Summary of the Meetings of the Committee
Thursday, 3rd December, 1863. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.K.S., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.
Read letter from Mr. H. FECKLENBURGH of Bremen, of the 10th Nov., requesting the favour of the Institution to order a six-oared life-boat, with sails complete, to be built for their local Life-boat Society. — Referred to the Life-boat Builders.
Reported that two Musical Entertainments bad been given on the 24th and 25th November, at Deacon's Music Hall, Clerkenwell, the proceeds of which, with other contributions collected in the neighbourhood, were to be devoted to the purchase of a life-boat to be presented to the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, the boat being named the Sir Hugh Myddeltm. Various professional ladies and gentlemen had given their services gratuitously on the occasion. A sum of 1002. was afterwards handed to the Institution as an instalment towards the cost of the life-boat.— To be thanked, Reported also the receipt of 100!. from » lady as " A Thank-offering for preservation at sea during the awful storm of the 31st October last." Also that a Legacy of 102. 10». had been left to the Institution by the late BERIAH BOTFIELD, Esq.., M.P.
Also the transmission of the Pembrey new lifeboat to her station. This boat was to replace a smaller life-boat formerly stationed at Llanelly.
The Great Western Railway Company had readily, as usual, given the boat a free conveyance over their line.— To be thanked.
Read letter from E. L. PENFOLD, Esq., Hon.
Secretary of the Cardigan Branch, of the 17th Nov., stating that the Local Committee had decided that a new life-boat was required to replace the present life-boat at Cardigan. They were prepared to alter the present boat-house to make it ready for the reception of the new life-boat.—Decided that a new life-boat be stationed at Cardigan.
Paid 1,8522. 14s. Wd. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.
Voted 152. 7s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Hauxley life-boat in going off and saving the crew of 5 men from the brig Thmphilus, of Aberdeen, which had struck on the rocks off Hauxley, Northumberland, during a strong wind and heavy sea, on the 26th November.
Also 51. Is. to pay the expenses of the St. Ives (Cornwall) life-boat, in putting off and rescuing the crew of 7 men from a pilot-boat, which was observed in a dangerous position off St. Ives on the 11th Nov.
Also SI, 6«. to pay the expenses of the Filey life-boat, in putting off and rescuing 2 fishermen whose boat had been capsized during a strong gale of wind and heavy sea, off Filey, on the 1st December.
Also 45{ 14s. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the Blakeney, Tynemouth, Kingsgate, New Brighton, Penarth, and Holyhead life-boats, in going off in reply to signals of distress from vessels, which did not, however, ultimately require the services of the life-boats.
Also 71. to a boat's crew of 7 men, for going off and saving the crew of 11 men from the brig Lemnos, of Sunderland, which was wrecked on the Crusader Bank, near Blackpool, on the 29th Oct.
Also 0l. to the crews of two boats, for putting off and saving 11 men from the brig Arthur Leary, of London, which was on shore in Seaford Bay, during moderate weather, on the 7th November.
Also 41. to a boat's crew, for going off and bringing ashore the crew of 7 men, belonging to the schooner Heinrich, of Strasland, which had foundered in the North Sea on the 1st Nov.
Also 31. 5s. to JOHN KIRWAN and others, for wading into the surf, and rescuing, by means of ropes, &c., the crew of 9 men from the Greek brig Marietta, of Lisbon, which was wrecked during stormy weather at Turf Cove, in Tramore Bay, on the 19th October.
Also II. 10s. to a fishing-boat's crew, for rescuing 3 men from another boat, which was capsized, during stormy weather, off Killard, Coast of Clare, on the 19th September last.
Thursday, 7lh Jan., 1864. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.
Read and approved the following copy -of a letter addressed by the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Institution to the Daily Papers :— "THE LATE GALES—LIFE-BOAT SERVICES.
" SIR,—We are induced to solicit your assistance to enable us to lay the claims of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION before the British public during the present unprecedented stormy period.
