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Resolutions Passed at the Annual Meeting for 1865

HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF ARGYLL, K.T., P.C., V.P., in the Chair.

1.—Moved by the Chairman :— 1.—That the following Noblemen and Gentlemen be the Officers of the Institution for the current year:—(vide last page for this list.) 2.—Moved by JOHN GEORGE, Esq., M.P.

Seconded by Colonel The Honourable K. T. ROWLEY, M.P.

2.—That the Report now read be adopted and circulated.


Seconded by Vice-Admiral The Hon.


3. That this Meeting has heard with much satisfaction of the great success which has attended the important operations of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSITUTION during the past year, and deems it a cause for much thankfulness that it has contributed to the saving of nearly Seven hundred of our fellow-creatures from a watery grave in that period; and that the loss of life from Shipwrecks during the year was, comparatively speaking, so unusually low: and taking into consideration that the Institution has now One hundred and forty-four Life-boats under its management, and that the same require a large permanent Annual Income to maintain them in a state of thorough efficiency, this Meeting is of opinion that the Society is eminently deserving of the continued liberal support of the public.

4.—Moved by Captain Sir E. PERROTT, Bart., V.P.

Seconded by Rear-Admiral W. H. HALL, C.B., F.R.S.

4.—That the thanks of this Meeting be tendered to the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade, and to the Marine Department of the Board of Trade, for the important and cordial aid afforded by them to the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

Also to the Commodore Controller- General, the Deputy Controller-General, and the Officers and men of Her Majesty's Coastguard service, for their continued valuable assistance to the Society.

o.—Moved by Capt. The Hon. FRANCIS MAUDE, R.N.

Seconded by Sir FRANCIS BOYD OUTRAM, Bart.

5.—That this Meeting tenders its cordial thanks to THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., F.R.S., V.P., the Chairman; to THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., the Deputy- Chairman; and to the other Members of the Committee of Management, for the care and attention with which they continue to administer the important affairs of the Institution.

Also to the honorary Local Committees of the several Branches of the Institution for their zealous co-operation with the Central Committee in promoting the efficiency of the Life-boat establishments intrusted to their superintendence and management.

6.—Moved by THOMAS BARING, Esq., M.P., F.R.S., V.P.

Seconded T y THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P.

6.—That the cordial thanks of this Meeting be given to His Grace the DUKE OF ARGYLL, K.T., P.O., V.P., for his able conduct in the Chair, and for the kind interest he takes in the welfare of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.