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The Life-Boat

" MAN the life-boat! man the life-boat! Hearts of oak, the tempest brave; See, the shatter'd vessel staggers; Hound her billows foam and rave.

See the ark of refuge launching: See her hardy crew prepare For the dangerous work of mercy; Gallant British hearts are there.

Now the fragile boat is hanging On the billow's feathery height; Now 'midst fearful depths descending, While we shudder at the sight.

Courage! courage, she's in safety! See again her buoyant form, By His gracious hand uplifted Who controls the raging storm.

With her precious cargo freighted, Now the life-boat nears the shore; Parents, brethren, friends embracing Those they thought to see no more.

Blessings on the dauntless spirits, Dangers thus who nobly brave, Ocean's terrors, death defying, So they may a brother save.

Christian! pause, and deeply ponder: Is there nothing you can do ? Sinking ship, and storm, and life-boat, Have they not a voice for you ?" AN OLD SAILOR.
