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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 3rd August, 1865, THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.K.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Decided that the Life-boat presented by the town of Bradford to the Institution be stationed at Ramsgate, with the sanction of the Board of Trade.

Ordered that a new life-boat be stationed at Selsey in lieu of the present boat at that place, and that the latter boat be transferred for use at Ramsgate during the period the new boat was being built. The London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway readily granted a free conveyance to the Selsey new and old life-boats between London and Chichester.— To be thanked, Reported the receipt of the legacy of 2,000/., bequeathed to the Institution by the late RICHARD THORNTON, Esq.

Also that a Special Meeting of the Whitehaven Town and Harbour Commissioners had taken place on the 15th July, at which the Inspector of Life-boats had attended, when they had decided to place their life-boat station under the management of the Institution, with the view to its complete renovation.

Also the receipt of 300Z. from Miss LEICESTER, which amount she wished to be appropriated in payment of the cost of the Whitehaven new life-boat: and she wished the boat to be named the Elizabeth.—To be thanked.

Also an additional contribution of 9 M. Is. front the Ancient Order of Foresters, through their Secretary, SAMUEL SHAWCROSS, Esq., in aid of the maintenance of the Forester Life-boat stationed at Newquay, Cardiganshire. —• To be thanked.

Read and approved the Report of Capt. WARD, R.N., Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his visit to the following life-boat stations,— viz., Cabore, Wicklow, Arklow, Wexford, Rosslare, Carnsore, Tramore, Dungarvan, Youghal, Ardrmore, Ballycotton, Valentia, Poolbeg, Kingstown, Howth, Skerries, Drogheda, Dundalk, Newcastle, Tyrella, Portrush, Greencastle, Groomsport, Silloth, Maryport, New Brighton.

Also to Courtown, Jacks Hole, Balbriggan, Craofield Point, Ballywalter, and Whitehaven.

Reported that satisfactory harbour trials had taken place in the Regent's Canal Dock, Limehouse, with three life-boats built by Messrs.

FORRESTT and SON for the French shipwreck Society. The Comte de BASTARD, and Capitaine de fregate ALBERT, of the French Imperial Navy, were present on the occasion. They had visited England for the purpose of making inquiries as to the working, on the coast, of the system of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

The French officers afterwards went to Hastings to see one of the life-boats of the Institution in working order, and had explained to them the use of the rocket life-saving apparatus. The French Shipwreck Society subsequently ordered three additional life-boats of the builders of the Institution.

Reported also that information, as to the working of the Institution, had been furnished to W.

A. WHITE, Esq., H. B. M. CONSUL, at Dantzig, as efforts were being made to form a Life-boat Society on the Prussian coast on the plan of this Institution.

Reported the transmission to their station of the Maryport life-boat and carriage, a free conveyance having been readily granted to them by the London and North Western and Carlisle and Maryport Railway Companies. A public demonstration took place with the life-boat on the 13th July.— The Railway Companies to be thanked.

Produced an extract from the will of the late Mrs. WARNER, of Widcombe, in which she bequeathed 1502. to the Institution, payable after the death of her daughter, for the purchase of a life-boat, to be named the Richard Warner.

Also the receipt of 37. 4s. W., being the result of a parochial contribution made at the parish church of Ludford, after a sermon by the Rev. C.

KENT on the 2nd July last.— To be thanked.

Also that a public inauguration of the Piel Lifeboat, the Commercial Traveller, had taken place on the 28th July, and the Peterhead Life-boat at Aberdeen, and Peterhead on the 1st and 5th August. The several railway companies had readily granted a free conveyance to the lifeboats over their lines.— To be thanked.

Read letter from Mr. G. W. WATSON, of Lower Shadwell, of the 28th July, forwarding a plan of his proposed method of propelling life-boats by steam-power.— To be acknowledged.

Ordered a new life-boat house to be erected at Shoreham at an estimated cost of 1337. 10s.

Decided that the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, be presented to J, A. TARNER, Esq., in acknowledgment of his long and valuable co-operation during the period he occupied the office of Hon. Secretary of the Fleetwood Branch of the Institution.

Paid 3,1207. 12s. 8d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 91. 15«. to pay the expenses of the Van Kook life-boat stationed at North Deal, in going off with the view of rescuing the crew of a collier brig which had struck on the Goodwin Sands during a strong wind from N.W. on the 22nd of July last.

Also a reward to JAMES STUART, coastguardman, and one of the crew of the Fowey lite-boat for his promptitude in rescuing a boy who had fallen over the cliffs into the sea in July last.

