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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 6th April, 1865. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., r.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Elected the Members of the Sub-Committees for the ensuing year.

Read and approved the Report of Capt.

WARD, R.N., Inspector of Life-boats of the Institution, on his visit to the following life-boat stations:—"Worthing, Shoreham, Brighton, Newhaven, Selsey, Penarth, Porthcawl, Swansea, Pembrey, Ferryside (Carmarthen Bay), Tenby, Fishguard, Cardigan, Newquay, Aberystwith, and Aberdovey.

Also the Report of Capt. D. ROBERTSON, R.N., Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visit to the following life-boat stations on the Norfolk and Suffolk coast:—Blakeney, Cromer, Mundesley, Bacton, Palling, Winterton, Caistor, Yarmouth, Lowestoft, Pakefield, Southwold, Thorpeness, and Aldborough.

Reported the receipt of 40(M. from Mrs. ANSTICE, of Tynemouth, Northumberland, through A. S. STEVENSON, Esq., to pay for a new life-boat and transporting-carriage for North Sunderland.

She wished the boat to be named the Joseph Anstice.— To be thanked.

Also the receipt of the following additional special contributions:—100Z. from THOMAS SMITH, Esq., of Cheltenham; 100Z. from X. Y. Z., of Manchester; 251., being the proceeds of a private ball given at St. James's Hall, on the 5th Feb.; 291. Us., additional sums collected by Lady THOMAS, in Great Malvern and elsewhere; and II. Is., an offertory at St. James's Church, Ratcliffe, per Rev. J. MALCOLMSON, which included 5s. in farthings, being the savings of the widow of a mariner, for the life-boat cause.— To te thanked.

Produced a specimen of a seaman's cork lifebelt on the plan of Capt. WARD, R.N., Inspector of Life-boats. The manufacturer of the belts—Mr.

JOSEPH BIRT, 4 Dock Street, London Docks—was prepared to supply them in chests at the following prices:— Chests containing 6 belts . . £1 19 0 8 „ . . 2 9 0 10 „ . . 2 19 0 12 „ . . 3 9 0 Read letters from the Board of Trade and the Commissioners of Customs, promising that their officers on (he coast should be requested to give the Institution every assistance in calling the attention of master mariners, seamen, and fishermen to the belts.

(Vide last Number of the Life-boat Journal, page 709 for a full account and illustrations of these life-belts.) Reported the safe transmission to their stations of the Ardmore and Alnmouth new life-boats and transporting-carriages. The British and Irish Steam Packet Company had carried the former boat free to Cork; and the Alnmouth life-boat had a free conveyance over the lines of the Great Northern and North-Eastern Railway Company.

— To be thanked.

Also that barometers had been supplied to the Worthing, Tramore, and Wexford life-boat stations.

Also that R. M. BALLANTYNE, Esq., the Author of the tale of The Life-boat, had been delivering lectures on life-boats to large audiences in Edinburgh and Leith, where it was expected the cost of a boat would be raised amongst the working men of those places.— To le thanked.

Read letter from JAMES HUNTER, jun., Esq., Hon. Secretary of the Dundee Branch, of the 24th March, stating that it was in contemplation to form a telegraphic communication between Dundee and the Buddonness Lighthouse at the mouth of the Tay, and suggesting that this Institution might give a contribution in aid of the scheme.—Decided to grant 151. in aid of the undertaking.

Also from Capt. KLEMAJT, of the Swedish Royal Navy, of the 29th March, stating that since he left England, last summer, four new life-saving stations had been established on their coasts,—three with life-boats, and one with the rocket-apparatus. This year two additional lifeboat stations were to be established, one of the boats being built on the plan of the Institution.— To be acknowledged.

Reported that various documents relating to the life-boats of the Institution had been forwarded, on their application, to the Netherlands Legation, and to the authorities at Dieppe.— Approved.

Decided that the Thanks of the Institution, inscribed on Vellum, be presented to C. H. COOKE, Esq., F.R.I. B.A., Hon. Architect of the Society, in acknowledgment of his long and valuable cooperation in furnishing designs for the numerous life-boat houses of the Institution, erected on various parts of the coasts of the United Kingdom.

