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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

Thursday, 5th May, 1864. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Decided that the best thanks of the Committee be presented to the Commodore-Controller General, and the Deputy-Controller General of the Coastguard, for the valuable and important information procured, through the Officers of the Coastguard Service, in reply to the printed queries of this Institution, relative to the state of the Fishing Boats throughout the United Kingdom, with a view to their proposed improvement, by enabling them to be rendered insubmergible, if overtaken in gales of wind; and, likewise, for the valuable information supplied on the back of the Returns relating to the necessity of additional life-boats on the Coast.

Read and approved the Draft of the new Instructions of the Institution for the Restoration of the Apparently Dead from Drowning, and ordered the same to be printed and extensively circulated.

Also approved of the Report of Capt. D. ROBERTSON, R.N., the Assistant-Inspector, on his visit to the Life-boat Stations of the Institution on the Coast of Ireland, and to other places on the South-West Coast of England.

Also approved of a design for a 40-feet Lifeboat to be stationed at North Deal, and to be named The Van Kook, after E. W. COOKE, Esq., R.A., F.R.S., who, in conjunction with his friends, had defrayed the cost, amounting to 600/., of the station.

Reported that the late F. R. MAGENIS, Esq., of Grosvenor Place, had left the Institution a legacy of 1,000?., free of duty. He had previously defrayed the cost of the Tenby Life-boat, and onehalf the expense of the life-boat at Walmer, in addition to having given liberal donations to the Society.

Also that the Society for the Relief and Discharge of Persons Imprisoned for Small'Debts had forwarded to the Institution a liberal donation of 200;. — To be thanked.

Also the receipt of a donation of 105?. from the late EDMUND CLOWES, Esq., of the Temple.— To be thanked. [This amount Mr. CLOWES forwarded to the Institution a few weeks before his lamented demise.] Read letter from ROBERT How, Esq., of Cleveland Square, transmitting a donation of 3507. on behalf of himself and his sister, Miss How, to pay for the new Life-boat and Transporting-carriage, to be stationed at Donna Nook, on the coast of Lincolnshire.— To be thanked.

Reported that the Berwick-on-Tweed new lifeboat, the Albert Victor, and her transportingcarriage, had been forwarded to their station; a free conveyance had readily been given to them by the Great Northern and North Eastern Railway Companies.— To be thanked.

Read letter from the Secretary of the South Holland Shipwreck Association, of the 19th April, stating that that Society had decided to station a life-boat near Flushing, on the Coast of Walcheren, at the entrance of the Scheldt, and asking for information on the subject.— Ordered the required information to be furnished. [The Association had subsequently ordered a 30-feet life-boat, on the plan of the Institution, to be built for them.] Also from Mr. A. TOPP, of Aberdeen, of the 9th April, and Mr. M. O'BEIBNE, of Dublin, of the 25th April, calling attention to their respective plans for saving shipwrecked persons.— To be acknowledged.

Ordered new life-boat houses to be built at Donna Nook, Lincolnshire; Blackpool, Lancashire ; and Sennen Cove (Land's End).

Instructed Messrs. PEACOCK and BUCHAN, of Southampton, to provide their Composition (No. 3) paint for such of the life-boats of the Institution as required painting this year.

Paid 1,242/. 15s. 9d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted SI. 18s. to pay the expenses of the Withernsea life-boat, in putting off and rescuing a fishing-boat and her crew of 3 men from destruction during stormy weather, on the 16th April.

Also 91. to pay the expenses of the New Brighton tubular life-boat, in going off and rendering important services to the barque Corea, of Guernsey, which had stranded, during squally weather, on Taylor's Bank, Liverpool, on the 19th April.

Voted also 201. 16s. Gd., to pay the expenses of the Arklow, Newcastle, and Tyrella (Dundrum Bay) life-boats, in going off, in replies to signals of distress from vessels, which, however, did not ultimately require their services.

Also 21.10s. to a boat's crew for putting off and saving 4 men from a fishing-coble, which was capsized in a heavy sea, off Cullercoats, Northumberland, on the 5th April.

Also 51. to a boat's crew, for going off and saving the crew of 6 men from the brig Jane, of Wisbeach, which had foundered during a heavy storm, on the 23rd January last, off North Sunderland.

Also a reward to 2 men for assisting to rescue the crew of 5 men from a boat belonging to the Norwegian sloop Sykhen, which was wrecked off Palling during foggy weather, on the 29th February.

THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., Deputy- Chairman of the Institution, was warmly thanked by the Committee, for his able conduct in the Chair during the past year, and for his continued valuable services to the Institution.

Captain Sir EDWARD PERROTT, Bart., V.P., also received the cordial thanks of the Committee for his valuable and assiduous services during the same period as Chairman of the Sub-Committees of the Institution.