Thursday, 7th September, Sir E. PERROTT, Bart., V.P., in the Chair.

Head and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from CHARMS SEMON, Esq., Mayor of Bradford, of the 19th August, stating that, as the Bradford life-boat could not be taken to that town for exhibition, the Local Committee had decided on requesting the Institution to oblige them with an exact model of the boat for permanent exhibitionin oneof their publicrooms instead.

Decided that a model of the life-boat be presented to the Mayor and Corporation of Bradford, as representing the subscribers to the Ramsgate new life-boat, the Bradford.

Read and approved the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats, on his visit to Worthing, Dover, Ramsgate, and Deal.

Also the Report of Capt. D. ROBERTSON, R.N., Assistant-Inspector of life-boats on his visit to Piel, Hauxley, Hull, Newbiggin, Spurn Point, Castletown, Ramsay, Aberdeen, Anstruther, Arbroath, Dundee, and Peterhead.

Read letter from Mr. G. P. ROWELL, of Teignmouth, forwarding 459/. 5s., being the amount received by him arising from the Devon and Cornwall Life-boat Bazaar, held at Teignroouth on the 8th and 9th August, in aid of the funds of this Institution.

Annual subscriptions and donations amounting to 951. 17s. had also been forwarded direct to the Institution from Dawlish and other places.

Decided that the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, together with a model lifeboat, be presented to Mr. ROWELL, in acknowledgment of his valuable and humane efforts.

Also that the ladies who took charge of stalls at the bazaar, and Admiral CRAIG IE, and Staff- Commander BURNER, R.N., be thanked.

Reported the receipt of an additional remittance of 10W. from the Commercial Travellers' Life-boat Fund, per favour of Messrs. BISHOP and AFFLECK. Also that the Wolverhampton Branch had, through Capt. SEGRAVE, sent 20/., which included a donation of 101. from the Wolverhampton and Tipton district of the Ancient Order of Foresters, in aid of the "forester" Life-boat. Also that an additional sum of 181. had been collected at the Bristol Marine Office by Capt. T. SMITH, and forwarded to the Society.— To be severally thanked.

Reported that the Suez Canal Company had ordered a 32-feet life-boat of Messrs. FORRESTT and Son, on the plan of the Institution ; and that the boat was to be stationed at Port Sa'id.

Decided that, as the Thomas Wilson life-boat, at Whitburn, was becoming unfit for further service, she be replaced by another life-boat as early as practicable.

Also that the Commercial Traveller, No. 2, lifeboat, be stationed at Castletown, Isle of Man, in lieu of the present boat there, which was also becoming unfit for further service.

Also that a new life-boat house be built at Courtown, on the coast of Wexford, at an estimated cost of 196?.

Reported that a new transporting-carriage had been supplied to the Ballycotton life-boat, in lieu of an old carriage. The Cork Steam-ship Company kindly took the carriages free on board their vessels between London and Cork.— To be thanked.

Read letter from Mr. T. R. HEWITT, of Manchester, of the 18th August, calling attention to his design for a life-boat.— To be acknowledged.

Also from Mr. O. PHALP, of North Shields, of the 14th August, on his plan for getting large boats launched from vessels into the sea almost immediately by two or three men, which would result in greater preservation of life at sea on occasions of wrecks.— To be acknowledged.

Reported that, on the application of Capt. W. C. BARKER, of Bombay, various plans and papers had been forwarded to him, descriptive of the operations of the Institution, as they were anxious to have some life-boats out there on the plan of the Society.—Approved.

Paid 99W. 13s. Id. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 141. 10s. to defray the expenses of the Lowestoft life-boat, in going off and rescuing 4 of the crew, and afterwards assisting, in conjunction with a steam-tug, to bring safely into port the brigantine Light of the Harem, which had struck on Corton Spit during a strong gale of wind, on the 15th August last.

Also voted 6/. 8«. to pay the expenses of the Rosslare life-boat, in going off and remaining for some hours alongside the barque Piovidvnce, of London, which was anchored in a dangerous position near the north end of the Blackwater Ba&Jc, during a strong gale of wind from the S.E., on the 24th August last.

Thursday, 5th Oct. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq.

F.H.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Head and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read the following letter from the Bishop of Chichester, acknowledging the receipt of a photograph of a life-boat:— " Palace, Chi&ester, 3rd October, 1865.

