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Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society


THE 25th Anniversary Meeting of this Institution wag held at the United Service Institution, Whitehall, on Friday, 3rd June, His Grace the DUKE OF M ARLBOROUGH, President of the Society, in the Chair.

We also observed, amongst the company present, Admirals the Right Hon. the EARL OF SHREWSBURY AND TALBOT, C.B. and V.P.; W. H. HALL, C.B., F.R.S..; H. C. BEACON and F. But- LOCK; Captains the Hon. FRANCIS MAUDE, H.N.; C. R. EGERTON, K.N., and many others.

The noble Chairman having opened the Meeting in an appropriate speech, the Secretary read the Report for the past year; from which it appeared that, besides the loss of 1,949 vessels on the coasts of the United Kingdom, the wrecks in the colonies had been unusually numerous, and the attendant loss of life proportionally great.

The gross income of the Society in the year had been 16,3081., or less than that of the previous year by 1,4271. The mariners and fishermen subscribing voluntarily 3». a-year numbered 50,040, of whom 2,142 had been added since the last Annual Meeting. The flag of the Society continued to be carried by a large number of vessels, and served to maintain an esprit de corps among its maritime members. The shipwrecks continued to increase with the increase of tonnage employed.

Shipwrecked persons to the number of 6,544 had been boarded, lodged, clothed, when necessary, and sent to their homes during the year, among whom were the crews of vessels belonging to other nations. Of widows, orphans, and aged parents 3,764 had been relieved, including 2,049 widows and orphans who had been previously relieved, but were considered fit objects for an annual grant for a few years. In 1863, 10,308 persons were relieved in all, making a total since the institution of the Society in 1839 of 131,200. Since 1851—the year it commenced giving rewards—the Committee had awarded 30 gold and 156 silver medals, and nearly SOW. in pecuniary rewards, besides various testimonials for heroic exertions in assisting at the saving of 4,863 lives from shipwreck on the high seas and in our Colonies. Donations of 257. and upwards were announced, viz.: —from the Fishmongers' Company, 1002.; Marine Insurance Company, 522. 10 .; Cholmondeley Charities, 252.; Royal Exchange Assurance Company, 25 .; Mrs. THOMAS TENNANT, 502.; Miss CAROLINE TURNER, 502.; Society for the Relief of Persons Imprisoned for Small Debts, 2002.; MARQUIS OF WESTMINSTER, 2002.; Misses FREND, 30 Guineas; "A Grateful Offering," 502.; EARL OF DERBY, 252.; Committee of Lloyd's, 252.; " A Friend to Seamen," by Elie Agent, 502.; Collection on board Montreal Mail Steamers, per Messrs.


Since the last Report the house and grounds at Belvedere-on-Thames, which belonged to the late Sir CULLEN BARDLET, Bart., had been purchased by the Society on reasonable terms, and there the Committee contemplated' the establishment of a home for worn-out and disabled seamen.

They had also, during the past year, established a provident fund, to which seamen were at liberty to contribute, and from which the Managing Committee anticipate great advantages to all who might avail themselves of it as a means of providing against the necessities of age.

The committee referred, with expressions of regret, to the decease during the year of Admiral Sir HENRY HOPE, their Chairman for many years.

The claims of the Society on public support were strongly urged by the EARL OF SHREWSBURY AND TALBOT ; Mr. G. A. BROGRAVE ; Admiral HALL : Captain the Hon. FRANCIS MAUDE, R.N., and others. A resolution was unanimously adopted recording the continued success of the Society is relieving human suffering under the harrowing circumstances attendant on shipwreck, and the Meeting pledged itself to renewed exertions in carrying on so beneficent and patriotic a work. A cordial vote of thanks was passed to his Grace the Chairman, for his courtesy in presiding on the occasion, and with that the Meeting terminated.