Also to JAMES B. BRYAN, Esq., in acknowledgment of his long and zealous co-operation during the period he occupied the office of Hon. Secretary of the Penarth Branch of the Institution.

Also to F. P. COCKSHOTT, Esq., for his long and valuable co-operation, under the instructions of the Directors of the South Devon Railway Company, in arranging the transport over their line of the life-boats of (he Institution, to the Devon and Cornish coasts.

Paid 1,8531. 17*. 4d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted the Third Service Clasp of the Institution to Mr. MARK DEVEREUX, master pilot, for putting off in the Rosslare life-boat, and aiding to save, under very difficult circumstances, one man from the schooner Teazer, of Goole, which was totally wrecked during a heavy gale of wind on the North Bar, Wexford, on the 20th March. Voted also the Thanks of the Institution to WILLIAM COGHLAN, Esq., Hon. Secretary of its Wexford Branch, for his valuable services on the occasion, and 91. 12s. 6d., to pay the expenses of the lifeboat.

Also 157.10s. to pay the expenses of the Constance life-boat, at Tynemouth, Northumberland, in putting off and rescuing the crew of 7 men and a pilot from the brig Border Chieftain, of Hartlepool, and one man from the brigantine Burton, of Colchester; both vessels having been wrecked during a heavy gale of wind, on the Stones, south of the North Pier, Tynemouth, on the 19th March.

Also 5/. 2». Sd. to pay the expenses of the Dundalk life-boat, in going off in tow of a steam-tug, and saving 7 men from a boat belonging to the schooner Dflila, of Nantes, which went ashore during a heavy gale of wind on the 19th March.

Also 61. 6s. to pay the expenses of the St. Ives (Cornwall) life-boat, in putting off, in reply to signals of distress, and bringing ashore 2 men from the brigantine Eclipse, of that port, which had become unmanageable during a strong gale of wind on the 19th March.

Also 14/. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Lowestoft life-boat, in going off, in tow of a steam-tug, and saving the crew of 7 men from the Danish schooner Pfeil, of Blankenesse, which was stranded during a strong gale of wind from the E. on the Newcome Sands, on the Suffolk coast, on the 20th March. Also voted II. 15s. to the crew of the steam-tug for their services on the occasion.

Also 8/. 14s. to pay the expenses of the Filey life-boat, in putting off and saving the crew of 4 men from the schooner Kate, of Lynn, which was totally wrecked on Filey Beach during a strong easterly gale on the 26th March.

Also 41/. 14s. to pay the expenses of the lifeboats stationed at Scarborough, Filey, Great Yarmouth, New Brighton, Portrush, and Arklow, in putting off in reply to signals of distress from different vessels which did not ultimately need their services.

Also 2Z. to some fishermen for wading into the surf, and rescuing 8 sailors from a boat belonging to the barque Stirlingshire, which was wrecked on the Tusker Rock, near Wexford, on the 30th January. " Also 11. to a. boat's crew for rescuing 3 men from a boat which had been run down by a foreign vessel, during moderate weather off the North Foreland on the 3rd March.

Also II. to the crew of a fishing-boat for putting off and rescuing the crew of 3 men from the schooner Deptfard Packet of Kirkcaldy, which was wrecked on the Crumstone Rock, North Sunderland, during stormy weather.

Also 15s. to 3 men for wading into the sea and rescuing 2 other men, whose boat had been caught in a sudden squall while rounding Roeness Point, Shetland, on the 8th February.

Also 15s. to 3 fishermen for rescuing 2 out of 4 men whose boat had been capsized off Portpatrick, during stormy weather on the 23rd February.

Thursday, 4th May. The Right Hon. the EARL PERCY, P.C., President of the Institution, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Read and approved the Report of Capt. D.

ROBERTSON, R.N., Assistant-Inspector, on his visit to the following Scotch life-boat stations.:—North Berwick, Buddonness, Broughty Ferry, Arbroath, and Stonehaven. Also to South Monaven, Pittenween, Cellardyke, Elie, Newburgh, Collieston, and Peterhead. He recommended that the Arbroath life-boat establishment should be completely renovated by the Institution, and that a new life-boat station be formed at Peterhead.