" In consequence of the liberality of that public, the Institution has been enabled during the past twelve years to Increase the number of its life-boat stations from 12 to 125.
" But this very extended field of the operations of the Institution has necessarily Involved a large and increasing expenditure, not only in maintaining Its great fleet of lifeboats, but also in rewarding the gallant men who are ever ready to man them.
" But the Institution does more than reward the men who go into its own boats; it also grants liberal payments to persons who, either in their own boats or by any other means, are instrumental in rescuing shipwrecked sailors.
* Thus it is that between 600 and 100 wrecked persons are now saved every year by the life-boats of the Institution and other means, for which services it grants rewards.
" The perusal of the reports of the dreadful effects of the late storm, and happily also of the successful efforts of so many daring services of our life-boats, which saved daring Thursday and Friday last 125 shipwrecked person*, cannot fall to excite the sympathy of every one.
" We will only add that contributions are received tor the Life-boat institution by all the London and county banken, and by its Secretary, at 14 John-street, Adelphi.—We are, &c.
" THOMAS BARING, Chairman.
" THOMAS CHAPMAN, Deputy-Chairman., " 14 John-street, Adelphi, London, w.c., Dec. 8,1863." Read letter from L APT COTTON SHEPPARD of the 5th Jan., forwarding a cheque for 250/., to pay the cost of a life-boat. Her Ladyship had collected 50/. of the amount from her friends and others.— To be thanked.
Directed a Circular to be addressed to the Branches of the Institution, to inquire as to the desirability of making the services of Steam Tugs available, in conjunction with life-boats, at places where steamers could be had, and where they would be useful.
Reported that a Public Meeting had been held at Birmingham, under the presidency of the Mayor, to promote the collection of the cost of a life-boat station. The life-boat was to be named The Birmingham, Read and approved the Report of Capt. WARD, R.N., Inspector of life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visit to the life-boats of the Institution on the west coast of England.
Also the Report of Capt. D. ROBERTSON, R.N., the Assistant Inspector of Life-boats, on his visit to the Society's life-boats on the Kent and Sussex coasts, the South Coast of Wales, and at Filey, in Yorkshire.
Reported that LADY Cunningham-FAIRLIE E had paid 3001. to the Institution to defray the cost of a life-boat, to be stationed at Dunbar, in Haddingtonshire, which she wished to be named The Wallace.
— To be thanked.
Also that E. W. COOKE, Esq., R.A., had forwarded 20W. for a new life-boat, to be called The Van Kook, and to be placed at North Deal. He hoped to raise the whole cost of the life-boat establishment, and also a sufficient sum to assist in keeping up permanently the station in an efficient state.— To be thanked.
Also that W. N. KUDQE, Esq., of the Stock Exchange, had collected 609/. 17*. 6 f. amongst the Members of that establishment, in aid of the funds of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.
— To be thanked.
Also that a legacy of 3002. had been bequeathed to the Institution by the late Miss EMMA KEATE, of Kensington.
Also that 31. 6». had been received on behalf of H. SELWYN SMITH, Esq., of Melbourne, being a sum paid to him for conveying shipwrecked seamen on board one of his vessels.— To be thanked.
Also the transmission of the Eastbourne new life-boat to its station over the line of the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company, free of charge, and the return of the old boat on the same liberal terms. A satisfactory trial of the new life-boat took place on the 17th Bee., under the superintendence of Capt. D. ROBERTSON, R.N.
— The Railway Company to be thanked, Also the arrival of the Arklow new life-boat at Its station. The Great "Western Eaiiway Company took the boat free to Milford Haven, whence she was sailed to her station in company with the Revenue Cruiser, Royal Charlotte, by the kind permission of Commodore A. P. RIDER, R.N., Controller-general of the Coast-guard.— To be thanked.
