BENJAMIN COLES, Esq., of Tunbridge Wells; 1001..

legacy of the late WILLIAM CHAFYN GROVE, Esq.J of Mere, Wilts; and SI., legacy of the late Mr.

EDWARD KING, of the National Debt Office.— To be severally thanked.

Also a remittance of 7081.13s. 4d. per WILLIAM GREEN, Esq., to defray the cost of a life-boat to be named the Leicester, and to be stationed at Gorlestone, near Great Yarmouth.— To be thanked.

Reported also that the late J. D. SHAW, Esq., of Newcastle-on-Tyne, had left the Institution a legacy of 4001. to defray the cost of an additional life-boat for the coast of Northumberland or Durham.

Also that the late GEORGE ANSTICE, Esq., of Chipping Norton, had left the Institution a legacy Head letter from Messrs. BELL, STEWARD, and LLOYD, of the 27th March, stating that the DOKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND had instructed them to appropriate to the Institution 3007., being part of a sum of money which his Grace was about to rerfeive from the executors of the late Duke, on account of some arrears of his admiral's half-pay not claimed by him.— To be thanked.

Also from JOHN KERSHAW, Esq., of Brixton, of the 6th March, presenting to the Society twentysix volumes of the edition of 1820 of the " Encyclopaedia Britannica," valued at 41.— To be thanked.

Reported the transmission of the Whitehaven new life-boat to her station, and her safe arrival there. The Whitehaven Junction and the Furness Railway Companies readily gave the boat a free conveyance over their lines, and a public launch of the life-boat took place on her arrival.— To be thanked.

Reported also that some model life-boats and other articles relating to the life-boat work had been exhibited on the occasion of a conversazione of the Royal Society, held at Burlington House, on the 10th March.

Read letter from Mr. GEORGE HOWARD, of Renfrew, of the 3rd March, calling attention to his plan of life-boat.— To be acknowledged.

Ordered the following circular to be transmitted to the different Branches of the Institution on the coast:— " ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, "John Street, Adelphi, 11 London.

" SIR,—In consequence of infringement at some stations of the 18th section of the ' Life-boat Regulations' of this Institution, (which prohibits any persons from going off to a wreck in a life-boat besides the coxswain and crew, except with the express sanction of the Local Committee,) I am directed to call again the particular attention of the several Local Committees and Hon. Secretaries to the clause in question.

" Since the coxswain of the life-boat, who is expressly employed and paid by the Institution, is in every case held responsible for the safety and proper management of his boat, it is most undesirable that any other persons than his crew should accompany him, whereby to risk more lives than necessary, occupy valuable space in the boat, and take the responsibility and credit from him. The Committee think that the only exception to this rule should be when the coxswain and crew may themselves wish for and invite the aid of any practical and experienced person whose presence with them may be likely to be of service, or to afford them encouragement and confidence.

" I am, &c., "RICHARD LEWIS, " Secretary.

" To the Honorary Secretary of the Branch." Paid 7707. 4s. 8e7. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 71. lie. to pay the expenses of the Albert Victor life-boat, stationed at Berwick-on-Tweed, for putting off and rescuing the crew of 7 men from the schooner Johanna, of Soon, Norway, which was stranded, during stormy weather, on Spittal Point, on {he 8th March.

Also 97. to pay the expenses of the Seaton Carew life-boat in putting off and saving the crew of 13 men and the captain's wife from the ship Amsterdam, of Sunderland, which was stranded, during stormy weather, on the North Gare Sandbank, en the Durham coast, on the 8th March. The lifeboats at Redcar and Middlesborongh also put off with the view of rescuing the crew of the above vessel. Voted 187. 19s. to pay their expenses.

Also 237. to pay the expenses of the Winterton life-boat in putting off, during a strong gale of wind from the E.S.E. and heavy squalls, and bringing safely ashore the crew of 10 men from the brig Mazurka, of Dundee, which was totally wrecked about half a mile south of Winterton, on the 9th March. The Caister life-boat also went out to the rescue of the crew of this vessel. Voted 257. to pay the expenses of that boat.

Also 77. to pay the expenses of the Cardigan life-boat in going off, during a gale of wind, and saving the crew of 6 men from the smack Elizabeth, of Cardigan, which had stranded and afterwards sunk on the Bar of that place, on the 23rd March.

Also 47.12s. to pay the expenses of the Holyhead life-boat in putting off, in reply to signals of distress from the schooner Leader, of Liverpool, which had become unmanageable while making for Holyhead Harbour during a heavy gale of wind from the S.S.W., on the 23rd March. One of the life-boat's crew boarded the vessel, which, with the assistance of a steam-tug, was ultimately got into the harbour in safety.