" SIR,—I beg gratefully to acknowledge the safe receipt of the interesting and beautiful photograph of one of the boats of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION going off to a wreck, presented to me in so complimentary a manner by the Committee of that Institution. I value it highly, and shall endeavour to preserve it as an instructive and encouraging representation of the way in which your Institution shows our seafaring population that their landsmen brothers are not insensible or regardless of their difficulties and dangers, but will always assist to provide for their preservation the most approved appliances that science and art can suggest. The day of the launch of your boat, the Olive Leaf, at Hayling Island was a Joyous day for your Institution, and an augury, I trust, of many a triumph of life saved, by God's merciful owning of human efforts, amid the threatenings of roaring winds and angry waves.

" I have, Sec., " Totlie, "A. J. CICESTE.

Secretary of the Royal National Life-boat Institution, John Street, Adelphi, London." Reported that the Misses MEYNELL INGRAM, of Rugeley, had expressed their intention of presenting 5001, to the Institution, towards the expense of a life-boat station at Ballywalter, on the coast of Down, Ireland. They wished the boat to be named the Henry, after their late uncle Admiral HENRV METSELL.— To be thanked.

Reported also the receipt of 300/. from a Lady, through T. JONES GIBB, Esq., to pay for a new life-boat, to be named the Recompense.—To be thanked ; and decided that the boat be stationed at Bacton, on the Norfolk coast, in lieu of the present boat, which was becoming unfit for further service.

Also that the Manchester Branch had, through ROBERT WHITWORTH, Esq., sent an additional contribution of 3001. to the Institution for the purpose of defraying the cost of their fifth life- boat, to be stationed at Courtown, on the Irish coast, and to be named the Alfred and Ernest.— To be thanked.

Also that the late Mrs. MARY ROSTON had bequeathed 1007. to the Institution.

Also the receipt of 3507. from the Royal Berkshire Life-boat Fund, through Capt. STEPHENS, of the Heading Bank. This life-boat was stationed at Aberdovey, on the coast of Wales ; and, on the way to her station, was publicly exhibited at Heading, and subsequently at Aberdovey —both inaugurations passing off most satisfactorily.

The Great Western and other Railway Companies kindly gave a free conveyance to the life-boat and carriage.

Decided that Capt. STEPHENS, Capt. A. BUTLER, R.N., of Hungerford, and the ladies and gentlemen who had assisted in collecting the cost of the life-boat, and the Railway Companies, be thanked.

The Secretary, Mr. LEWIS, reported that he had, during the months of August and September, visited the life-boat establishments of the Institution at Exmouth, Teignmouth, Plymouth, Fowey, Lizard, Porthleven, and Penzance; and that he had found them all in excellent order.

Decided that the thanks "of the Institution be given to Mr. G. NUTT, Chief Officer of Coastguard at Skegness, on his retirement from the office of Hon. Secretary of that Branch of the Institution.

Reported that new life-boats and transportingcarriages had been forwarded to Whitburn and Hayling Island; the Railway Companies kindly giving them a free conveyance over their lines.— To be thanked.

Read and approved the Report of the Assistant- Inspector of life-boats, on his visit to Hayling Island on the occasion of the inauguration of the Olive-leaf life-boat, on the 13th Sept. last.

Ordered new life-boat houses to be built at Worthing and Anstruther, at an estimated cost respectively of 1827. 12s. and 1637. 2s.

Paid 1,5717. 6s. 10oT. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 257. to pay the expenses of the Caister life-boat, in putting off, in reply to signals of distress, and bringing safely into harbour the brig Nautilus, of South Shields, and her crew of 9 men, which vessel had struck on the Barber Sand-bank during stormy weather, on the night of the 1st Oct. last.

Thursday, 2nd Nov. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of, the Finance, and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from PETER REID, Esq., of King Street, of the 11th Oct., forwarding 4007. to the Institution, to pay for a new life-boat and carriage. He wished the boat to be named the Palmerston.— To be thanked.

Decided that the boat be stationed at Cullercoats, on the coast of Northumberland, to replace the life-boat there, which had become unfit for further service. Also that W. N. RUDGE, Esq.,~of the London Stock Exchange, be thanked, for his continued valuable co-operation, and particularly for bringing the objects of the Institution under the notice of Mr. REID and Mr. FERGUSON.

Also that the Ponfret and Goole life-boat be stationed at the mouth of the Tyne, close to the .Black Midden Rocks, where the ill-fated steamer Stanley was wrecked last winter.