The Arklow old life-boat was brought from DaWio to London, free of charge, by one of the Steamers of the British and Irish Steam Packet Company,— to be thanked.
Decided that the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, be presented to Archdeaeon JONES, of Bangor, in acknowledgment of his long and valuable services. During a period of nearly thirty years, he occupied the office of Honorary Treasurer of the Anglesey Branch of the Institution, in succession to his late father, the Rev. H. Wyne Jones, who was one of the founders of the Branch in 1828.
Reported that * Sermon had been preached by the Rev, F. READE, in St. John the Baptist's Church, Hove, near Brighton, on the last Sunday la 1863, when a collection of 201. Si, 9 /, was made on behalf of this Institution.— To be thanked.
Also that the Rev. J. N. McCheane had appropriated to the LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, after & sermon on Christmas Day in Holy Trinity Church, Leeds, SI. 10 . Wd. as its portion of the collection made on the occasion,— To be thanked.
Paid 1,4222. 17». for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.
Toted 1741. 13*. 6rf. to pay the expenses of the under-mentioned life-boats of the Institution in going off and saying the crews, consisting of 188 persons, of the following wrecked vessels:— Barque Jna, of North Shields, and Brigantine Ellea, of Jersey; 22 men saved by the Bacton lifeboat.
Fishing boat, of Tenby: 3 men saved by the Tenby life-boat.
Schooner Economy, of Whitehaven, and her crew of S men saved by the Portmadoc life-boat.
Lugger Vigilant, of Peel, Isle of Man, and her crew of 7 men saved by the Skerries life-boat.
Barque Duke of Northumberland, of London: 18 men saved by the Swansea life-boat.
Schooner Margaret Jane, of Dahlia: 5 men saved by the Barmouth life-boat.
Schooner Elizabeth, of Whitehaven; Barque Canfiance, of Liverpool; barque MlixiAelh Marrow, of Glasgow, and schooner L'Eiperanee, of Mantes: 48 lives saved by the Holyhead life-boat.
Ship David White Clinton, of New York; 8 men laved by the Southport life-boat Schooner Maria of Amlwch: 4 men rescued, and the schooner Harry Riam-ll, of Barrow, and her crew of 8 men, saved by the Uanddwyn lifeboat.
Brig Mary Ann, of Scilly, and her crew of 1 men, saved by the Aberystwyth life-boat and shore boats.
Smack Lewis, of Campbel town; 3 men saved by the Irvine life-boat.
Schooners Caledonia, of Preston, and fame, of Mary port, and 5 men, saved by the Lytham lifeboat.
Barque Graces, of Shields: 15 men saved by the Thurso life-boat.
fishing boat, and 3 men saved by the Aldborough life-boat.
Carmarthen Bay life-boat, assisted to save from destruction the ship British India,, and her crew of 27 hands. Making a total of 13B lives and 7 vessels saved by the life-boats of the Institution during the fearfui gales of December last. The particulars of these services will be found detailed in the Annual Report of the Institution published in April last.
Voted also 1222. lit, Sd. to pay the expenses of various life-boats of the Institution in putting off in reply to signals of distress from vessels which did not, however, ultimately require the assistance of the boats.
Also the Silver Medal of the Institution to Inspecting Lieut. Arthur Kennedy, R.N., Coastguard, Ballyheige, Co. Kerry, and 82. to 4 Coastguardmen.
in acknowledgment of their gallant services a putting off in a boat and rescuing, at risk of life, daring a strong gale of wind, the crew of 5 men from the schooner Gleaner, of Cardigan, which was wrecked off Ballyheige on the 1st Dec. last.
Also the Silver Medal of the Society to ISAAC JARMAN, Coxswain of the Ramsgate life-boat, and the thanks of the Institution to Mr. John Simpson, Acting-master of the Steam Tug Aid, in acknowledgment of their gallant services in assisting to save a large number of shipwrecked persons daring the heavy gales of December last. The crews of the life-boat and the steamer were paid by the Board of Trade.