Thursday, 2nd June. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Also the Report of Captain WARD, R.N., Inspector of Life-boats of the Institution, on his visit to North Deal and Dover.

Reported that the new Instructions for the Restoration of the Apparently Drowned had been most extensively circulated throughout the United Kingdom. They had, also been sent to the Governors of British Colonies, and to the Foreign Ambassadors at the English Court.

Read letters from the Secretary of the Admiralty and the Commodore Controller-General of the Coast-guard, of the 18th and 23rd May, requesting to be furnished with 3,100 copies of the new Instructions for circulation in H.M. Navy, and throughout the Coast-guard Service.

Also from the Controller-General of the Coastguard, forwarding replies by the Inspecting Commander of the Coast-guard as to the necessity of a life-boat at Newquay, Cardiganshire.—Decided that a Life-boat Establishment be farmed at Newquay.

Read letter from JOSEPH LEATHER, Esq., of Liverpool, of the 20th May, forwarding 35U. 3s.

to pay the cost of the iron life-boat for New Brighton, which he wished to be named the Willie and Arthur.— To be thanked.

Also from J. G. CHAMBERS, Esq., President of the Cambridge University Boat Club, of the 22nd May, transmitting, on behalf of the Club, 2501. for a life-boat, to be called the Tom Egan, Mr. EGAS had been a warm friend of the Institution for many years past.—Decided that the Club and Mr.

Egan be thanked.

Reported the receipt of 5001. from a Lady, through Messrs. KNOWLES and FOSTER, of Moorgate Street, in aid of the cost of the life-boat station now being formed at Poole, Dorset.— To be thanked.

Also that Mrs. MARY ANN DAVIS, of Bideford, had paid 300?. to the Institution for a new lifeboat for Sennen Cove, Cornwall, to be named The Cousins, William and Mary Ann, of Bideford.

— To be thanked.

Also that the late GEORGE WHEELHOUSE, Esq., of Deptford Bridge, had left the Society a legacy of 2501., to pay for a new life-boat for Bridlington, Yorkshire.

Also that the late Admiral O. VERNON HARCOURT had bequeathed to the Institution the sum of 1,000 . free of legacy duty.

Also the receipt of a legacy of 45/. from the executors of the late NEWMAN SMITH, Esq., of Mark Lane.

Also that the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, M.U., had forwarded to the Institution 331. 13s. 5d. as their first contribution.— To be thanked.

Decided that the best thanks of the Committee be presented to LEWIS CHALMERS, Esq., on hia retirement from the office of Honorary Secretary of the Fraserburgh Branch of the Institution.

Ordered new life-boat houses to be built at Sutton and Skegness, on the Coast of Lincolnshire.

Paid 365Z. 12s. 3d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted SI. to pay the expenses of the Drogheda life-boat in going off and rescuing the crew of 3 men from the schooner Maria, of Milford, which was totally wrecked, during a strong gale of wind, on Drogheda Bar on the 9th May.

Also a reward to a boatman of Cshireiveen, Co.

Kerry, for plunging into the sea, and saving a lad who hod fallen over the Quay at that place on the 7th May.

Also a reward to a boat's crew for rescuing, at considerable risk of life, 6 persons from another boat which was capsized in a heavy ground-swell near Castletown, County Cork, on the 8th April.

Thursday, 7th July, THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Read letter from General KNOLLYS of the 7th ult., expressing the thanks of H.R.H. the PRINCE OF WALES for the photograph of the Albert Victor life-boat, presented to him on behalf of the Committee.

Also from Capt. D. GALTON, F.R.S., Her Majesty's Assistant Under-Secretary of State for War, of the 27th ult., stating that H.R.H. the Field Marshal Commanding-in-Chief, and EAKL DE GREY and RIPON wished the new Directions of the Institution for the Restoration of Persons Apparently Dead from Drowning to be circulated amongst the several stations of the Army at home and abroad.

Reported that four hundred and eighty copies of the Bills had been forwarded to the Horse Guards for distribution accordingly.—Approved.

Read letter from C. FOHTESCBE, Esq., M.P., Her Majesty's Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, of the 16th ult., stating that in compliance with the request of the Institution, copies of the said Instructions had been forwarded to the Governors of the British Colonies.— To be thanked.

Read and approved the Report of Capt. WARD, R.N., the Inspector of Life-boats of the Institution, of the 4th inst., on his inspection of its Life-boats on the Scotch Coast.

Also the Report of Capt. D. ROBERTSON, R.N., the Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats of the Institution of the 21st ult. and 6th inst., on his visits to Padstow, Teignmouth, Torquay, Poole, Dover, and North Deal.

Read letter from R. W. CRAWFORD, Esq., M.P., of the 15th ult., stating that his friend, the Hon.