Reported the receipt of 4007. from Miss HOPKINSON, per WILLIAM ANDERSON OGG, Esq., of Cheapside, to pay for a new life-boat and carriage —the boat to bo named the William Hopkinson, of Brighouse. Miss II. approved of the same being stationed at Newbiggin, Northumberland, in lieu of the boat there, which was becoming unfit for service.— To be thanked.

Also that Mrs. Colonel VERNON, of Harefield Park, daughter of the much-lamented Admiral BERTIE CATOR, who was for many years a zealous and active Member of the Committee of Management of this Institution, had given the Institution 2007. to defray the cost of a life-boat for Cemlyn, Anglesey, in memory of her late son, who had been recently drowned. Mrs. VERNON wished the boat to be named the Sophia, after her late mother.— To be thanked.

Also that the Shoreham, Castletown, Caister, and Bacton new life-boats had been forwarded to their stations, the several Railway and Steam Packet Companies kindly granting them, as usual, a free conveyance.— To be thanked.

The Shoreham life-boat was publicly named and launched on the 1st November.

The Castletown life-boat, the Commercial Traveller, No. 2, was exhibited at Sheffield, on the way to her station, and was taken through the principal streets of that town, the people turning out in thousands to see the boat.

The Caister life-boat was also publicly launched at Yarmouth, a deputation at tending from Birmingham, on behalf of the donors of the boat. As the new life-boat was being taken by its crew to its station, a vessel was fallen in with in a, disabled state, and was safely taken into harbour by the life-boat.

Read letter from the Crown Agents for the Colonies, of the 7th Oct., asking the co-operation of this Institution, in regard to a life-boat they wished to be built by Messrs. FORRESTT and SON, for the Government of the Cape of Good Hope.

Also from Lieut. H.MORLANP, I.IS., Secretary of the Bombay Harbour and Pilotage Board, of 28th Sept., requesting the Institution to order for them a first-class life-boat, fully equipped, and transporting- carriage, on the plan of the Society.— To be acknowledged, and every assistance to be afforded in building the boats.

The Inspector produced a model of an improved fishing life-boat.—Decided that estimates be procured for building three such boats, viz., one in London, another at Yarmouth, and a third at Montrose, N.B.

Reported the receipt of legacies to the Institution by the late SAMUEL HORTON, Esq., of Prior's Lee, Salop, 1007. 1C*. 10(7; and the late JOHN JACOBSON, Esq., of 107. 10s. Also that the late Miss JEMIMA BENNETT, of Sloane Street, had bequeathed 907. to the Institution, duty free.

Reported also the receipt of 1017. from the Newcastle, Tynemouth, and Cullercoats Branch, per HUGH TAYLOR, Esq.; 1007. from the Scarborough Branch, per Capt. WOODALL ; 1007. from " A Middle-class Man;" and 507. from F. X.— To be thanked.

Also a harvest thank-offering of 37. in Newton Church, on the 5th Oct., after a sermon by the Rev. Dr. WRIGHT, of Colchester.— To be thanked.

Read letter from Capt. HEARD. H.N., Hon.

Secretary of the Whitburn and Sunderland Branch, of the 17th Oct., stating that the Sunderland Lifeboat Committee had decided on granting 307. ayear towards the support of the Florence Nightingale life-boat of the Institution, stationed at Sunderland.— To b? thanked.

Approved of a Pocket Edition of the Instructions of the Institution for the Restoration of the Apparently Drowned; and ordered the same to be printed and circulated.

Read letter from Mr. J. C. HATELY, of Honghtoii- le-Spring, of the 2Cth Oct., calling attention to his plan of rocket apparatus and line, for effecting a communication from a ship to the shore in bad weather.— To be acknowledged.

Read and approved the Report of the Assistant- Inspector of Life-boats, on his visit to the Bridlington, Scarborough, Donna Nook, Theddlethorpe, Sutton, Skegness, Yarmouth, and Caister life-boat stations, and to Sheffield.

Decided that the life-boat houses of the Institution be additionally ventilated, wherever practicable.

Also that new life-boat houses be built at Dover and Kingsdown, at a cost, respectively, of 244J.

and 223'.

Resolved that a model of the Forester life-boat, stationed at Newquay, Cardiganshire, be presented to the High Court of the Ancient Order of Foresters, through their Secretary, SAMUEL SHAWCROSS, Esq., in acknowledgment of their continued liberality towards the life-boat cause.