Also the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum to Mr. ROBERT REES, and 31. IQs. to four other men, tor wading into the surf and assisting to save the crews, consisting of 28 men, from several vessels which were driven on shore at Porthdinllaen, on the Carnarvonshire coast, during a heavy gale of wind on the 3rd Dec. last, Also 32. to six men for wading into the sea and rescuing the crew of 3 men from the sloop Swan, of Swansea, which, daring a strong gale of wind, was wrecked in Porthcawl Bay, on the 3rd Dec.
Also 21. 10*. to a bo&t'g crew for going off with the view of rendering assistance to the schooners Jerome, of Belfast, and Mary Agnes, of Preston, which had struck on the Barbo Bank, Liverpool, during a strong gale of wind on the 4th Dee.
Also 22, to two men for going off in a boat and resening, at some risk of life, the crew of 4 men from the smack Four Brothers and four Sitter*, of London, which was wrecked during a gate of wind off Shankliu, Isle of Wight, on the 9th Dec. last.' Also 1*2. to a yawl's crew of 7 men for putting off during a very heavy gale of wind and rescuing, at much risk of life, the crew of 4 men from the Hanoverian galliot 'Cornelia, which wag totally wrecked on the south end of the Goodwin Sands on the 3rd Dec. last.
Also It to Mr. CHARLES BACOK, for wading into the sea and saving the life of one of the crew of the sloop Tredegar, of Newport, which had foundered off Walton, near Clevedon, on the 3rd Dec last.
Also 27. 15s. to 5 fishermen, for rescuing one man from a boat which was capsized daring squally weather off Aghada, on the Irish coast, on the 30th Oct. last.
Also 9/. to the crew of the Seratby beachmen's life-boat, for going off and saving the crew of 15 men from the barque fifth of May, which was wrecked on the Haisborough Sands during a gale of wind on the 2nd Jan. last.
Thursday, 4th Feb. THOMAS BASING, Esq., M.P., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.
Read and approved the Report of Capt. WARD, R.N., the Inspector of Life-boats of the Institution, on his visit to Lincolnshire to attend a Meeting of the Central Committee of the Lincolnshire Shipwreck Association, and to inspect the four life-boats on that coast.
Produced copies of the Resolutions passed at the Meeting of the Lincolnshire Committee, relative to the union of the Association with the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, which Resolutions required to be confirmed at the Annual Meeting of the County Association on the 15th March.
Read the Report of Capt. D. ROBERTSON, R.N., Assistant Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his visit to the Institution's life-boats on the coasts of West Sussex, the Isle of Wight, and Guernsey. He found them all in excellent order, and reflecting much credit on the Local Committees and coxswains.
Bead letter from Captain DE LA ROCHE KERANDROON, of the French Imperial ship Bisson, of the 2nd February, asking, on behalf of the French Minister of Marine, for information relative to life-boats for men-of-war.
Also from Capt. E. G. HOKE, H.N., of the British Embassy, Paris, of the 27th January, requesting information for the guidance of the French Minister of Marine, relative to the best coast life-boat, its price, &c.—Ordered the necessary information and plans to be furnished.
Reported the receipt of a legacy of 4,501. from the Executors of the late T. A. VENABLES, Esq., of Worcester; and 1071. 18*. lid. from the Executors of the late DAVID CAMPBELL, Esq., of Rothesay, N.B.
Also that 100Z. hail been received from a friend, "in gratitude to God for the preservation of his Wife for another year." Also that the Norwich Musical Festival Fund had appropriated, through F. J. BLAKE, Esq., Hon. Secretory of the Norfolk Branch of this Institution, a donation of 25J. to the Branch.— To be thanked. • Also that the late RICHAKB SPENCE, Esq., of Gower Street, had left a legacy of 200t to the Institution.
Paid 692J. 2s. 8rf. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.