Also 117. I4s. to pay the expenses of the Penarth life-boat in going off and rescuing the crew of 7 men from the brig Claudia, of Belfast, which had stranded on Cardiff Sands during a strong gale of wind from the S.W. on the 23rd March.

Also 87. to pay the expenses of the Swansea lifeboat in putting off, during a very heavy squall and high sea, and bringing ashore the crew of 7 men from the brig Vesta, of Whitby, which was totally wrecked between Mumbles and Swansea on the 23rd March.

Also 147. 5s. to pay the expenses of the Forth" dinllaen life-boat in going off, in reply to signals of distress and saving 5 men from the smack Jenny Jones, of Barmouth, which was in distress in Porthdinllaen Bay during a gale of wind from the N.W. on the 24th March.

Also 92. 15». to pay the expenses of the North Deal life-boat in putting off and bringing ashore the crew of 5 men from the schooner Peerless, of Aberystwith, "which was totally wrecked, during a very strong wind from W.S.W., on the Goodwin Sands, on the 24th March. The poor cabin boy unfortunately died from exposure in the vessel's rigging before the life-boat arrived. The Barnsgate life-boat also put off with the view of rescuing the crew of the above vessel.

Also 61. Os. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Dundalk life-boat in going off and rescuing 9 of the crew of the barque Julia, of Liverpool, which was wrecked, during a heavy gale of wind about a mile and a half S.S.W. of Dundalk lighthouse, on the 23rd March. One of the crew had met with a watery grave before the life-boat arrived, and the remaining 9 men were in so exhausted a condition that they had to be dragged into the life-boat.

More than one poor fellow exclaimed, " God bless the life-boat!" Also 161.11s. to pay the expenses of the Redcar life-boat in putting off, in reply to signals of distress, and rescuing the crew of 3 men and the master's wife from the billy-boy Gipsey, of Wisbeach, which was totally wrecked, during a heavy gale of wind on Hales Rocks, off Redcar, on the night of the 23rd March.

Also 91. 15«. to pay the expenses of the Ballycotton life-boat in going off, in reply to signals of distress, from the ship Alarm, of Belfast, which was wrecked, during a strong gale of wind and squally weather, in Ballycotton Bay, on the 23rd March. On arriving near the wreck a rope was conveyed on board by means of a loaded cane and line, with which the life-boats are always supplied, and 6 men were drawn through the surf into the life-boat. At this time the masts fell over the vessel's quarter, fortunately just clearing the lifeboat.

Five more of the crew were afterwards hauled on board, and the 11 rescued men were subsequently safely landed.

Also 72. 8s. to pay the expenses of the Dundee People's Journal life-boat (No. 1), stationed at Peterhead, for putting off and saving the crew of 8 men from the brig Providentia, of Svelvig, near Drammen, which was totally wrecked, during a heavy gale of wind from the S.E., on the rocks near the entrance of Peterhead Harbour, on the 24th March.

Also 23/. to pay the expenses of the Yarmouth surf life-boat in putting off and rescuing the crew of 3 men from the schooner Ann, of Torquay, which was stranded on Yarmouth Beach, during a heavy gale of wind, on the 23rd March. The following morning the life-boat again went out and succeeded in bringing the vessel safely into harbour.

For the latter service the life-boat's crew had salvage.

Also 1337. 19». 6d. to pay the expenses of assembling the crews, or the putting off of the lifeboats at Rhoscolyn, Girvan, Hastings, Worthing, Kosslare, Caister, Scarborough, Berwick, Lossiemouth, Blackpool, Exmouth, Lyme Regis, Broughty Ferry, Drogheda, Swansea, Winchelsea, Rye, Canore, St. Andrews, and Rhyl, to various vessels which were in distress during the recent gales, and which had signalled for assistance from the shore. Fortunately, however, most of them succeeded in getting out of their dangerous positions, and in other cases the life-boats' services were declined.

Reported the services of the Lytham life-boat in going off and bringing safely into port the brigantiue Pearl, of Montrose, and her crew of 8 men. The vessel was stranded on the east end of Salthouse Bank, during stormy weather, on the 12th March. The life-boat's crew received 28i.

from the owners of the vessel for this service.

Voted 31. 10s. to 7 Coastguardmen for putting off in a boat and assisting to rescue a portion of the crew of the ship Scotland, of Glasgow, which was in distress, during a heavy gale of wind, in Dingle Bay on the 26th December last.

Also 12. each to 5 Coastguardmen for going off in their boat and rescuing, at considerable risk of life, the cfew of 6 men from the brigantine Sarah Emma, of Mirimachi, which was totally wrecked, during a heavy gale of wind, in Dingle Bay on the 29th December last.

Also 22. 10s. to 5 men for wading into the surf and rescuing, at some risk, the captain and one of the crew of the steam-ship Ibis, of Cork, which was wrecked on Julien Rock, in Ballycroneen Bay, during a gale of wind, on the 21st December last.