Paid 1,643Z. 16s. 3d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted the Silver Medal, the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, and 21. to Mr. N. LEVETT, Coxswain of the St. Ives life-boat. Also 21. each, accompanied by the thanks of the Institution, on vellum, to the crew of 8 men of the same life-boat, in acknowledgment of their gallant and persevering services in rescuing 4 out of 5 of the crew of the French brig Providence, of Granville, which was wrecked on Hayle Bar during a strong wind and heavy ground sea, on the 28th Oct. last. This was a noble service; and in effecting the rescue the boat was capsized twice, and it was only with great risk of life that the 4 men were saved. The life-boat's crew were much exhausted when they reached the shore, and lost several articles of clothing on the occasion, the expense of which had been refunded to them by the Institution.

Voted also 251. to pay the expenses of the Caister life-boat, in putting off and rescuing the crew of 9 men of the brig Harlington, of Sunderland, which was found in a disabled state, full of water, on the middle of the Scroby Sands, on the evening of the 4th Oct. last, while the wind was blowing strong from S.E. The life-boat returned to the vessel on the following day, and ultimatety succeeded in getting her off the sand, and bringing her into Lowestoft Harbour.

Also 251. to the same life-boat, for going off to the assistance of the crew of the brig Kathleen, of Hartlepool, which was found in a dangerous position on the Cockle Sand during a strong E.S.E.

wind, on the evening of the 9th Oct. last. The life-boat crew, after much difficulty, succeeded in getting the vessel off the sand, and taking her to a safe anchorage.

Also 161. 13s. to pay the expenses of the Arklow life-boat, in putting off and rendering important service to the S.S. Preston Belle, of Dublin, which was observed to be in distress on the Arklow Bank during a strong wind from N.W., on the 12th Oct. last. The vessel was found with her engines broken down ; and the captain saw no other means of saving his vessel than by despatching the life-boat with a telegram to the owners for a steamer, which w»s accordingly done, and the vessel was thus saved.

Also 81. 8s. 6d. to pay the expenses attending the services of the Dunbar life-boat, in putting off in a N.E. gale and heavy sea, and saving the crew of 5 men of the Prussian schooner Patrios, of Earth, which was wrecked off Whiteburyness, on the 13th Oct. last.

Also 71. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Sennen Cove life-boat, in putting off, on the 13th Oct.

last, in reply to signals of distress from the Longships Light-house, and bringing ashore, during a ! heavy sea, one of the light-house keepers, who had been taken seriously ill. The weather at the time was so stormy that no ordinary boat could get off, and, as it was thought to be a very urgent case, the life-boat was launched. It was only after much trouble and danger that the life-boat succeeded in reaching the light-house, and getting the man on board.

Also 111. 15s. to meet the expenses of the Newbiggin life-boat, in going off and rescuing the crew of 2 men from the sloop Robert Hood, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, which foundered during stormy weather off Newbiggin, on the 17th Oct.


Reported also the services of the same valuable life-boat, in putting off, on the 26th Oct., to the assistance of some fishing-cobles, which were overtaken by a heavy gale of wind. One of the cobles was capsized, and the life-boat was the means of saving her crew under most perilous circumstances.

The life-boat's crew made no charge for saving their fellow-fishermen.

Voted 15/. 5s. to meet the expenses of the Whitburn life-boat, in going off and rescuing the crew of 9 men of the brig Anne and Mary, of North Shields, which had struck on the Whitburn Steel Rocks during a gale of wind, on the 26th Oct.


Also 121.10s. to pay the expenses of the Brighton life-boat, in putting off and rendering important service to the barque Ringdove, of Poole, which was observed riding heavily at anchor in a dangerous position off Brighton, during a heavy gale, on the 26th Oct. last.

Also 0l. 12s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Margate life-beat, in putting off, on the 28th Oct. last, and saving the crew of 9 men of the brig Reaper, of Scarborough, which was stranded on the Nailer Rock during a N.N.E. gale .

Also 211. to pay the expensed of the Hayling Island life-boat, in going off and rescuing the crew of 13 men of the barque Atlas, of Shields, which had stranded off the island during a heavy gale on the 29th Oct. last. The same life-boat again went afloat, and succeeded in taking into port the Norwegian barque Sirius, which had been abandoned.

Also 51. los. to the Poolbeg life-boat for putting off, on the 29th Oct. last, and rescuing the crew of 6 men of the schooner Emma, of Barrow, which had gone ashore on the South Bull Strand, in Dublin Bay, during a strong gale, on the morning of that day.

Also 51. 10s. to the Kirkcudbright life-boat for going off and saving 4 men from the schooner franklin, of Belfast, which went ashore at the Point of Isle, in the River Dee, during a S.S.E.

gale on the 29th Oct. last.

