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The Following Are Extracts from the General Rules of Management

THE FOLLOWING ARE EXTRACTS FROM THE GENERAL RULES OF MANAGEMENT :— " Each Life-boat to have a Coxswain Superintendent, with a fixed Annual Salary of £8.

" The Life-boat to be regularly taken afloat for exercise once every quarter, fully manned and equipped, so that the Crew may be familiar with her qualities and proper management. On every occasion of exercise, the men are paid 5s. each in stormy weather, and Ss. each in fine weather ; and on every occasion of going off to a Wreck to save Life, each of the Crew to receive 10«. by day and £1 by night, and double payment for any special act of gallantry or exertion.

" The Life-boat to be kept on her Carriage, in the Boat-house, with all her gear in her ready for use. Signals are agreed upon for calling the Life-boat's Crew together ; and immediately on intimation intimation of a "Wreck, or Vessel in distress, the Coxswain is to muster his Crew, launch his Boat, and proceed to her assistance.

" The Local Committee to make quarterly inspection, and report to the Institution as to the behaviour of the Boat during exercise, pointing out any defect that may be remedied, and offering any suggestion that may conduce to the efficiency of the service." The expense of a Life-boat Life-boat and Transporting-c Boat-house (av Station is between £500 and £600. Its cost is made up as follows :— carriage for the Life-boat . . . . 100 Total . . £550.