Advanced search

Ann, of Torquay

On the night of the 23rd March the services of this valuable life-boat were again brought into requisition. During a ter- rific gale of wind from the S., and a very heavy sea, the beachmen on the look-out had observed a vessel driving with both anchors down. The captain and 2 of his crew had been ashore on business during the day, and in consequence of the gale were unable to get off again. When near- ing the beach signals of distress were shown from the vessel, and the life-boat was immediately manned and launched.

While on her way to the rescue, the life- boat was several times fairly under water.

The vessel was, however, at last reached, and the remainder of the crew, 3 in number, were brought safely ashore in the life-boat.

About two hours afterwards, the weather having somewhat moderated, the beachmen launched the large life-boat, and succeeded in warping the vessel to a safe anchorage— keeping possession of her until mid-day, when her own crew were brought off from the shore. She proved to be the schooner Ann, of Torquay, bound from Shields to that port with coals.