Voted 161. 10s. to pay the expenses of the Newbiggin life-boat, in going off and saving 14 men and one woman from the barque King Oiear, of Norway, which had struck during stormy and thick weather, off Newbiggin, on the night of the 11th January. The owners of the vessel forwarded to the crew of the life-boat a reward of 51. for their services. The men generously handed the amount to the Hon. Secretary of the Branch, towards defraying the expenses of the life-boat establishment.— To be acknowledged.
Also 151. 5s. to pay the expenses of the Whitburn lifeboat, in going off and rescuing 7 men from the steam-tug Rob Boy, of Sunderland, which was totally wrecked in a heavy sea on the Steel Rocks, off Whitburn, on the night of the 13th January.
Also 61.14s. to pay the expenses of the Brighstone Grange, Isle of Wight, life-boat, in putting off and saving 4 men from a small boat belonging to the schooner Thetis, of London, which had foundered off St. Catherine's Point, Isle of Wight, on the 19th ult.
Also 8/. 2*. to pay tie expenses of the Newcastle (Dundrum) life-boat, in putting off and saving two of the crew of the barque Hamilton Gray, which had gone on shore in Dundrum Bay during a strong gale of wind on the 2nd January.
Also 17/. to pay the expenses of the Palling life-boat in going off and saving the crew of 3 men from the schooner Annette CatJialina, of Groningen, which was in distress off Palling, on the 5th January, in a gale of wind.
Also 28J. 13». to pay the expenses of the Scarborough, Porthcawl, and Tyrella life-boats, in going off, in reply to signals of distress, with the view of rendering assistance to several vessels; but their services were ultimately not required.
Also 5i. to the mate and a portion, of the crew of the steamer Duke of Cambridge, for rescuing 14 men from the barque Barbara Campbell, of Glasgow, which had foundered during stormy weather on the Irish Coast, on the 16th September last.
Thursday, 3rd March. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V. P., in the Chair.
Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.
Read letter from His Grace the DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., President of the Institution, of the 14th February, expressing his satisfaction with the Draft Report of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION for the year 1863, and his regret that, owing to his absence from London, he could not take the Chair at its forthcoming Annual Meeting.
Decided that the Eight Honourable Sir JOHN J. S. PAKINGTON, Bart., G.C.B., M.P., be invited to take the Chair at the Annual Meeting.
Approved of the Draft of the Annual Report, and the proposed List of Officers of the Society for the ensuing year, and ordered the same to be laid before the Annual Meeting, to be held at the London Tavern on the 15th March. (Fide April Number of the Life-boat Journal.) Bead and approved the Report of Capt.
WARD, R.N., on his Inspection of the Life-boats at New Brighton and Dundee, and his visit to various other places on the coast, to select eligible sites for new life-boat houses.
Reported that the late JOHN FARNEIL, Esq., of Isleworth, who had been a liberal contributor to the Institution, had left it a legacy of 1,0002., free of duty.
Read letter from J. D. AM.CROFT, Esq., of Wood Street, of the 20th February, forwarding a cheque for 2501., to pay for the Greencastle (Co. Londonderry) life-boat and equipment.— To be thanked.
Decided to form a Life-boat Station at Blackpool, Lancashire.
Read letter from Mrs. HOPKINS, of Preston, of the 18th February, transmitting, on behalf of herself and daughter, a cheque for 2507., for the lifeboat to be stationed at Blackpool, which they wished to be called " The Robert William, in memory of the late B. W. HOPKIHS, the gift of his Widow and Daughter."— To be thanked.
Reported also that Miss ATHERTON, of Kersall Cell, had, through WILLIAM BASTING, Esq., of Kensington, paid the cost (1002.) of the transporting- carriage for the Blackpool life-boat; and that Sir BENJAMIN HEYWOOD, Bart., had given 1002. in aid of the cost of its boat-house.—To be thanked.