Reported that the Newquay (Cornwall), Sunderland, and Dunbar new life-boats and transportingcarriages had been forwarded to their stations, the several railway companies readily giving them a free conveyance over their lines.— To be thanked.

Public launches had taken place with each of these life-boats, the Sunderland life-boat being exhibited at Derby en route to her station, where she had excited much attention and admiration.

Decided that, on the application of the fishermen, a set of patent roller-skids be granted for the use of their life-boat at Scratby.

Read letter from Lady MARTIN, widow of the late Sir HENRI MARTIN, Bart., of the llth April, forwarding a contribution of 100Z. to the Institution " in memory of her brother, the late Admiral Sir HENRY BY AM MARTTN, K.C. B."— To lie thanked.

Reported that the Duke of LEEDS had sent the Institution an annual subscription of 101.—Tale thanked.

Also that the Rev. W. L. BEYNON had preached Sermons in Seale Church, in aid of the funds of the Institution, which had produced 11. Is. 3d.

— Tobethatihed.

Decided that the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on Vellum, be presented to the Rev. L. J.

STEPHENS, in acknowledgment of his valuable cooperation during the period he had acted as Hon.

Secretary of the Alnmouth Branch.

Paid 8831, Ids. 4rf. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 21/. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Whitby life-boat, in putting off through a very heavy sea and saving 15 persons, including the captain's wife, and a lad 12 years of age, from the steam-ship Ocean Queen, of Newcastle, which was wrecked on the rocks off Whithy, on the 19th April.

Also 8/. to pay the expenses of the Rosslare lifeboat, in going off and rescuing the crew of 7 men from the lugger Peep o'Dny, of Wexford, which was wrecked during a strong breeze on the Dogger Bank, off Wexford, on the 21st April.

Also 51. 11». to pay the expenses of the Fowey (Cornwall) life-boat, in putting off and remaining alongside the Hanoverian galliot EintrarM, which was in distress on a lee shore in St. Austell's Bay, during a strong wind from the S.E., on the 30th April.

Also 221. 7f. to pay the expenses of the Pembrey (Llanelly), Cemlyn (Anglesey), Cahore, and Portrush life-boats, in putting off with the view of saving the crewg of several vessels in distress daring stormy weather.

Also ]/. to the crew of a shore-boat, for puttingoff with the view of saving the crew of the schooner Sena, of Whitstable, which was stranded during a thick fog, off High Sudmore, Isle of Wight, on the 6th April.

Also II. to Mr. JAMES GRAIE," a farmer, for plunging into the sea, and rescuing a young woman from drowning, at Dunfanaghy, Strabane, Ireland, on the 13th April.

Also If. to 3 fishermen for picking up 3 other men who were capsized from their boat during squally weather off Whitegate, Ireland, on the 21st March.

Also It I0«. to 3 men for putting off in a shoreboat and saving, in a heavy sea, 6 men from their boat, which was in a disabled state, about 5 miles N.N.W. of Hartland Point, on the 29th April.

Also 11. to 2 fishermen for rescuing 2 out of 4 of the crew of a pleasure-boat, which was capsized by a sudden squall off Avonmouth, near Kingsbridge, Devon, on the 28th April.

Also 11. 15*. to 3 men for putting off in a fishingcoble, and saving the master of the schooner Strand, of North Berwick, which was wrecked during stormy weather, 5 miles east of Dunbar, N.B., on the night of the 21st November last.

Thursday, 1st June. THOMAS CHAPMAH, Esq., F.R.S., V. P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, 1 and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from Miss FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE, of the 31st May, forwarding a contribution of 207.

in aid of the funds of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, in which she said she always felt the strongest interest. She never read of the heroic deeds constantly performed by life-boat crews without thanking God that he had created so many heroes as those who annually, almost daily in stormy weather, do His work in the lifeboats " in face of death." She added that she j herself had been so happy as to see with her i own eyes the noble endurance, " obedience unto | death," of an army in which every man was a i hero. She hoped God would continue to bless, as i he manifestly had blessed, (he Life-boat Institution.

— To be thanked, Also from Capt. WARD, R.N., the Inspector of Life-boats, of the 29th May, stating that lie had visited Courtown, on the coast of Wexford, and recommending that a, life-boat should be stationed there, in accordance with the wish of the local residents.

