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Royal National Life-Boat Institution, For the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck. Appeal

Royal National Life-Boat Institution, for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck.

(Incorporated by Royal Charter.) FOUNDED d 1824.—SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS.



Chairman—THOMAS BARING, ESQ., M.P., F.U.S., V.P., Chairman of Lloyd's.

Deputy-Chairman—THOMAS CHAPMAN, ESQ., F.K.S., V.I'.


THE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT have to state that, daring the past year, the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION has expended 13,8191. on various Life-boat Establishments on the Coasts of England, Scotland, and Ireland.

During the same period the Life-boats of the Institution have also been instrumental In rescuing the Crews of the following Wrecked Vessels:— Ship Louisa, of Bristol 20 Barque Rubin, of Liverpool 12 Schooner Emily, of London—Saved vessel and crew 3 Smack St. Patrick, of Bangor 3 Barque Bonnie Dundee, of Dundee . 13 Smack Elizabeth, of North Berwick. 4 Schooner Kezia, of Sunderland 5 Schooner Mary Anne, of New Quay. 5 Schooner Panaema, of Plymouth .. 8 Schooner Betsy, of Brixham 5 Brig Regalia,, of Whitby 7 Brig Levant, of Bristol 10 Smack Britannia, of Ramsgate 4 Ketch KeulM, of Berwick 3 Brig Florence Nightingale, of London 6 Schooner Azores Packet, of Falmouth 4 Schooner Vulcan, of Lyme Kegis— Saved vessel Schooner Vigilant,of Kirkcaldy.... 6 Barque Diadem, of St. John's 4 Ship Conflict, of Plymouth 1 Barque Wm.Bromham, of Gloucester 6 Schooner Cestrian, of Chester 5 Barque St. Lawrence, of. Liverpool— Saved vessel and 14 Brig Marietta, of Lisbon 1 Schooner Sir Colin Campbell, of Whitby—Saved vessel and crew . 6 Ketch Snip, of Amsterdam—Assisted to save vessel and crew 5 Brlgantine Arum, of Workington .. 4 Schooner Guilia, of Palermo—Saved vessel and crew 10 Schooner Northern Lights, of Preston 4 Smack Gipsy, of Drogheda 4 Italian Brig CamogKno—Assisted to save vessel and crew 8 Barque Tamworth, of Skien, Norway 17 Barque Providence, of Dantzic 7 Smack Saucy Jack, of Inverness ... 1 Pilot Boat, of St.Ives—Saved boat and 1 Brig Theophilus, of Aberdeen 5 Barque/no, of North Shields 14 Ship David White Clinton, of New York 8 Fishing-boat of Tenby 3 Schooner Margaret and Jane, of Dublin 5 Barque Duke of Northuinberland ., 18 Fishing-boat, of Filey 2 Ship Jupiter, of 1/mdon.—Assisted vessel and crew of eight men, after a collision.

Schooner Economy, of Portmadoc— Saved vessel and crew ,. 5 Lugger Vigilant, of Peel—Saved vessel and crew 7 Schooner Maria, of Amlwch 4 Schooner L'Esplrance, of Nantes .. 2 Schooner Harry Russell, of Glasgow —Saved vessel and crew 8 Schooner Elizabeth, of Whitehaven 4 Barque Elizabeth Marrow, of Glasgow 39 Barque Confiance, of Liverpool 23 Brig Mary Ann, of Scilly—Saved vessel and crew 7 Smack Lewis, of Campbeltown 3 Schooner Caledonia, of Preston- Saved vessel Schooner Fame, of Maryport—Saved vessel and crew 6 Barque Graces, of Shields 15 Brigantine Ellen, oS 3 erscy 8 Ship British India, of Liverpool- Assisted to save vessel and crew . 27 Fisbing-boat of Aldborough—Saved boat and crew 3 41J During the year the Society lias granted rewards to the Crews of Shore-boats, la;., for saving tlie following Shipicrecketl Persons:— of | Sloop Fi-ancis, of Cardigan 3 Fishing-boat of Faha, Co. Cork 6 Brig Pluenix, of Teignmoutb 5 1 j Sloop Swiss, of Tralee 2 7 I Fishing-boat of Great Yarmouth ... ] 1 Brig Faith, of Colchester 10 Brigantine John and Edwin, Whltstable 4 Barque Pudyona, of Glasson Dock . 17 Fishing-boat of Castletown, Ireland Schooner Immanuel, of Hanover ..

Barque Sea. Swallow, of Sunderland Schooner Shelah, of Wexford 5 Shore-boat of Arranmore, Co. Donegal 3 Brig Maid of Kent, of Rochester ... 5 Barque Henri Sorensin, of Bordeaux 12 Ship Bois Rouge, of Nantes 6 Ship John If. Elliot, of New York . 55 Ship J. S. Parsons, ol New "York .. 31 Fishing-boat of Greencastle, Co. Donegal 3 Brigantine Ganymede, of Ipswich... 6 Ship Genoa, of Liverpool 11 Brig Alii, of Helsingtors 14 Ketch Selena, of Newport 4 Fishing-boat of Skibbereen, Co. Cork 2 Brig Alabama, of Gloucester 6 Brig Pelican, of Drogheda 5 Fishing-boat of Kenmare, Co. Kerry 2 SisnVng-boat of Yarmouth, Iste ol Wight 4 Schooner Wanderer, of Londonderry 5 Fishing-boat, Queenstown, Ireland . 1 Shore-boat of Curllngford Lough, KtHoven 3 Ship's-boat capsized off Deal 2 Fishing-boat of Thurso, N.B l Shore-boat of Hurst Castle, Hants 6 Brig Antigua Packet, of Liverpool 10 Customs'boat of Shields harbour . 5 Brigantine Arthur Leary, of London 7 Schooner Heinricli,, of Strasland 7 Fishing-boat of Killard, County Clare 3 Brig Lemnos 11 Brig Marietta, of Lisbon 9 Total number of lives saved in the year.

For these joint numerous services in saving 714 lives from shipwreck, the Institution has granted rewards amounting to £1,297, in addition to 15 Silver Medals.

The number of lives saved either by the Life-boats of the Society, or by special exertions, for which it has granted rewards, since its formation, is 13,920; for which services 82 Gold Medals, 739 Silver Medals, and £18,510 in cash, have been paid in rewards. The Institution has also expended £120,000 on Life-boats, Life-boat Transporting-carriages, and Boat-houses.

The Committee desire to express their grateful sense of the generous support which they have received from the British Public during the past few years, a support which has enabled them to establish their present magnificent fleet of 137 life-boats on the shores of the United Kingdom. Deeply sensible, however, of the great responsibility that rests on them to maintain their fleet In a thoroughly efficient state, and its crews practised in the management of their boats, which can only be effected by a large and permanent annual income, they earnestly appeal to all classes of their countrymen to aid them in upholding and perpetuating so great and truly national a work.

Donations and .Annual Subscription -will be thankfully received by the Bankers of the Institution, Messre. WtiMg, PERCIVAL, and Co., 76 Lombard Street; Messrs. COUTTS and Co., 59 Strand; Messrs. HEKEIBS, KIKQCHAB. and Co., 16 St. James's Street, London; by all the Bankers in the United Kingdom; and by the Secretary, RICHARD LEWIS, Esq., at the Office of the Institution, 14 JOBS STREET, ADELPHI, London.— V. C.

October, 1864.