Also that Capt. B. TRTON, B.N., of Bristol, had collected in that city nearly 500/. towards forming a life-boat station on the shores of the Bristol Channel.— To be thanked.
Also that Capt. N. i. REED, B.N., of Marlborough, was making efforts to raise the cost of a life-boat, to be called The Royal Wiltshire.—To be thanked.
Also the transmission of the Palling new lifeboat and transporting-carriage to their station over the line of the Great Eastern Railway Company, who readily gave the new and old boats a free conveyance to and from Great Yarmouth.— To be thanked.
Also that, at the request of the Italian Ambassador, information and papers had been furnished to him relative to the character of the operations of the Institution, for the use of the Italian government.
Reported that the Secretary of the Institution, Mr. LEWIS, had recently delivered lectures on " The Life-boat and its Work," at York and Birmingham.
Paid 3032, 11s. 2 2. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.
Voted 62. 5s. to pay the expenses of the Holyhead life-boat, in going off, in reply to signals of distress, and rescuing, during a heavy gale of wind, from very perilous positions, the brigantine Boa Nova, of Oporto, and the schooner Britannia.
The life-boat crew also received salvage for these services.
Voted also 271. 16s. to pay the expenses of the Redcar life-boat, in putting off and saving the crew of 7 men from the brig Brothers, of South Shields, which was totally wrecked, during a storm, on Redcar Bocks, on the 17th inst.
Also 132. 3 . to pay the expenses of the Dungeness life-boat, in going off in reply to signals of distress, and saving 13 persons from the ship Golden Age, of Liverpool, which was wrecked during a gale of wind and heavy snow-storm, on Boar Bank, off Dungeness, on the 19th February.
The owners of the ship also sent a gratuity to the crew of the life-boat for their valuable services on this occasion.
Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution to WILLIAM C. BUCK, Esq., B.N., Chief Officer of the Coastguard at 36 Tower, Winchelsea, and 42. to 4 Coastguard-men, in acknowledgment of their gallant services in putting off in a boat, and rescuing, at risk of life, one man from the smack Thetis, of Jersey, which was stranded near Rye, during a heavy gale of wind, on the 13th of Feb. Whilst returning to the shore, one of the Coastguard-men was washed overboard and unfortunately perished.
Voted 102. in aid of a local subscription for the poor man's widow.
Also 52. to pay the expenses of the New Brighton (tabular) life-boat, in going off and rendering important services to the ship Contest, of Liverpool, which was in distress off that place during a gale of wind on the 1st of February.
Voted also 22. to two police constables for wading into the surf, at considerable risk of life, and saving a boy from the schooner Harmony of Drogheda, which was wrecked off Penrhos Battery during a heavy gale of wind on the 3rd Dec. last.
Also 52. to 5 fishermen of Shetland, for going off in a small boat and saving a shipwrecked crew of 15 men from a boat belonging to the ship Royal Victoria, of Liverpool, which they had abandoned in the Western Ocean, five days previous to that on which they were rescued.
Voted the thanks of the Institution to Mr.
W. STEPHENS, shipbuilder, Messrs. B. and A. STRACHAN, and Mr. B. GEDDES, Pilot, and 32. to some other men, for saving, by means of ropes, &c., the crew of 7 men and a pilot from the schooner Anna Maria, of Cronstadt, which had struck on some rocks near Peterhead, during a gale of wind on the 15th January.
Also 32.10s. to Commissioned Boatman Mr. JOHN AIKEN and 5 others, for putting off in a boat and saving the crew of 4 men from a fishing-boat which had become unmanageable during a heavy gale of wind off Port Stewart, Co. Antrim, on the llth January.
Also 52. to the crews of two fishing-boats, for going off and rendering assistance to the crews of two boats which were in distress off Staithes, near Whitby, during a heavy gale of wind on the 13th February.