Head also a letter from ROBERT WHITWORTH, Esq., of Manchester, stating that that branch of the Institution had decided that their fifth lifeboat might be stationed at Courtown, and named the Alfred and Ernest. Approved by the Committee, and ordered Mr. WHITWORTH to be thanked.

Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats of the Institution, on his visit to Cherbourg, to attend some comparative trials made there with one of the life-boats built under the superintendence of this Institution, for the French Shipwreck Society, and some life-boats built in France. The boats underwent the usual harbour-trials of selfrighting, self-ejection of water, and testing their stability; and in each particular the superiority of the English life-boat was manifest. The French naval officers thought very highly of the English j life-boats, and spoke in special approval of the : completeness of their equipment in every respect, j and the evidence they showed of every detail j having been considered and provided for by the English NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

Also from the Minister of Marine and the Secretary of the French Shipwreck Society, conveying their thanks to this Institution, for allowing Capt. WARD to visit Cherbourg, and referring to the advantage his visit had been to their Society.

Read and approved the Report of the Assistant Inspector, on his visit to Fraserburgh, Banff, Buckie, Lossiemouth, Thurso, St. Andrew's, Campbeltown, Irvine, Ayr, and Girvan Life-boat Stations of the Institution.

He had also visited Anstruther, Arbroath, Boarhills, Crail, St. Coombs, Navin, and Lybster.

He recommended that life-boat stations should be formed at Anstruther and Arbroath. The fishermen of Anstruther had contributed 201.

amongst themselves in aid of the cost of the lifeboat for that place.

Bead letter from a lady in Cheltenham, expressing her desire to give the Institution the entire cost of a life-boat station. She wished the life-boat to be named the " Admiral FitzRoy, in commemoration of the scientific efforts of that distinguished officer to discover the law of storms, with the benevolent view to diminish the loss of life on our coast." Decided, that the Admiral FitzRoy life-boat be stationed at Anstruther, in accordance with the benevolent donor's request.

Produced a lithographed working drawing, on a large scale, of the 33-feet life-boat of the Institution, and ordered the same to be printed and circulated amongst foreign Governments.

Reported that the late WILLIAM HOLLINS, Esq., of Over Wallop, Southampton, had left the NATIONAL LITE-BOAT INSTITUTION a legacy of 500?., 37. per Cent. Reduced Bank Annuities.

Also from W. D. LATTO, Esq., Editor of the Dundee People's Journal, forwarding 8007. to the Institution, being a contribution from the subscribers of that paper to defray the cost of two life-boats which the Society had decided to station at Peterhead and Arbroath, N.B.—Decided, that the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, accompanied by a model of the life-boat of the Society, be presented to Mr. LATTO, in acknowledgment of his valuable and zealous co-operation in assisting to collect the 8007. ( Vide also p. 730.) Reported that the Grace Darling life-boat and transporting-carriage had been forwarded to their destination at Holy Island, and had safely arrived there. The Great Northern and North-Eastern Railway Companies had kindly conveyed them free over their lines. The same Companies, in conjunction with the North British Railway Company, had also just given a free conveyance to the new carriage for the St. Andrew's life-boat to its station.

Also that Messrs. PEACOCK and BUCHAN, of Southampton, had, at the request of this Institution, provided their composition (No. 3) paint for such of the life-boats and carriages as required painting this year.

Paid 1,4497. 6s. 4 Z. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 197.14s. to pay the expenses of the Whitby life-boat, in putting off and rescuing the crew of 18 men and a pilot from the barque Maria Somes, of London, which was totally wrecked in a heavy sea on the rocks off Whitby, on the 9th May.

Also 47. to pay the expenses of the Moelfre (Anglesey) life-boat, in saving a lad from a j ship's boat, which had been driven out to sea during a strong wind in Redwharf Bay, 'on the 16th May.

Also 17. to the crew of a fishing-boat for putting off and saving 2 men who had been capsized from their boat during stormy weather, off Innishmene Island, Co. Donegal, on the 2nd May.

Also 17. to '2 fishermen for putting off in a small boat, and rescuing 2 out of 4 of the crew of another boat which was capsized on the Herd Sand, off Tynemouth, in a heavy sea, on the 12th March.

