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Royal National Life-Boat Institution. Appeal

Royal National Life-Boat Institution.

Supported by Voluntary Contributions, Patroness—Ste MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN.


Chairman—THOMAS BARING, ESQ., M.P., F.E.S, Y.P. Deputy-Chairman—THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq» F.K.S /Secretory—RICHARD LEWIS, ESQ., of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law.

Life-boat Inspector—Capt J. E. WARD, R.N. Assistant Lifeboat Inspector—Capt D. ROBERTSON, K.N.


THE COMMITTEE or MANAGEMENT have to state that, during the past year (1865), and the first eight months of the present year, the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION has expended £42,420 on various Life-boat Establishments on the Coasts of England, Scotland, and Ireland, in addition to having contributed to the saving of 1,256 persons from various shipwrecks on our coasts. Every winter that comes and 'goes has its black record of wrecks, and its terrible list of lost lives. How many would have been ready to give all the wealth they possessed last winter to behold a Life-boat putting off to their stranded vessel ? Perhaps it was the first time that some of them had ever seriously thought of a Life-boat, and it was too late.

GENERAL SUMMARY OF THE WORK of THE INSTITUTION DURING THE PAST YEAR Number of Lives rescued by Life-boats, in addition to 81 £. ». d.

vessels saved by them 819 Amount of Rewards to Life-boat Crews .. 3,062 7 8 Number of Lives saved by Shore-boats, &c 437 Amount of Rewards to the Crews of Shore-boats . . 335 15 0 Honorary Rewards:-Silver Medals 21 Votes of Thanks on Vellum and Parchment . 4 7 • • Total 68 1,256 3,398 2 8 The Committee desire to acknowledge with gratitude the liberal support which they have received from the British Public during the past few years, a support which has enabled them to establish their present great fleet of 172 Life-boats on the shores of the United Kingdom. Deeply sensible, however, of the great responsibility that rests on them to maintain their fleet in a thoroughly efficient state, and its crews practised in the management of their boats, which can only be effected by a large and permanent annual income, they earnestly appeal to all classes of their countrymen to continue to aid them in upholding and perpetuating BO great and truly national a work.

The number of lives saved either by the Life-boats of the Society, or by special exertions, for which it has granted rewards, since its formation, is 15,522 ; for which services 82 Gold Medals, 763 Silver Medals, and £22,842 in cash have been paid in rewards. The Institution has also expended £149,905 on its One hundred and Seventy-two Life-boat Establishments.

The expense of a Life-boat, its equipment, transporting-carriage, and boat-house, averages £620, in addition to £50 a-year needed to keep the station in a state of efficiency.

Donations and Annual Subscriptions are earnestly solicited, and will be thankfully received by the Bankers of the Institution, Messrs. WILLIS, PERCIVAL, and Co., 76 Lombard Street; Messrs. COUTTS and Co., 59 Strand; Messrs. HERMES, FARQUHAR, and Co., 16 St. James's Street, London; by all the other Bankers in the United Kingdom; and by the Secretary, RICHARD LEWIS, Esq., at the Office of the Institution, 14 JOHN STREET, ADELPHI, London, W.C.—let October, 1866.