RUSTOMJEE JAMSETJEE JEJEEBHOY, Member of the Legislative Council of Bombay, had placed a sum of money at his disposal for distribution amongst the Charities of London, and especially those of the City of London, to which his respected father, the late Sir JAMSETJEE JEJEEBHOY, Bart., was a liberal contributor. The benefactions were intended for the benefit of those benevolent institutions without reference to race, creed, or religion.

He (Mr. CRAWFORD) had pleasure in placing the sum of 5001. out of the fund at the disposal of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

—Decided that a life-boat be built, and named 'The Sir Jamaetjee Jefeebhoy." Also that the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, accompanied by a model of its life-boat and transporting-carriage, be presented to the Hon. RUSTOMJEE JAMSETJEE JEJEEBHOV, through Mr. CRAWFORD.

Reported that the ANCIENT ORDER op FORESTERS had presented to the Institution 2557. 11s. 3d., which they wished to be appropriated in the purchase of a life-boat, to be called The forester.

— To be thanked, and decided to place the boat at Newquay, on the Cardiganshire Coast.

Also the receipt, through Mr. J. Bradfield, of 51. Is. from 150 of the employes of the West India Docks, which had been collected in contributions, varying from three pence to five shillings.

— To be thanked.

Also that the late Capt. MONTAGUE MONTAGUE, R.N., had left the Institution a legacy of 1007., free of duty.

Also the transmission to their stations of the Teignmouth, Padstow, Holyhead, and Dover new life-boats, in lieu of those previously stationed at those places. The Great Western, London and North Western, South Eastern, and the connecting Railway Companies, had readily given a free conveyance to the new and old life-boats to and from their stations.

The Padstow life-boat, which is called The Albert Edward, presented by the City of Bristol, had, on her way to her station, been publicly exhibited in that City, on the 15th ult., and was afterwards presented to the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION by the Mayor. Capt. ROBERT TRYON, R.N., had collected in Bristol upwards of 5002. to pay for the Padstow life-boat.— To be thanked.

The Dover life-boat, The Bayal Wiltshire, was also exhibited at Marlborough, on the 27th ult.

Capt. N. J. HEED, R.N., Mrs. REED, and their daughter, Mrs. KEAN, had been indefatigable in collecting nearly 4001., to pay the cost of the lifeboat and carriage. — To be thanked.

Reported that the Duchesse DE COIGNY, Sir IVOR GUEST, Bart., and B. B. CABBELL, Esq., had severally given sites of ground on which to build the Girvan, Poole, and Cromer life-boat houses.

— To be thanked.

Also that Capt. KLEEMAN, of the Swedish Royal Navy, and Capt. GORKOVENKO, of the Russian Imperial Navy, had been deputed by their respective governments to visit some of the life-boat stations of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

These Officers had since visited some of the stations, and had expressed themselves as much pleased with what they had seen on our coasts.

Paid 2,0602. 18». 5d. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

Voted 21. Us. to pay the expenses of the assembling of the crew of the Irvine life-boat, with the view of going off to the rescue of the crews of two vessels which were in distress, during a gale of wind, near Irvine, on the 31st January last.

Also a reward to the crew of the Southwold lifeboat, for going off and rescuing two fishing-boats and their crews from destruction, during stormy weather, off Southwold, on the 16th April last.

Also SI. to the crew of 3 men of a shore-boat, for putting off and saving, at considerable risk of life, 2 men, whose boat was capsized by a strong westerly wind, in Yarmouth Roads, on the 27th May last. The accident having been observed from the shore, the salvors immediately launched a small boat through the surf, which was very heavy at the time, and fortunately arrived at the spot just in time to save the poor fellows, who were found struggling in the sea.

Also a reward to 6 boatmen, for putting off in three shore-boats and rescuing 4 men, whose boat was capsized, during blowing weather, off Westonsuper- Mare, on the 25th May last.

Also a reward to the crew of a pilot-boat, for rescuing the crew of 2 men of a fishing-boat, which had struck against the piles of the new pier at Rye Harbour, on the 5th June last.

Thursday, 28th July. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

It was moved, seconded, and carried unanimously, That the Committee desire to express their sincere regret at the death of their much-respected colleague, Admiral BERTIE C. CATOR, V.P., who for a long series of years cordially and zealously co-operated with them in carrying out the important objects of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. The Committee also desire to tender their sincere sympathy and condolence to Miss CATOR, and other members of the much-lamented Admiral's family, on the occasion of their great bereavement.

Reported the receipt of a cheque for 5,0007. from a lady, through Messrs. HOARE, the bankers, in aid of the general funds of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

Resolved, That the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, and a model of its life-boat, be presented, through Messrs. HOAHE, to the benevolent lady.