Tuesday, 15th March. — The Annual General Meeting of the friends and supporters of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION was held this day at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street. The Eight Hon. Sir John S. PAKINGTON, Bart., G.C.B., M.P., in the absence of his Grace the DUKE of NORTHUMBERLAND, President of the Institution, took the Chair.
The Chairman having opened the Meeting with some remarks, the Secretary read the Annual Report of the Committee.
Various Resolutions were afterwards moved, seconded, and carried unanimously, pledging the Meeting to renewed exertions on behalf of the benevolent and national objects of the Institution.
The Resolutions will be found in the preceding Number of the Life-boat Journal, p. 379.
Thursday, 7th April. THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance, and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.
Elected the Members of the Sub-Committees for the ensuing year.
Read letter from the Rev. E. HEWLETT, of Manchester, of the 5th April, stating that the following communication had been received by the Local Life-boat Committee in that city in reply to their application to His Royal Highness the PRINCE of WALES for permission to allow the Berwick-on- Tweed new life-boat to be called the Albert Victor, after the infant Prince :— " Sandringham, King's Lynn, " 2«d April, 1864.
" Sirs,—I am desired by the PRINCE OF WALES to inform you that His Royal Highness is much gratified by the proposal of the South Manchester Branch of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION that their new boat shall be associated in name with the infant Prince, and that he wishes her all success—I have, Ac. " HERBERT FISHER.
" To the Rev. E. HEWLETT, Manchester." The cost of this and three other life-boats had been collected in Manchester by ROBERT WHITWORTH, Esq., and the Rev. E. HEWLETT.
Read letter from ALEXANDER KAY, Esq., Insurance Broker, Royal Exchange, Glasgow, of the 5th April, forwarding 4001. to pay the cost of the Girvan new life-boat and transporting-carriage.— To be thanked.
Also from Capt. L. BARSTOW, R.N., and JAMES RAMSDEN, Esq., of Barrow-in-Furness, stating the necessity of a life-boat at Piel, Lancashire, where several wrecks had occurred during the past twelve months. The locality would probably raise the whole cost of the life-boat establishment.
—Decided that a life-boat station be formed at Piel.
Read and approved the Report of Capt. WARD, R.N., Inspector of Life-boats, on his visit to the life-boat stations on the coasts of Norfolk and Suffolk, and to Kingsgate and North Deal.
Reported the receipt of the following Legacies: The late W. WEBSDALE, Esq., of Ipswich, in aid of the Aldborough, Yarmouth, Lowestoft, and Pakefield life-boats, 791. 16s.: the late MILBORNE WILLIAMS, Esq., of Whitchurch, 451.: the late Mr. SAMDEL CLARKE, of Huddersfield, HI. I0«.: the late Mrs. PUKOUBE, of Blackheath, 501.; and the late NEWMAN SMITH, Esq., of Great Cumberland- place, 45Z.— The Executors to be thanked.
Read letter from the Rev. R. W. CBACROFT, Hon. Sec. of the Lincolnshire Shipwreck Association, of the 15th March, stating that at its Annual General Meeting, on that day, the preliminary Resolutions of its Committee to unite the Association with the ROYAL NATIONAL LITE-BOAT INSTITUTION had been unanimously confirmed.
To be acknowledged, and ordered the four lifeboat establishments on the Lincolnshire coasts to be completely renovated, including new life-boats, transporting carriages, and boat-houses.
Ordered new life-boat houses to be built at Bridlington, Yorkshire; Porthdinllaen, Carnarvonshire ; and Dunbar, Haddingtonshire.
The Committee presented a beautiful model of the life-boat and transporting carriage adopted by the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION to Capt. JOHN Ross WARD, R.N., its Inspector of Life-boats, as a permanent memorial of the Committee's high appreciation of his ability, and of his long and valuable services in that position, and especially in aiding to perfect the self-righting lifeboat, the life-belt, and the transporting-carriage.