The other 2 poor fellows unhappily perished before assistance could reach them.

Thursday, 6th July. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from ELEANOR Duchess of NORTHUMBERLAND, of the 12th ult., expressing her desire to present to the Institution the cost (4507.) of a life-boat, equipment, and transporting-carriage, in memory of her husband, the late President of this Institution. She wished the boat to be stationed on the Northumberland coast, and to be called the Algernon and Eleanor, after their united names.— To be thanked.

Decided that a 34-ft. life-boat be stationed at Hauxley, on the Northumberland coast.

Read letters from CHARLES SERMON, Esq., Mayor of Bradford, of the 16th and 24th ult., stating that he and eleven other gentlemen of that town had succeeded in raising 4257. to pay the cost of a life-boat, equipment, and transporting-carriage, to be presented to the Institution, and to be named the Bradford.—To be thanked.

Reported the receipt of an additional contribution of lOOi. from A SAILOR'S DAUGHTER, per Messrs. DRUMMOND.

Also the receipt of an additional donation of 507. from " HIBERNIA," who had contributed from time to time in similar sums 3007. He wished the amount to be appropriated in the payment of the cost of the Rosslare, Co. Wexford, new life-boat, and the boat to be named the Saint Patrick.— Approved and to be thanked.

Reported that the North Sunderland life-boat, the Joseph Anstice, and her transporting-carriage, had been forwarded to their station on the 5th ult., and had safely arrived there, the Great Northern and North Eastern Railway Companies having readily given the boat and carriage a free conveyance over their respective lines.— To be thanked.

A public launch of the boat took place on the 12th ult., in the presence of Mrs. ANSTICE, the donor of the' boat, and a large concourse of spectators.

Also that on the occasion of the opening of the new Penarth Dock, the life-boat of the Institution stationed there was launched, and followed the first vessel that entered the dock. The boat attracted much attention.

Read letter from Admiral CRAIGIE, of Dawlish, of the 19th ult., stating that he had received promises of about 287. in annual subscriptions to the Institution, and that he hoped to raise there some additional contributions.— To be thanked.

Reported that "W. FERGUSON, Esq., of the Stock Exchange, and Mrs. FERGUSON had presented 3007. to the Institution to place a new life-boat on the coast.—To be thanked, and decided that the life-boat be stationed at Kingsdown, near Deal.

Also that a new life-boat house be erected at Cemlyn, Anglesey, at a cost of 1477. 5».

Read and approved the Report of the Assistant- Inspector of Life-boats, on his recent visit to the following stations: Silloth, Maryport, Holy Island, Alnmouth, Boulmer, North Sunderland, Whitby, Upgang, Staithes, Berwick, Dunbar, Now Brighton, Southport, Lytham, Blackpool, and Fleetwood.

Paid 4382. for Sundry charge* on various lifeboat establishment.

Toted «. n». to pay the expenses of the Groomsport life-boat, in going off and saving the master from the smack Agnes and Mary, of Glasgow, which was stranded, on the rocks off Groomsport, on the morning of the 30th May last.

Also 10s. to ROBERT HERRARD, fisherman of Ryde, Isle of Wight, for patting off in his boat and saving a 1*4 from drowning on the 28th June.

Also 10s. to JAMES HARMAN AH, ft boatman of Margate, for jumping from his boat into the sea and rescuing a lad from drowning on the 28th June.

Also 91. to pay the expenses of the Rhyl (tubular) life-boat, in going out daring a fresh gale of wind and rendering assistance to the sloop Catherine, of Liverpool, which was observed in a disabled condition about four miles N,W. of Rhyl, on the 11th June.

Also 131. to pay the expenses of the Bude Haven life-boat, in going off and rescuing the crew of 4 men from the schooner Jolmson, of Exeter, which was wrecked on the rocks north of Bude Harbour, on the 30th June.

Also 9/. 15s. to pay the expenses of the Van Kook life-boat, at North Deal, for putting off with the view of saving the crew of the schooner George, which was totally wrecked during a strong south-west wind, on the Goodwin Sands, on the 2nd June. The Ramsgate life-boat had also gone out, in tow of the steamer Aid, to the same vessel; but neither life-boat could gain any tidings of the vessel's crew.