Ordered the life-boat builders to proceed with the construction of eight life-boats, in addition to the ten life-boats they were then building.

Read letter from the Secretary of the ANCIENT ORDER of FORESTERS, of the 27th July, expressing the thanks of the Council for the Vellum Vote of the Institution, and for the life-boat Photograph, in acknowledgement of the Order's Gift of a life-boat to the Institution. The documents would always accompany, annually, the Council to the different towns in which they would be located.

Reported the receipt from the Executors of the Legacy of 3007. of the late Miss EMMA KEATE, of Kensington; and that of 507. of the late Mrs.

DUHOERE, of Blackheath.

Read letter from Lady BLANE, of the 21st July, stating that her son, Lieut. A. RODNEY BLANK, R.N., had collected 27?. 15s. lOrf., amongst his friends and others in China, and that she had also received 67. 2s. in Derby, in aid of the funds of the Institution.— To be thanked.

From J. C., of the 18th July, forwarding 2507.

to pay for a new life-boat to be stationed at Pen- zance, in lieu of the one there at present.— To be thanked.

Also from JOSEPH LEATHER, Esq., of Fairfield Mount, of the 14th July, transmitting Sill. 12s. to pay for the Holyhead new life-boat, The Princess of Wales, and her equipment.— To be thanked.

Reported the transmission to their stations of the Blackpool, New Brighton, and Sennen Cove life-boats. The London and North Western Railway Company had readily carried the two firstnamed boats over their line free of charge; and the Great Western, Bristol and Exeter, South Devon and Cornwall, and the West Cornwall Railway Companies had also given a free conveyance to the Sennen life-boat to her station. — To be thanked.

The Blackpool life-boat was publicly launched on the 20th July, under the superintendence of Capt. WARD, R.N., Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution. There were upwards of 20,000 persons present on the occasion, and everything passed off with great eclat.

Decided that a new life-boat be stationed at Alnmouth in lieu of the present boat, Miss WABDELI, of Tunbridge Welis, having liberally promised to defray the cost of a new boat and carriage.— To be thanked.

Read letter from Chevalier TOTTIE, Consul- General for Sweden and Norway, of the 13th July, forwarding, on behalf of the Seamen's Association at Drontheim, Christiansund, and Nalesund, 591. 13s., in aid of the funds of the Institution.— To be thanked.

Also from the Secretary of the LOYAL COURTESAN LODGE OF ODD FELLOWS at Kingsbridge, of the 6th July, remitting a draft for 28?., being the balance of funds arising from a fete given by them at Kingsbridge, on the 9th June, for this Institution.

— To be thanked.

Reported that EDWARD SHEPPARD, Esq., of H.M. Custom House, London, had, during the current year, collected 203?. 9s. fid. in aid of the funds of the Institution.— To be thanked.

Read letter from Capt. W. HUTCHISON, R.N., Honorary Secretary of the Kingstown Branch, of the 23rd July, stating that Capt. J. ROGERS, of the S.S. Leinster, had collected 19s. lOd. for the Institution, in a contribution box on board his vessel.— To be thanked.

Ordered a new life-boat house to be built at Valentia, county Kerry.

Paid 93 U. 3s. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.

The Secretary of the New Brighton Branch of the 27th July, forwarded a report of the services of the new iron life-boat, Willie and Arthur, just stationed at New Brighton, in putting off with the view of rendering assistance to the brigantine Richard Cobden, which was observed in a dangerous position in Liverpool Bay, on the 24th July. He reported that he went off himself in the life-boat, and that she gave the crew great satisfaction on the occasion.

Voted 23/. Is. to pay the expenses of the Arklow and Wicklow life-boats in putting off, on the 21st July, in reply to signals of distress, to the assistance of the emigrant ship Constitution, from Liverpool to New York, with a crew and passengers numbering 290 persons. The vessel had struck on Arklow Bank, but the weather not being veryboisterous, a steamer was enabled to approach the vessel and take off the passengers. The ship was subsequently got off. The Arklow life-boat accompanied her to Wicklow, she having lost all her boats.

Also a reward to 2 men for saving, at some risk of life, one out of 2 men whose boat was capsized during a strong wind and heavy sea off Inniskeragh, Arranmore, county Donegal, on the 17th June. One poor fellow unfortunately perished before assistance could reach him.

Also 4/. to a boat's crew of 4 men for saving, at considerable risk of life, 2 men from the Cutter Yacht Phantom, of Preston, which had stranded on Taylor's Bank, Liverpool Bay, during squally weather on the 2nd July. The salvors were engaged with their own boat, getting spars from a wreck, when they observed the perilous position of the yacht. They immediately transferred the rigging, &e., from their boat to another, and hastened to the rescue of the two men.