Also 51. 7s. to pay the expenses of the New Brighton life-boat in putting off during a heavy gale from the north on the 28th Oct. last, and bringing the schooner Earl of Zetland, of Arntwch, and her crew of 5 men, to a place of safety. The vessel had gone ashore on the Burbo Bank.

Also 9Z. to 18 Palling beachmen for putting off, in a yawl, at some risk of life, and rescuing the crew of 9 men from the brig John Grey, of South Shields, which had stranded on Hasborough Sands during a strong wind on the 13th Oct. last.

Also 149;. 16s. 2d. to pay the expenses of the life-boats stationed at Rosslare, Ballycotton, Tynemouth, Lyme Regis, Holy Island, Barmouth, Winterton, St. Andrew's, North Berwick, North Sunderland, Whitby, Banff, Scarborough, Kingsgate, Bridlington, Worthing, and Brooke (Isle of Wight), which life-boats had either gone off in reply to signals of distress with the view of saving life, or their crews had assembled in stormy weather in readiness for service in the life-boats.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution, its thanks inscribed on parchment, and '21. to a youth named THOMAS H. FRANKISH, in acknowledgment of his daring conduct in rescuing a man who had been washed out of a coble in a heavy sea at the mouth of Bridlington Harbour on the 10th Oct. last. FRANKISH, with a life-buoy round him, was lowered over the pier into the boiling surf, which threatened to dash him to pieces every moment against the wall of the pier, and was thus able to rescue the poor fellow, who would otherwise undoubtedly have perished.

A reward of 21. 10s. was also voted to a boat's crew for rescuing 3 of the 5 other men who had been capsized from the coble, but had not been washed into so dangerous a position as the other men. The remaining 2 men drifted on shore, and were saved.

Thursday, 7th December. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Reported that the Inspector of Life-boats had attended a Public Meeting at Oxford University, the Vice-Chancellor occupying the Chair; and that the cost of a life-boat was likely to be raised amongst the Members and the Undergraduates.

Read also the Report of the Inspector on his visit to Hayle. He recommended that a life-boat establishment be formed at that place, and added that the Rev. F. HOCKIN; W. H. HOLMES, Esq., Collector of Customs; and other gentlemen, had promised" their kind co-operation in the undertaking.

Decided that a life-boat station be established at Hayle.

Read and approved the Inspector's Report on his visit to Yarmouth, Plymouth, Penzance,. and St Ives.

Read and approved also the Report of the Assistant Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visit to Cullercoats, Tynemouth, North Sunderland, Newbiggin, Cresswell, Sunderland, Whitby, Whitburn, Seaton Carew, Middlesboro", Redcar, Saltburn, Anstruther, Arbroath, Dundee, Filey, Bridlington, Hornsea, and Withernsea.

Read letter from T. TEIGNMOUTH SHORE, Esq., of the firm of Messrs. CASSELL, PETTER, and GALPIN, of the 5th December, stating that they were appealing to the subscribers to their Quiver Magazine to contribute the cost of a life-boat to the Institution. He was happy to say that liberal subscriptions were received daily in aid of that benevolent object. In his appeal, Mr. SHORE gays that—"Whilst we are safely housed from the raging storm, we know not how many of our fellow-creatures are being dashed upon the rocks, or are struggling for life amid the waves. Nor will the emotions which the mere thought of such suffering excites, be diminished hi any way by the harrowing accounts which at this stormy season of the year so repeatedly reach us from every part of our coasts. To give a practical direction to these feelings, we have determined to afford the readers of the Quiver an opportunity of expressing their active sympathy with the life-boat cause. With this object in view we propose to establish a life-boat in connection with this periodical, to be called the Quiver Life-boat, as an offering to the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, in the full confidence that our proposal will be heartily responded to." Approved and sealed a Memorandum of Agreement between the NATIONAL LiFE-BOAr INSTITUTION and the Executors of the late THOMAS BOYS, Esq., of Brighton, undertaking to employ without delay his legacy to this Institution, in the purchase of a secure annuity for, and during the term of, ten years. Such annuity not to be either sold, forestalled, or otherwise misapplied under any pretence whatever.

Reported the receipt of 400/. from GEORGE JEREMY, Esq., and Mrs. JEREMY, of Lea Coombe House, to pay for a new life-boat and carriage.

They wished the boat to be stationed either on the coast of Devon or Cornwall. — To be thanked.

Read letter from Capt. A. R. WESTON, of the P. and O. steamer Simla, of the 15th September, transmitting 507. 8s. Td. in aid of the cost of a Simla life-boat, which he hoped to raise amongst the passengers sailing on board his vessel between Calcutta' and Adan, and to present to the Institution.