Also 21. to 4 men for putting off in a boat and saving the crew of 2 men from the smack Eliza, of Wicklow, which was wrecked on Arklow Bar, during rough and squally weather, on the 13th March.

Also 11. to a boat"s crew for saving 12 men and a boy, whose boat had been capsized, during stormy weather, on Arklow Bar, Ireland, on the 27th February.

Also 21. to 4 men in acknowledgment of their promptitude in putting off in a pilot boat and rescuing a lad who was in a dangerous position in a small boat in Peterhead Harbour, on the 26th February.

Also 112. to the crew of the Scratby beachmen's life-boat, for going off and rescuing the crew of 5 men from the schooner William Henry, of Yarmouth, which was wrecked on the Scroby Sands, during stormy weather, on the 3rd February.

Also 12. each to E. BROWN, coxswain of the Kingstown life-boat, and 4 Coastguardmen, for putting off, on a dark stormy night, in a whale-boat, and rescuing 2 men from a rock at the south side of Dublin Bay. The 2 men formed part of the crew of the schooner Morriss, of Lancaster, which had struck on the rock, but had afterwards drifted clear, leaving them behind.

Thursday, 3rd May. The Right Hon. Earl PERCY, P.C., President of the Institution, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Elected the Chairman of the preparatory Committees for the ensuing year.

Read letter from the Secretary of State for War, of the 30th April, stating, in reply to the application of the Institution, that he would grant a site of ground for the erection of the Queenstown Life-boat House.— To be thanked.

Read and approved the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats, on his visit to Queenstown, Kinsale, Courtmacsherry, Ardmore, Ballycotton, Balbriggan, Skerries, Pooloeg, Wicklow, Cahore, Courtown, Rhyl, Oxford, Barnstaple, and Hayle.

Also the Report of the Assistant Inspector of Life-boats, on his visits to Margate, Ramsgate, Kingsgate, Deal, Walmer, Kingsdowne, Dover, Littlestone, Winchelsea, Rye/ Bastings, Sheringham, Cromer, and Mundesley.

Read letter from the Commissioners of the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1867, of the 27th April, expressing their desire to have the assistance of some one connected with the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, as Associate-Commissioner in Class 66,' Navigation and Life-boats.' Decided that Hear-Admiral A. P. KYDEK, and Captain J. R. WARD, R.N., Inspector of Lifeboats to the Society, be named to the Commissioners.

Also that the Thanks of the Institution, inscribed on Vellum, be presented to Admiral RYDER, in acknowledgment of his most valuable services and cordial co-operation while Commodore Controller-General of the Coastguard, in assisting to carry out the national and philanthropic objects of the Society.

Reported that the Government of the Hanseatic Republics was forming a Society, on the model of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and that every co-operation had been offered them by the Institution.

Also the receipt, through WILLIAM REED, Esq., of 4S51. Os. 5rf., collected amongst the grocers of England, to defray the cost of the Grocers' lifeboat and carriage.—-To be thanked, and decided that the boat be stationed at Mundesley, Norfolk.

Also that E. M. S. had given the Society 300/., through Admiral GAMBIER, to meet the expense of the life-boat about to be stationed at Chapman's Pool, the boat being named the George Scott.— To be thanked.

Also that 3101. had been received, per favour of R. M. BALLANTYNE, Esq., on account of the .'Edinburgh Working Men's' Life-boat, which was intended to be stationed by the Society at Port Logan, N.B.— To be thanked.

Also 250/. from the Civil Service Life-boat Fund, collected principally by MALCOLM GOLDSMITH, Esq., and JAMES A. Dow, Esq., amongst the gentlemen connected with the Civil Service of the country. The boat was to be stationed at Rosslare, County Wexford.— To be thanked.

Also that Miss DUNCAN, of Bath, had given 3502.

to pay for the new life-boat and carriage for Sheringham, Norfolk—the boat to be named the Duncan.—- To be thanked.

Also a second donation of 1627. 6s. 9d., on account of the Simla life-boat fund, which had been collected by Captain A. R. WESTON, of the P. and O. steamer of that name.— To be thanked.

Also 157/. lls. from E. CHAMBERS, Esq., of Reigate, being the first instalment of the amount he was collecting towards defraying the cost of a life-boat to be named the Beigate. — To be thanked.

Also 90Z. legacy of the late Miss BENNETT, of Sloane Street; 332. 4s. 6d. being an additional amount collected by Lady THOMAS, of East Malvern, principally in annual subscriptions: 101.10s., proceeds of a dramatic entertainment at St.Martin's Hall by the ' Young Stagers' on the 4th May, per W. H. PREEDY, Esq.; 152. additional collected by Captain THOMAS SMITH, of the Bristol Marine Office; SI. 15s., half the free proceeds of two lectures on India delivered in St. George's Hall, Ramsgate, by Captain HAWKINS; and 21. 10s.