Paid Sill. 6s. for sundry charges on various life-boat establishments.
Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to H. C. GILL, Esq., Hon. Sec. of the Castletown, Isle of Man, branch of the Society, in acknowledgment of his valuable services in going off in the Castletown life-boat and assisting to save the crew of three men and a boy from the schooner Water Lily, of Pwllheli, which, during a very heavy gale of wind, was totally wrecked off Fort Island, Isle of Man, on the llth March last. Also voted 171. 1 Is. to pay the expenses of the life-boat on the occasion.
Also HI. S*. to pay the expenses of the Campbeltown life-boat in putting off and rendering important services to the barque Iris, of Stavanger, Norway, which, during a terrific gale of wind, was observed with signals of distress flying in Machrihannish Bay, near Campbeltown, on the night of the 13th of February last.
Also III. 10«. to pay the expenses of the Lossiemouth life-boat in going off and saving the crew of three men from the sloop Barbara, of Wemyss, which had sprung a leak, and which was afterwards totally wrecked during a heavy gale of wind off Lossiemouth, on the night of the 11th March last.
Also 7/. 16«. to pay the expenses of the Scarborough life-boat in putting off and saving one man from the cutter Howard, of Grimsby, which was totally wrecked off Scarborough on the 27th March last.
Also 93Z. 14s. to pay the expenses of the lifeboats at Kingsgate, Caistor, Rosslare, Carnsore, Arklow, Castletown, and Winchelsea, in going off with the view of rescuing the crews of several vessels which were observed in perilous positions, with signals of distress flying, during heavy gales of wind in March last.
Also a reward to the crew of a fishing-smack for saving, at some risk of life, two men tram (he schooner Britannia, of New Quay, which had foundered, after having been in collision with another vessel in Redwharf Bay, Anglesey, on the 10th March.
Also a reward to the crew of a fishing-boat for rescuing two men from the sloop Shamrock, of Wickloir, which bad foundered during a fresh wind off Kingstown, Ireland, on the 7th March.
Also a reward of 101. to the crew of the Sheringham, Norfolk, life-boat, for going off and saving the crew of five men from the French lugger Chasseur, which had struck on some rocks near the village of Sheringham, during a strong easterly wind, early on the morning of the 7th March.
Also 7J. to the crew of a fishing-yawl of Great Yarmouth, for patting off through a heavy surf at some risk of life, and saving the crew of seven men from a boat belonging to the brig Palladium, of Shields, which vessel had sunk on the Scroby Sands on the 29th February last.
Also 121. to the crew of a Scratby yawl for putting off and rescuing, at risk of life, the crew of six men and one woman from a boat belonging j to the brig Undaunted, of London, which vessel had sunk during squally weather on the Cross Sand, Norfolk, on the night of the 7th March.
Also 15/. to the crew of a Caistor yawl forgoing off and rescuing the crew of nine men from a boat belonging to the brig Alice, of Newcastle, which was wrecked on the Cross Sands during a strong westerly wind on the llth March. , Also 121. to the crew of the Scratby life-boat, belonging to the beachmen, for putting off with the view of saving the crew of the brig Alice, of Newcastle, mentioned in the preceding case.
Also 121. to the crew of a yawl for putting off and saving, at much risk of life, the crew of three men and two boys from a small fishing-boat, which had been overtaken by a strong gale of wind off Hilton, Fern, Ireland, on the 13th February.
Also a reward to four fishermen for going off and saving two other men from a boat which was capsized off Coningsburgh during squally weather on the 15th February.
Also 21. to a boat's crew for saving the crew of another boat which had been stove in by striking against the anchor of a vessel which was making for Lerwick Harbour, during a strong southerly wind on the night of the 16th March.
Also a reward to five fishermen, for wading into the sea and rescuing the crew of seven men from the smack Mary Anne, of Fortaleene, near Londonderry, which had capsized during a strong gale of wind off that place on the 1st February.