— To be thanked.

Reported the receipt of the following Legacies to the Institution:—The late Capt. BROWN, of Kilmarnock, 1CKM; and the late JAMES M'NAB, Esq., of Guildford, 1001.

Also that the late DUDLEY COSTELLO , Esq., of St. John's Wood, had bequeathed the Society one moiety (about 500 .) of the residue of his estate to provide a new life-boat on the coast of Sussex.

Reported also the receipt of 401. from the Sheffield Branch, per R. JACKSON, Esq. Also 1001. from W.

GORE LANGTON, Esq., of Hatch Beauchamp ; and 257. from the Wolverhampton Branch, per Capt. SEGRAVE, being the amount of the proceeds of a concert given again this year in the Concert Hall at Wolverhampton, by Mr. J. S. BREWSTER.— To be severally thanked.

Read letter from General Sir GEORGE BOWLES, K.C.B., of the 23rd November, expressing his great satisfaction that the life-boat stationed at Howth had been the means of •saving 5 lives. The information was so gratifying that he was induced to repeat his gift, by defraying the cost of the new life-boat for Cahore.— To be thanked, and decided that the boat be named the " Sir George Sauries." Reported that Sir E. PERROTT, Bart, V.P., had delivered a Lecture on Life-boats, on the 23rd November, to the young gentlemen on board the Thames Training ship Worcester— To be thanked.

Read letter from Capt. A. WAGNER, of the Barque India, of Danzig, of the 9th November, presenting to the Institution a copy of a book he had written and published, entitled " Nautische Blatter.*—To be thanked.

[This is a most practical work, as it gives a detailed and interesting account of the means used on the shores of all the maritime countries in Europe to save life from shipwreck.] Reported the transmission to their stations of the Austruther and Tynemouth life-boats during the past month, the various Railway Companies giving, as usual, a free conveyance to the boats— To be thanked.

Public demonstrations had taken place on the arrival of the life-boats at their destinations ; the Tynemouth life-boat, the Pomfret and Goole, being exhibited in the towns of Pontefract and Goole on the way to her station.

Ordered new Life-boat houses to be erected at Whitehaven, Wicklow, and Newbiggin, and a watchroom, storeroom, and rocket-house to be built as adjuncts to the new boat-house at Sunderland.

Paid 3,684i 7s. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, * Nautische Blatter. Eine Zusammenstellung praktischer und wissenswerther Notizen fiir Seeleute und Alle, welche sich fiir das Seewesen interessiren. Heraupgegf-ben von A.

Wagner, Schlffscapitain. Der Ertrag 1st fur die Danziger Seeschiffer-Wittwenkasse bestlmmt. Danzig, Commissions- Verlag von Th. Bertling, 1866.

and a copy of its vote on vellum, to Mr. JOSHUA HEATH, Chief Boatman of the Coastguard, and Coxswain of the Fowey life-boat, in testimony of his general gallant services in assisting in that life-boat to save shipwrecked crews, and particului'ty for the skill and presence of mind displayed by him when the Fowey life-boat put off and succeeded in rescuing the crew of 13 men from the barque Dnjdsns, of North Shields, and also 9 men from the brig Wearmauth, of Sunderland, both of which vessels had stranded on Par Sands during a hurricane on the 25th Nov. last.

Also voted 301. to pay the expenses of the' lifeboat on these two services, including a double reward of 21. to each man of the life-boat crew.

Also 16/. 14s to pay the expenses of the Portrush life-boat, in going off and saving 4 men from the schooner Clara Brown, of Barrow, which was observed to be anchored in a dangerous position during a gale from the N,~W., on the 2nd Nov. last. ? Also 14/. 10s. to meet the expenses of the Wexford life-boat, in putting off on the 7th November, and rescuing 19 men from the ship Savoir Faire, of Liverpool, which had stranded on the Blackwater Bank during a strong wind from E.N.E.

on the 7th Nov. last. The thanks of the Institution were also presented to Mr. J. FANNING, Clerk and Examining Officer of H.M. Customs, for his valuable co-operation in going off in the life-boat on the occasion.

Also 25/. 3s. 9d. to pay the expenses of the Cahore life-boat, in going off on the same day, and rescuing 4 of the crew of the above-named vessel.

Also 181. 16s. to defray the expenses of the Parsee life-boat at Palling, in putting off and rescuing 20 men and a pilot from the ship Orso, of North Shields, which was stranded during a strong breeze from the S.E. on Palling Beach, Norfolk, on the 13th Nov. last.