' from the officers and crew of the Sea Breeze, of London, per Captain T. R. HARRY.— To be severally thanked.

Also that the Foresters' Demonstration at Diss, Norfolk, on the 4th April,-in aid of the funds of the Institution, had realized 3 M. 10s.— To be thanked.

Also that the late SAMUEL TRAVIS, Esq., of Cheltenham, had left a legacy of 1001., free of duty,"to the Institution, for the support of the Derby life-boat, stationed at Snnderland.

Also that an Amateur Concert had been given at Girvan, N.B., in aid of the funds of the Institution, when HI. was realized.— To be thanked. Also that the new life-boats and carriages for Hayle and Braunton had been forwarded to their stations, the several Railway Companies over whose lines they passed readily granting them a free conveyance.— To be thanked.

The Isis, life-boat for Hayle, was publicly launched in Oxford on the 24th April, and at Hayle on the 28th of the same month.

A grand demonstration also took place at Barnstaple with the Braunton new life-boat, on the 26th April.

Read letter from Mr. W. SUMNER, of Tarriff, N.B.; Mr. T. BATE, of Guernsey; Mr. W. VINCENT, of Birmingham, and Sergeant HART, R.E., of Newcastle-on-Tyne, calling the attention of the Institution to their respective plans for saving life from shipwreck.— To be acknowledged.

Decided that the best thanks of the Institution, inscribed on Vellum, be presented to the Rev.

W. YATE, in acknowledgment of his long and valuable co-operation during the period he occupied the office of Honorary Secretary of the Dover branch of the Society.

Paid 3,083Z. 19s. 9d for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 181. 15s. to pay the expenses of the Mundesley life-boat, in putting off twice during stormy weather and rescuing the crew of 11 men from the Barque Elizabeth and Mary, of Whitby, which was stranded on the beach between Mundesley and Bacton on the 8th ult.

Also 61. to pay the expenses of the Rosslare life-boat, in going off during a strong easterly wind, on the 9th ult., and bringing safely ashore the crew of 6 men from the smack Shamrock, of Wexford, which had struck, and afterwards become a total wreck on the north end of the Dogger Bank.

Also 61. to pay the expenses of the Maryport life-boat in putting off, in reply to signals of distress, and bringing safely into port the schooner Treaty, of Goole, and her crew of 4 men. The vessel was stranded during a strong gale of wind from W.S.W., on Dub Mill Scar Sands, about 8 miles from Maryport, on the 17th ult.

Reported the services of the Caister life-boat, in going off, in reply to signals of distress on the 7th ult., and bringing safely into Yarmouth Roads the steamer Carbon, of Newcastle, and her crew of 12 men. The steamer was observed in a totally disabled condition, near the Cockle Sand, during hazy weather, and a strong wind from the E.N.E.

Voted 551. Is. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the life-boats of the Institution at Bude Haven, Dundalk, Winterton, Palling, Courtown, Wexford, and Yarmouth, in putting oft7, in reply to signals of distress during stormy weather, with the view of rendering assistance to different vessels.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution, a copy of its Vote on Parchment, and 21. to Mr. JOHN BOOT, Officer of H.M.'s Coastguard; and 121. to 8 other men of the same service, for putting off in a Coastguard boat, during a heavy gale of wind, and rescuing, after several attempts and at considerable risk of life, 5 out of 12 of the crew of the Swedish brig Fahli Sure, of Sunderland, which was totally wrecked in Sandown Bay, Isle of Wight, on the 24th March last.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution, a copy of its Vote on Parchment, and 11. to Mr. JOHN KERRNISH, commissioned boatman of the Coastguard, and 11. to 2 other men, for going off in a shore boat through a heavy sea, and saving a man who had been overtaken by the tide and was in a very dangerous position on a pile-driving machine in Drumburgh Marsh, on the 16th ult. KERRNISH had first to swim about 80 yards, in a heavy sea, to reach the boat by means of which the man was saved.

Also the Thanks of the Institution, inscribed on Vellum, to Mr. D. COLLINS, Chief Officer of H.M.'s Coastguard, and II. each to 4 other men of the same service, for putting off in a whale-boat during a gale of wind, and at considerable risk of life, to the rescue of the crew of 7 men, in a small boat which had been swamped some miles from the shore, while going out to a vessel which had signalled for a pilot on the 25th Feb. last.

Also 51. to the master and crew of 6 men of the steam-tug Royal Albert, of Poole, for their services in rescuing the crews of 2 wrecked vessels, and for bringing the pilot-boat Ela and her crew of 4 men to a place of safety. The tug had also towed the Poole life-boat out during the heavy gale of wind on the 11th Feb. last.