Also 14/. 17s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Thomas Wilson life-boat at Whitburn, in-putting off and rescuing 6 men from the schooner Token, of Jersey, which, owing to the captain mistaking the Sunderiand Lights for those of Hartlepool, struck on the Whitburn Steel Rocks on the night of the 14th Nov. last.

Also voted 20/. 17s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the same life-boat in going off and saving 6 men from the schooner Test, of Southampton, which had struck on Souter Point, near Whitburn. and afterwards caught fire, through burning a tarbarrel, as a signal of distress, during heavy squalls from S.S.W., on the 24th Nov. last.

Also 11.10s. to pay the expenses of the Theddlethorpe life-boat, in going off and rescuing 9 men from the fishing-smack Splendid, of Grimsby, which was found full of water during thick weather and a S.E. wind, off Theddlethorpe, on the 17th Nov. last. [This life-boat is named the " Dorinda and Barbara, the gift of two attached friends."} Also fit. to defray the expenses of the Howth life-boat, in going off and saving 5 men from a lighter, which during a heavy gale of wind was placed in a very critical position near the entrance to the harbour on the 22nd Nov. last.

Also 16/. to pay the expenses of the Prince Consort life-boat, stationed at Plymouth, in putting off and rescuing 11 men from the brig Espoir, which was wrecked during a furious gale from | W.S.W., between Batten and Dunston Points, on the 22nd Nov. last.

Commander AYLEN, R.N., the Queen's Harbourmaster, accompanied the life-boat on this service, and the Committee voted him the Thanks of the Institution, inscribed on Vellum, for his valuable co-operation on this and previous occasions.

Also 16/. to defray the expenses of the same life-boat, in going off and saving the crew of 11 men of the brig Coinmerzieweathin Haupt, of Mecklenberge, which was stranded during a severe gale from S.W., on Batten Ledge, on the 25th Nov. last.

Also 24£. 8s. to pay the expenses attending the Tenby life-boat, which put off and rescued 1 man from the smack Mary, of Cardigan, which was totally wrecked during squally weather and S S.E.

wind on the South Strand, off Tenby, on the 25th Nov. last.

Also 15/. 14s. to defray the expenses of the Richard Lewis life-boat, stationed at Penzance, in rescuing, with great difficulty, 5 men of the crew of the brigantine Tahnco, of Hamburgh, which was stranded during a heavy storm from S.E., between Marazion and Penzance, on the 24th Nov. last.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution, together with its Vote, inscribed on Vellum, and I/., to Gunner JAMES MOORE, and 11. each to two other men of the Coast Brigade of the Royal Artillery, for rescuing, at some risk of life, 17 men of the crew of the French ship Carioca, which had struck on the rocks under the Hermitage Rock Battery, during a gale of wind, on the 19th Oct. last.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution, together with its Vote of Thanks on Vellum, and 21., to PETER PASCOE, for rescuing, at the risk of his life, a man who had previously attempted to save the life of a sailor belonging to the barque William, of Sunderland, which was wrecked off Porthleveii on the 24th Nov. last.

A reward of 11. was also voted to the man whom PASCOE had thus happily saved.

Also 21., and a copy of its Vellum Thanks, to W. WILLIAMS, in admiration of his highly meritorious and persevering conduct in wading into the surf, and saving, at some risk of life, 4 of the crew of the smack Annie, of Liverpool, which, during a gale of wind, was wrecked on the Carnarvonshire coast, on the 23th October last.

Also voted 21. to G. MARSHALL, and "I. 10s. to 5 others, for putting off in a small boat and rescuing, at some risk of life, the crew of 4 men of the smack Agnes and Mary, of Glasgow, which was stranded, during an easterly gale and heavy sea, on the 13th Oct. last.

Also 11. to the master, and 10s. each to 4 men, for putting off in their boat and saving, at the risk of their lives, 3 men who had been capsized from a skiff off Haynish Point during a strong gale from S.E. on the 23rd Nov. last.

Also 10s. each to JOHN FRANKLIN, one of the crew of the Seaton Carew life-boat, and W. SAVELI,, for rescuing 2 men belonging to the crew of that life-boat, who had been capsized from a small boat off Seaton Carew during a sudden squall on the 16th Nov. last.

Also l. to the crew of a small boat for assistance rendered on the 3rd Nov. last to some of the passengers and crew of the steamer Murillo, which had been run down by a French steam-vessel on that day.